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加拿大华裔学者 '政策违规'

发表于 7-15-2019 14:06:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 柳飞, 加拿大再有华裔学者 '政策违规.'  RFA, July 15, 2019.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 07152019075723.html

the first 1 1/2 paragraphs:

"加拿大国家微生物实验室是全球15个 '四级生物安全水准'丶乃最高防护实验室之一,是少数能够处理最棘手的病原体实验室,例如埃博拉病毒丶爱滋病毒和炭疽病等。

"邱香果来自中国天津,于1996年到加拿大读研究院,目前是该实验室“特殊病原体项目”的疫苗研发和抗病毒治疗部负责人;其丈夫程克定(Keding Cheng,音译)也是该实验室的生物学家。邱香果因参与开发埃博拉病毒治疗法 'ZMapp' 而颇负盛名,还因此获得2018年加拿大总督创新奖。

"根据一位在国家微生物实验室工作丶不想曝光的消息人士表示,几个月前,就有电脑技术人员进入邱香果的办公室更换了电脑,并取消了她定期去中国的访问行程。7月5日,则有一批安全人员带走她和丈夫以及多位中国学生,撤销了他们进出实验室的通行证。 * * *

(2) The only English-language news report (on which the RFA report is based) is

Karen Pauls, Chinese Researcher Escorted from Infectious Disease Lab Amidst RCMP Investigation. CBC, July 14, 2019.
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/m ... stigation-1.5211567

(a) The Dutch and north German surname Pauls means children of Paul.

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 楼主| 发表于 7-15-2019 14:07:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 7-15-2019 14:49 编辑

(b) National Microbiology Laboratory.
https://www.canada.ca/en/public- ... ogy-laboratory.html


"Work divisions within the NML": Bacterial Pathogens (division): "such as gonorrhea, streptococcus A, tuberculosis;" Enteric Diseases (div): "such as E-coli, Listeria, Salmonella;"  Viral Diseases (div): "such as flu, measles, hepatitis A to E;" Zoonotic diseases (div): "Examples include Zika virus, rabies, Lyme disease;"  Special Pathogens (div): "such as Ebola virus disease;" National HIV and Retrovirology Laboratories; Public Health Risk Sciences (div); and Science Technology Cores and Services (div).

"We have 5 main sites in Canada": two locations in Winnipeg, Manitoba; a third in Guelph, ON (Ontario); the fourth in University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at St Hyacinthe (University of Montreal's main campus is at Montreal; only its veterinary school is at Saint-Hyacinthe -- 40-mile air-distance northeast of Montreal); and the fifth in Lethbridge, Alberta.

(i) Guelph
(100 kilometres (62 mi) west of Downtown Toronto)


"The current Guelph began as a settlement in the 1820s, started by John Galt, originally from Scotland, the first Superintendent of the Canada Company. He based the headquarters, and his home, in the community. * * * The name Guelph comes from the Italian Guelfo and the Bavarian-Germanic Welf. It is a reference to the reigning British monarch at the time Guelph was founded, King George IV, whose family was from the House of Hanover, a younger branch of the House of Welf sometimes spelled as Guelf or Gwelf.

(A) Great Britain king George IV was of House of Hanover
(table: "Parent house[:] Bonifaci → Obertenghi → Este → Welf;" "George, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, is considered the first member of the House of Hanover [in 1635, whose grandson became George I of Great Britain_

As one can see from the table, House of Hanover's immediate parent is House of Welf that was founded (when or where I fail to find out) by Welf I (c 1035 - c 1101), duke of Bavaria (1070- ).
(B) Canada Company
(1825-1953; Scottish novelist John Galt was founder and 1st superintendent, who was dismissed in 1829 for poor bookkeeping; The company "aid[ed] in the colonization of a large part of Upper Canada * * * assisted emigrants by providing good ships, low fares, implements and tools, and inexpensive land")

