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发表于 4-6-2011 09:36:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

黃季寬, 陸首艘航母將完工 軍力躍進. 中央社 (Central News Agency; CNA), Apr 6, 2011.

My comment:
(1) The report is confusing, when compared with the English version and the Beijing-based reports it cited.

The Chinese version (above) states, "中共人民日報轄下的環球網指出,「瓦雅格」號的改裝工作正進入收尾階段,已塗裝成標準的中國海軍淡灰藍色外裝."

However, the English version of the same CNA report only states reconstruction "is nearing completion, a report on a website media affiliated with the People's Daily said Wednesday."
Huang Chi-kuang & Bear Lee, China's first aircraft carrier to be completed soon: reports. CNA English, Apr 6, 2011.

Most important, the quotation from CNA's Chinese version is found in Xinhua, not Huanqiu. See next.

(2) The CNA reports (both Chinese and English) cites  
(a) 传瓦良格号将全面武装 舰载预警机加速交付. Mar 30, 2011.

(i) The CNA Chinese did not provide the date of Huanqiu report, but CNA English mentions "Wednesday." See (1) paragraph 3 (above). Today (Apr 6) is Wednesday, but a diligent search of Huanqiu website and the Web finds the latest Huanqiu report on 瓦良格 or 航母 is what is shown here.
(ii) Kamov Ka-31
(Introduced 1995; Developed from Kamov Ka-27; As with all Kamov helicopters except the Ka-60/-62 family, the Ka-31 has co-axially mounted contra-rotating main rotors)

Note: The section Operator mentions China, which was basically "rumored."
(iii) For Ka-28, see Kamov Ka-27
(Introduction 1982; Variants include the Ka-28 downgraded export version and the Ka-32 for civilian use)

The same web page shows a Taiwanese company "Sunrise Airlines Company operates 1 Ka-32A11BC helicopters (B-77999) for heavy lifting, leasing from Canada VIH company."

(b) 巨舰即将出航 圆70年中国人航母梦. Xinhua, Apr 6, 2011.

120mm Magic Arrives. Strategy Page, Apr 5, 2011.
("Unguided mortar shells cannot put the first round as close as guided ones, and requires firing several rounds, and adjusting aim, before you get one on the target")

Note: RCGM (Roll-Controlled Guided Mortar) is made by General Dynamics.
※ 来源:.一路BBS http://yilubbs.com [FROM:]

※ 修改:.choi 于 Apr  6 13:40:30 修改本文.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 4-6-2011 09:36:00 | 只看该作者



黃季寬, 陸首艘航母將完工 軍力躍進. 中央社 (Central News Agency; CNA), Apr 6, 2011.

My comment:
(1) The report is confusing, when compared with the English version and the Beijing-based reports it cited.

The Chinese version (above) states, "中共人民日報轄下的環球網指出,「瓦雅格」號的改裝工作正進入收尾階段,已塗裝成標準的中國海軍淡灰藍色外裝."

However, the English version of the same CNA report only states reconstruction "is nearing completion, a report on a website media affiliated with the People's Daily said Wednesday."
Huang Chi-kuang & Bear Lee, China's first aircraft carrier to be completed soon: reports. CNA English, Apr 6, 2011.

Most important, the quotation from CNA's Chinese version is found in Xinhua, not Huanqiu. See next.

(2) The CNA reports (both Chinese and English) cites  
(a) 传瓦良格号将全面武装 舰载预警机加速交付. Mar 30, 2011.

(i) The CNA Chinese did not provide the date of Huanqiu report, but CNA English mentions "Wednesday." See (1) paragraph 3 (above). Today (Apr 6) is Wednesday, but a diligent search of Huanqiu website and the Web finds the latest Huanqiu report on 瓦良格 or 航母 is what is shown here.
(ii) Kamov Ka-31
(Introduced 1995; Developed from Kamov Ka-27; As with all Kamov helicopters except the Ka-60/-62 family, the Ka-31 has co-axially mounted contra-rotating main rotors)

Note: The section Operator mentions China, which was basically "rumored."
(iii) For Ka-28, see Kamov Ka-27
(Introduction 1982; Variants include the Ka-28 downgraded export version and the Ka-32 for civilian use)

The same web page shows a Taiwanese company "Sunrise Airlines Company operates 1 Ka-32A11BC helicopters (B-77999) for heavy lifting, leasing from Canada VIH company."

(b) 巨舰即将出航 圆70年中国人航母梦. Xinhua, Apr 6, 2011.

120mm Magic Arrives. Strategy Page, Apr 5, 2011.
("Unguided mortar shells cannot put the first round as close as guided ones, and requires firing several rounds, and adjusting aim, before you get one on the target")

Note: RCGM (Roll-Controlled Guided Mortar) is made by General Dynamics.
※ 来源:.一路BBS http://yilubbs.com [FROM:]

※ 修改:.choi 于 Apr  6 13:40:30 修改本文.[FROM:]
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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2011 09:05:18 | 只看该作者

Re: 瓦良格


瓦良格圆航母梦 中国军事大转折. VOA Chinese, Apr 9, 2011.

My comment:
(a) The report states "《人民日报》旗下的《环球时报》日前在网站刊登标题为'巨舰即将出航,圆70年中国人航母梦'的图片和文字说明报导。官方的新华网也对报导的图文进行了转载."

Apparently the CNA Chinese report is correct. What I found in Xinhua came from Global Times.
(b) The VOA report cites
邱國強, 蘭寧利:大陸航母對台有威脅. 中央社, Apr 7, 2011.
(c) The VOA report also says 瓦良格号"排水量约5.5万吨,远小于美国海军常驻日本的“尼米兹”级核动力航母'乔治华盛顿'号."

USS George Washington (CVN-73)
(Displacement: 104,200 long tons (116,700 short tons))

(1 long ton = 1,016kg; 1 short ton = 907kg)
(d) VOA does not mention the following. (There is no need to read the text but the quotation.)
Edward Wong, Chinese Warship May Be Nearly Ready; A refitted carrier will enhance China's military might. New York Times, Apr 8, 2011.


"Andrei Chang, the founder of the Canadian magazine [Kanwa] and a Hong Kong resident, said in a telephone interview on Thursday that the photographs published by Xinhua showed the carrier at a much more advanced stage of reconstruction than he had expected.

"He said that his magazine had received photos of the carrier taken in February, but that those photographs did not show any paint on the ship’s upper structure, while the ones published by Xinhua did.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: 黃季寬, 陸首艘航母將完工 軍力躍進. 中央社 (Central News Agency; CNA), Apr 6, 2011.
: http://www.cna.com.tw/SearchNews/doDetail.aspx?id=201104060220&q=%e7%93%a6%e8%89%af%e6%a0%bc
: My comment:
: (1) The report is confusing, when compared with the English version and the Beijing-based reports it
: (以下引言省略...)

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