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Various News

发表于 9-2-2020 13:29:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 高锋, 美军方首披露中国拥逾200核弹头 10年后数量翻倍. Radio Free China (RFA), Sept 2, 2020
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09022020060157.html
("美国国防部向国会提交2020年度的《中国军事与安全发展态势报告》 [English: Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China; dated Sept 1, 2020],估计中国目前拥有200多个核弹头,预料随着解放军扩大核力量规模和现代化,核弹头数目未来10年至少增加一倍。 * * * 这是美国军方首次披露中国的核弹头数目")

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of this news report, which says nothing important.
(b) I have doubted for a decade that Chinahas sea- or air-based missile to deliver nuclear warheads to American continent. This year is no different. Let me show you what Department of Defense says this year.
(i) C Todd Lopez, press release: China Pursues Own Nuclear Triad, Doubling of Nuclear Capability. DOD News, US Department of Defense, Sept 1, 2020
https://www.defense.gov/Explore/ ... nuclear-capability/

Quote: " * * * Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Chad L Sbragia said at the American Enterprise Institute.  He discussed findings of a just-released Defense Department report, 'Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China — 2020.'  'The report does contend that there are currently an estimated low-200s in terms of warhead stockpiles * * *,' Sbragia said.  But equally as important is how China would be able to deliver those warheads. It intends to develop a 'nuclear triad' similar to the one the US has and is currently working to modernize. * * * Within the next decade, Sbragia said, China plans to expand its ballistic submarine fleet and field more capable, longer-range, sea-launched  ballistic missiles. It also plans to complete the development of its nuclear-capable, air-launched ballistic missiles along with bombers to deliver them.

Please take notice of "intends" and "plans."
(ii) Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China, dated Sept 1, 2020..
https://media.defense.gov/2020/S ... ER-REPORT-FINAL.PDF

two consecutive paragraphs at pages 86-87:

"Sea-based Platforms. China has constructed six Jin class SSBNs, with four operational and two outfitting at Huludao Shipyard. China's Jin SSBNs, which are equipped to carry up to 12 CSS-N-14 (JL-2 [巨浪]) SLBMs, are the country's first viable sea-based nuclear deterrent. China's next-generation Type 096 SSBN reportedly will be armed with a follow-on SLBM [submarine-launched ballistic missile], and it will likely begin construction in the early- 2020s. Based on the 40-plus-year service life of China’s first generation SSNs, China will operate its Jin and Type 096 SSBN fleets concurrently. The current range limitations of the JL-2 will require the Jin class SSBNs to operate in areas north and east of Hawaii if China seeks to target the east coast of the United States. As China fields newer, more capable, and longer ranged SLBMs such as the JL-3, the PLAN will gain the ability to target the United States from littoral waters.

"Air Platforms. The PLAAF publicly revealed the H-6N as a long-range strategic bomber during the 70th anniversary parade in October 2019. The most significant improvements of the H-6N versus legacy H-6 bombers [轰] is the addition of its air-to-air refueling probe, as well as its recessed fuselage modifications that would allow for external carriage of an ALBM [air-launched ballistic missile] believed to be nuclear capable.

(2) 夏小华, 台湾护照换新装 封面凸显TAIWAN  CHINA字样缩小. RFA, Sept 2, 2020 (photo)
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09022020084839.html

My comment: At first I did not see "China" on the cover of the new passport, contrary to the title that "CHINA字样缩小." I scrutinize the cover, and find out "China" appears on the circle surrounding the 国徽. The new passport will come into use next January.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2020 13:30:28 | 只看该作者
(a) 余祥, 台美經濟商業對話聚焦供應鏈重組 兩個月內召開. 中央社, Sept 2, 2020.


(i) "總統蔡英文日前 [Aug 28] 宣布開放含萊克多巴胺的美國豬肉、30月齡以上美牛進口,推進台美經貿合作。美國國務院亞太助卿 [Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs] 史達偉(David Stilwell)隨即於8月31日宣布將創立美台雙邊「經濟與商業對話」(Economic and Commercial Dialogue [This name is unique to Taiwan; US and India have had Strategic and Commercial Dialogue since 2015]),並由美國國務院次卿凱斯.克拉奇(Keith Krach)主持。




(ii) "媒體詢問,美國副國務卿稱美方希望跟印度、澳洲和日本成立類似北約的組織,台灣是否可能被優先邀請。

(i) David R Stilwell, The United States, Taiwan, and the World: Partners for Peace and Prosperity. US Department of State, Aug 31, 2020 (Remarks; delivered at "Heritage Foundation (Virtual)" )
https://www.state.gov/The-United ... ace-and-Prosperity/


(A) "To build on this great momentum, I am glad to share today that the US and Taiwan are establishing a new bilateral economic dialogue. These talks will explore the full spectrum of our economic relationship – semiconductors, healthcare, energy, and beyond – with technology at the core.

