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Brisket (Beef)

发表于 5-29-2019 14:56:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Steven Raichlen, Brisket for Beginners; preparing this cutat home is labor-intensive, but it an yield delicious results. New York Times, May 29, 2019 (in the Food section).

("Once the province of Texas and Kansas City, Mo, world-class brisket now turns up at Hometown Bar-B-Que in Brooklyn [and so on] * * * Once deemed a low-value cut [because it is tough, see the end of the quotation] * * * The cut intimidates the uninitiated for many reasons. First, its sheer size: A whole packer brisket (so called because that’s how it’s shipped from the packing house) weighs 12 to 18 pounds, making it the largest cut of meat most people will ever attempt to cook at home.  Then there is brisket's singular anatomy: two different muscles, one stacked atop the other, slightly askew and connected by a seam of fat. One muscle is fatty (the pectoralis superficialis, better known as the point), the other lean (the pectoralis profundus, a.k.a. the flat). Both are loaded with tough, collagen-rich connective tissue that gives the meat its structure, but requires low-temperature cooking for most of a day to achieve the proper tenderness")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest. I always wonder what brisket is, in terms of anatomy.
(b) Warren F Walker and Dominique G Homberger, Anatomy and Dissection of the Fetal Pig. 5th ed. New York: WH Freeman and Company, at page 24 (1997)
https://books.google.com/books?i ... mp;lpg=PA24&dq="pectoralis+profundus"+human&source=bl&ots=X3QKqNT2nd&sig=ACfU3U3KVmiBK3q3Sl6xGe9IL5H9SOvpkg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilxrPT2sHiAhWPv1kKHfmNBokQ6AEwCXoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q="pectoralis%20profundus"%20human&f=false
(The ventral surface of the chest is covered by the large, triangular pectoralis, which consists of three parts (Fig 2-4). The more superficial pectoralis superficialis (which is homologous to the pectoralis major of human beings * * * The deeper pectoralis profundus (which is homologous to the pectoralis minor of human beings) * * * The third muscle of the pectoral group is the subclavius; it has no counterpart in the human being")
(i) Take notice cow has no clavicles 锁骨.
(ii) in humans:
(A) pectoralis major
(B) pectoralis minor
(c) I fail to find anatomy picture of an animal (including cow) that clearly show the pectoralis muscles. But it seems that in animals, pectoralis profundus is larger in size than pectoralis superficialis, whereas in humans, pectoralis major is much bigger than pectoralis minor (which is underneath pectoralis major).
(d) Latin-English dictionary:
* profundus (adjective masculine; from pro + [noun masculine] fundus bottom): "deep, profound"

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