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国民党登广告吁团结 郭台铭愤而退党

发表于 9-12-2019 13:34:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
夏小华, 国民党登广告吁团结 郭台铭愤而退党. RFA, Sept 12, 2019.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09122019094255.html

My comment:
(i) I believe there is no direct link between 国民党登广告吁团结 and 退党. If Terry Gou 郭台铭 were to run for president, he had collect qualified voters' signatures on petitions of support 连署, which under Taiwanese law an be done with smartphone apps. See 中央選舉委員會發布第15任總統副總統選舉公告. 中央選舉委員會 Taipei: Central Election Commission, Sept 12, 2019
("本次總統、副總統選舉登記日期將自108年11月18日起至11月22日止,候選人可以透過政黨推薦或連署方式申請登記為總統、副總統候選人。 * * * 至於依連署方式申請登記為候選人者,應檢附完成連署證明書。依選罷法規定,連署人數應達最近1次立法委員選舉選舉人總數百分之一點五,本次連署人數門檻為28萬384人,受理申請為總統、副總統選舉被連署人期間自108年9月13日至108年9月17日,中選會將在9月18日公告總統、副總統選舉被連署人;被連署人提出連署書件期間自108年9月19日起至108年11月2日止")
(ii) Gou has to 退党 first, before KMT 开除党籍.
(b) "郭台铭退党声明还引述一句西方谚语:'一个鸡蛋从外面被打破只是一个生命的结束,若它被内部孕育的力量打破,则是一个生命的诞生。' "
(i) I have not heard of it.
(ii) This statement was coined in US in 2012: "If an egg is broken by outside force, Life ends. If broken by inside force, Life begins. Great things always begin from inside. 12:01 PM - 16 May, 2012"
(iii) I fail to find anything about his bio, parents, ethnicity (he is a young Asian man; his last name is indeed Quik -- authentic).

He talks about his father, without naming him.
("Today is dad's birthday. I remember when he retired, I asked him what he will be working on. His response, "Same as before, making your mom happy." #MyHero   12:52 AM - 15 Oct 2017")

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