Longstanding Strategic Clarity [which is sectional heading, but significantly, uses 'clarity' in lieu of the traditional 'ambiguity']

"Given these various actions, you may wonder whether the United States is trying to signal a policy change.

"The truth is, what I have just outlined is entirely consistent with our longstanding policy.  We have sent high-level officials to Taiwan before. * * * We, and other countries, I might add, have approved significant arms sales under this and previous administrations.

"For nearly four decades, US policy has been guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, the three joint communiques between Washington and Beijing, and the Six Assurances provided by President Reagan to Taipei in 1982 to mention Six Assurances' at the same breath of the first two is first to my knowledge].

(B) "I am pleased to announce today that the Administration has declassified two cables that detail the Six Assurances and underscore their importance.

(ii) TIFA stands for Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tr ... Framework_Agreement
(iii) Regarding quotation (ii). Deputy Secretary Biegun Remarks at the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum. US Department of State, Aug 31, 2020
https://www.state.gov/deputy-sec ... -partnership-forum/
("AMBASSADOR VERMA:  Thank you, Mahesh [a male given name in India' obviously the ambassador was addressing somebody there] * * * India has been a key member of the Quad.  I wonder if you could, again, say a little bit about what the Quad is, both militarily and politically, and how important that is going forward.
DEPUTY SECRETARY BIEGUN:  Yeah, so the Quad, which I think everyone knows is the United States, India, Australia, and Japan, first of all represent four extraordinarily solid democracies. * * * it is a reality that the Indo-Pacific region is actually lacking in strong multilateral structures.  They don't have anything of the fortitude of NATO or the European Union. * * * But I think your second question ties in very much to that, which is the question of for what purpose.  And obviously the benefits are sustained, regular communication between countries with those shared interests and values.  I don’t think responding to the threat of China in and of itself or any potential challenge from China in and of itself would be enough of a driver, though. *  * * Starting with the Quad, starting with just the four might be a very important start * * * I’d just be very careful to not define it solely as an initiative to contain or to defend against China.  I don’t think that’s enough.  And then second, I would be careful not to be too ambitious in that as well.  I’ve heard – I’ve heard loose talk about an Indo-Pacific NATO and so on.  But remember, even NATO started with relatively modest expectations and a number of countries chose neutrality over NATO membership in post-World War II Europe.  The original NATO North Atlantic alliance only had 12 members relative to its 27 today")

A non-profit organization, the Forum started in 2017, and this year's is the third one, being held at Washington, DC.

(b) 夏小华, 美台将举行经济及商业对话 美126官兵曾协防台湾殉职. RFA, Sept 2, 2020
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09022020090158.html
("该对话由美国国务院 '第三把手'、主管经济成长及能源与环境的次卿凯斯·克拉奇主谈 * * * 台湾经济部长王美花2日表示,克拉奇有意亲自赴台")


"美国在台协会(AIT)[September] 2日则在AIT馆内举办一场纪念勋章揭幕仪式,以感念1949年以来126名为保卫台湾不幸殉职的美国官兵。馆内设立展示纪念勋章及褒扬令的纪念专区,其中两枚 '保卫台湾纪念章”由前总统马英九于2016年2月追赠给孟登道中校和林恩中校两位在 '九三炮战' 殉职的美国军官。


"郦英杰说,二战时期,美台 [?; World War II US allied with China, whereas Taiwan was Japanese colony and fought against US] 安全合作关系中就有多位传奇人物,像是指挥中缅印战区的史迪威(Joseph Stilwell)将军,以及带领 '飞虎队' 的陈纳德(Claire Chennault)将军。二战后,1951年 '美军顾问团'(Military Assistance Advisory Group)成立;不久后,随着第一次台海危机 [Sept 3, 1954- 1955] 爆发,'美军协防台湾司令部'(United States Taiwan Defense Command)也应运成立。'美军协防台湾司令部' 和 '美军顾问团' 在巅峰时期总共有三万名官兵服役。美国官兵派驻全台各地,不但并肩作战、训练,有时也并肩牺牲。这段期间总计有126名美国官兵,在为台湾军方提供协助及支援的同时,不幸殉职。