In reference to Lower Canada (present-day Quebec), Upper Canada is the part of Ontario along the Great Lakes.
(ii) City of Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebecm was founded in 1757 by Jacques-Hyacinthe Simon dit Delorme, who named it after his patron saint Hyacinth of Poland
(A) Hyacinth (plant)
(name of a genus [hence the upper case for the first letter]; is native to the eastern Mediterranean (from the south of Turkey through to northern part of the region of Palestine); It is derived from a Greek name used for a plant by Homer, ὑάκινθος (hyákinthos), the flowers supposedly having grown up from the blood of a youth of this name accidentally killed by the god Apollo)
(B) Luuk Dominiek Jansen OP, Saint Hyacinth of Poland. The Dominicans, Province of Ireland (or, Irish Dominicans for short), undated
("Saint Hyacinth ([Polish:] Jacek)" )

the last three paragraphs:

"Jacek is the common form for the name “Hyacinth”. Literally understood, “Hyacinth” is said to derive from the hyacinth flower or hyacinth stone and thus its meaning has two interpretations.

"In the first place he is called 'Hyacinth,' because the flower has a stalk with a crimson blossom: this suits Blessed Jacek well for he was a simple stalk in his docility of heart, a flower in his chastity, a crimson blossom in his vow of poverty and lack of material goods.

"Secondly, he is called “Hyacinth” from the hyacinth stone, for he shines brilliantly in the way he handed on the teaching of the gospel, was resplendent in his holy way of life, and most steadfast in spreading the catholic faith. For these reasons his name has spread abroad.

* hyacinth
(may refer to "hyacinth, alternative name for yellow zircon, the mineral" whose chemical formula is ZrSiO4, and whose colors "varies between colourless, yellow-golden, red, brown, blue and green" depending on impurities within)
(C) Saint Dominic
(1170 (born as Dominic Guzmán in Spain – 1221 (Bologna, Italy); was granted written authority in 1217 by pope "for an order to be named 'The Order of Preachers' ([Latin:] 'Ordo Praedicatorum,' or 'OP,' popularly known as the Dominican Order)" )
(D) Polish-English dictionary:
* Jacek (proper name; etymology: from Ancient Greek [noun masculine] Huákinthos [hyacinth]) : "a male given name"
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 楼主| 发表于 7-15-2019 14:08:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 7-15-2019 14:20 编辑

(c) "She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology at the University of Manitoba."

Dr Xiangguo Qiu. Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba, undated
http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/he ... ty/xiangguoqiu.html
("Adjunct Professor * * * MD (Hebei Medical University [河北医科大学 (石家庄)], China 1985), MSc (Tianjin Medical University [天津医科大学], 1990)")
(d) "The RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police (1920- ; directly under Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (headed by a minister)) ] received a referral from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC [also with its own minister: Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health]) on May 24."

(e) photo caption: "Dr Xiangguo Qiu, research scientist, second from right, and Dr Gary Kobinger, former chief of special pathogens [division], right, are two of the National Microbiology Lab scientists who created the Ebola treatment, ZMapp. Also pictured, at left, Dr Kent Brantly and Dr Linda Mobula, assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the physician who administered ZMapp to Dr Brantly in Liberia. (Submitted/Health Canada)
(i) ZMapp
("an experimental biopharmaceutical drug comprising three chimeric monoclonal antibodies under development as a treatment for Ebola virus disease. Two of the three components were originally developed at the Public Health Agency of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML), and the third at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases; the cocktail was optimized by Xiangguo Qiu, a research scientist at the NML and underwent further development under license by Mapp Biopharmaceutical [2003- ; based in San Diego; company does not explain about its name]")

I do not look into her publications, but "chimeric monoclonal antibodies" means: One creates a monoclonal antibody in laboratory with mouse B cells, sp the antibody is murine. Because it is not human, there is a risk that humans (patients) may develop antibodies in the future -- even have developed such ALREADY (you never know), and become allergic to it (treatment). So we humanize the mouse antibodies by substituting human part with mouse part in the antibody. (The difference between mouse and human is minute, but either immune system may or may not -- depending on individuals -- detect the other's protein's. That is why bovine insulin is out of favor in developed nations.)
(ii) Kent Brantly

Samaritan's Purse is based on Luke 10: 35: "And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee." (King James version).

morrow (n; from Old English morgen morning): "archaic or poetic  the next day [or tomorrow]"
(iii) So Dr Qiu appears to be somebody. It is amazing, considering the fact she did not earn PhD.
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