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发表于 9-2-2020 14:19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 锺辰芳, 美解密对台军售、六项保证电报,史达伟:因北京有习惯扭曲历史事实. VOA Chinese, Sept 1, 2020.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/sti ... 200831/5565435.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"美国国务院亚太助卿史达伟(David Stilwell) 星期一(8月31日)说,继去年美国将里根总统 '六项保证' 备忘录 [memorandum itself; in other words, text of the memorandum, which had been classified] 解密后,美国政府又将两个与台湾有关的机密电报 ['cables' officially, or telegrams/ telegraphs] 解密,他鼓励大家到美国在台协会网站上去看这两个电报的内容。

"史达伟在华盛顿传统基金会举办的美台经济合作网络会议上宣布这个消息,美国在台协会(AIT)当天已经在其网站上公布由白宫国安顾问奥布莱恩(Robert O'Brien)在今年7月20日解密的关于八一七公报及 '六项保证' 的机密电报。

(2) Declassified Cables: Taiwan Arms Sales & Six Assurances (1982). American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Aug 31, 2020.
https://www.ait.org.tw/our-relat ... ix-assurances-1982/

(a) The text of the two cables are transcribed (for easy reading) at the links at the bottom of the Web page. Ever since, China has been criticizing US for arms sales to Taiwan in violation of the 1984 Communique, whose text seemed to agree with China's criticism. Hence, until today I thought it was US that breached the 1984 Communique. With the disclosure of ESSENCE (but not text) of Six Assurances in 1980s, I wondered whether US notified its intention to China. But
(i) The first link shows a cable drafted on July 10, 1982, from Under Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger to American Institute of Taiwan Director James Lilley: "Art Hummel now has been instructed to convey this message to Deng, together with a proposed joint communique draft."
(ii) Art Hummel was Arthur W Hummel Jr  恒安石
(1920 – 2001; US ambassador to China 1981-1985)
(b) On the right margin of this Web page are two links to images of the original cables.

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