(i) It is not 第三把手. See United States Department of State
(section 3 Organization: one Deputy Secretary of State, followed by five Under Secretaries of State)
(A) Keith Krach, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. June 21, 2019 - president. US Department of State, undated.
("Previously, he was a businessman and entrepreneur * * * At 26 [I presumably the moment he got Harvard MBA], Mr Krach was named the youngest-ever Vice President of General Motors. * * * Mr. Krach earned a B.S. Degree in Engineering from Purdue University in 1979, and MBA from Harvard Business School in 1981, receiving a full scholarship from GM for both schools")
(B) George Lawron, Keith Krach: The making of a technology leader. TechTarget,Apr 25, 2019
https://searchcio.techtarget.com ... a-technology-leader
("Keith Krach: I've been very fortunate. I started working early -- as a 12-year-old welder in my dad's five-person machine shop. I got a real love for manufacturing there. Later, my dad was eager for me to get an engineering degree so I could help him grow the business. When I went off to Purdue, General Motors came to campus offering full-ride scholarships to just two students. I was amazed when they selected me. After Purdue, they even sent me to Harvard Business School")
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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2020 13:30:47 | 只看该作者
(4) 郑崇生 (华盛顿报道), 美暗示禁中国学生学者来美 十五名访问学者被迫离境.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09012020134342.html


"美国国务卿蓬佩奥 (Mike Pompeo)周一 {Aug 31, 2020] 说,美国正考虑采取紧急措施,暂时禁止所有中国学生和研究人员来美国求学与进行研究。 * * * 星期一接受华盛顿地区电台WMAL访问 * * * 蓬佩奥回答:'虽然不是每个来这里的中国留学生都在奉命为中国共产党工作,但是,特朗普总统已经在认真考虑这种措施。' 他 还说在未来几个月里,外界会看到更多信息。

"德州地方媒体《丹顿纪事报》(Denton Record-Chronicle)周一报导,美国北德州大学(University of North Texas)突然宣布,结束与中国国家留学基金管理委员会(Chinese Scholarship Council [under Ministry of Education])的合作关系,要求15名中国公费资助的访问学者离开美国。  根据网上流传的校内电邮资讯,北德州大学上周五、也就是8月26日公告,持有J-1签证的中国访问学者共十五人自当天开始就不能使用学校内部网络与资源,他们能返回校园收拾个人物品,但必须尽速离境。 * * * 北德州大学发言人伯谢德(Jim Berscheidt)则告诉《丹顿纪事报》,这项决定仅限接受特定机构资助的十五名访问研究员,北德州大学仍欢迎来自世界各地、包括中国的访问学者")

(a) "美暗示禁中国学生学者来美." It seems to me premature and speculative. Transcript of the interview does not show up in Department of State website. There is just one news report in Google News on this issue:
Laura Kelly, Pompeo says Trump looking at whether to restrict Chinese students from the US. The Hill, Aug 31, 2020. https://thehill.com/policy/inter ... inese-students-from

four consecutive paragraphs:

"The secretary made his remarks during an interview with WMAL's 'Mornings On The Mall' radio show hosted by Vince Coglianese and Mary Walter. He was responding to a question over the administration's efforts to crack down on Chinese nationals on student visas and in academic research positions charged with spying for the government in Beijing.

" 'I don't want to get in front of decisions that the president is evaluating,' Pompeo said when asked if it would be 'quicker' to just not let any more Chinese students come into the United States for some period of time.

" 'Look, not every Chinese student who is here is working on behalf of or at the behest of, the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, but it’s something President Trump has taken a serious, serious look at,' Pompeo responded.

" 'I think you'll see more to follow in the coming weeks and months,' the secretary said.

(b) President Trump did sign an executive order on May 29, 2020 that became effective on June 1 following
https://www.whitehouse.gov/presi ... ples-republic-china
, which canceled visas and barred entry for Chinese students, postdocs, and visiting scientists with ties to China's military.
(c) University of North Texas
(1890- ; acronym: UNT; public; at Denton, Texas ["Denton is located on the northern edge of the Dallas–Fort Worth metropolitan area. These three cities form the area known as the 'Golden Triangle of North Texas' ": wiki page for City of Denton; the aforesaid equilateral triangle is about 30 miles on each side; Denton is a last name)

(5) 美「互惠互利」規管中方外交官 孔子學院年底前全部關閉. RFA, Sept 2, 2020
("一日(9月1日)前 [一日前 (a term not found in Taiwan) = a day ago],國務卿蓬佩奧在接受美國霍士電視台訪問 [an interview with Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs] 時指中國政府透過資助孔子學院,在美國各大學招募間諜 ['spies and partners'] ,期望美國大學校園內的孔子學院於年底前全部關閉")
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