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发表于 8-3-2019 09:27:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
易林, 因有中国亲属 美军一些中国籍士兵被解除军籍. VOA Chinese, Aug 3, 2019.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/dod ... 190803/5027077.html

(I) "在过去的一个月,五角大楼将两名征收入伍的中国籍士兵开除,原因是他们已经去世的爷爷。

" '有一名年轻人被告知他不适合服役,因为他的爷爷曾经是解放军,' 这名陆军士兵的代理律师玛格丽特·斯托克(Margret Stock) 告诉美国之音说,'他的爷爷在他出生之前就去世了。'


(II) "据CNN的报道,这一计划被认为易受到 '来自诸如间谍活动、恐怖主义以及其它犯罪活动等内部威胁所造成的不能接受的风险程度' 所带来的危害。

(III) "据华盛顿邮报报道,国防部发言人杰西卡·麦克斯维尔(Jessica Maxwell)说,MAVNI项目的审查“由于国防部资源不足可能需要很长时间来核实涉及外国的信息”。

(a) Margaret Stock
("an immigrayion based in Anchorage, Alaska, and a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserve. She is a recognized expert on immigration law as it applies to US military personnel and veterans")(b) Qyotation (II) is based on old news:
(b) Quotation II is based on old news:
Alex Marquardt, US Army, Citing Security Concerns with Recruiting Program, Discharging Immigrants. CNN, July 9, 2018
https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/09/p ... -denials/index.html
("The MAVNI program was shut down in late 2016, during the waning days of the Obama administration, because it was deemed 'vulnerable to an unacceptable level of risk from insider threats such as espionage, terrorism, and other criminal activity' ")

The source of internal quotation is unclear. My guess is Pentagon.
(c) Quotation III (indeed this VOA report) is based on
Alex Horton, The Military Is Kicking out Foreign Recruits It Needs — for Having Foreign Ties. Washington Post, July 30, 2019.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... _term=.3903bc6c383c
("Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest, or MAVNI, which enlisted more than 10,400 foreign troops in the past decade. * * * In a spate of lawsuits alleging misconduct and violation of equal protection laws, the Pentagon has reversed decisions and halted discharges")
(i) Fifth Amendment has an equal protection clause, requiring federal government to treat everyone in US equally. Fourteenth Amendment, promulgated after Civil War, has due process and equal protection clauses, requiring state government to follow procedures and equal treatment. Then Supreme Court incorporated due process into equal [totection clause of the Fifth Amendment, too. Everyone in US means literally: whatever his immigration status -- that is, even if the person is undocumented alien.
(ii) While suing US Army for rejecting him, Zicheng Li applied for political asylum (which allows one to be employed while waiting for a decision) and "helps design grain enclosures and spreaders for a farm equipment company in Minnesota."

That is manure spreader, which spread sold (not liquid), dirt-like (after composting?) material to the field. Even John Deere sells them in US, and you may watch spreaders in YouTube.com.  "Winter manure spreading is illegal in most Northeast states, except for emergency exemptions.": from the Web.


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