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I Miss the Old Japan

发表于 3-8-2021 09:32:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Leo Lewis, Japan's Innovators Seek Their Lost Mojo; Once a world leader in new technology, the country has become an R&D laggard. Financial Times, Mar 8, 2021,

(a) "the government revealed last month that it would establish the world’s largest university endowment fund in March 2022."
(i) Yuko Takeo and Emi Urabe, Japan to Start $96 Billion University Fund by March 2022. Bloomberg, Jan18, 2021
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... -fund-by-march-2022
("to * * * bridge the funding gap between the country’s universities and those elsewhere. * * * Keio University, Japan’s most well-funded private school, manages a 73 billion yen endowment, a fraction [less than 2% of] of Harvard University's roughly 4.5 trillion yen")
(A) The surnames Urabe is 浦辺 or 浦部.
(B) Harvard's endowment was $41.9 billion in 2020.
(ii) In a sense, the FT report of today expands on the one-month old news.
(iii) I have no idea what has ailed Japan. Three "lost decades" and counting.

(b) "Kazuto Ataka, a * * * neuroscientist, artificial intelligence evangelist and chief strategist [official title: Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)] at Yahoo Japan"
(i) Kazuto ATAKA 安宅 和人 (1968- ; bachelor's from where, he omits; master's in biochemistry, University of Tokyo; 4 1/2 years in McKinsey; PhD in neuroscience  Yale イェール 2001 (finished in 3 years and 9 months); after half a year as postdoc in US (where he did not say), he returned Japan and rejoined McKinsey briefly; presently 慶應義塾大学 環境情報学部教授)
(A) For the sake of English speakers, his Twitter handle is "Kaz Ataka" (though his tweets are in Japanese)
("脳神経科学、マーケティング [marketing]、デー×AIの間に棲息。マッキンゼーを経て現 慶應義塾SFC教授/ヤフーCSO。 公職多数。著書に『イシューからはじめよ』http://amzn.to/32bIOgL『シン・ニホン』http://amzn.to/2SJoi3K。@ツイートや質問への対応はできません。あくまで個人の見解です")
(B) Japanese-English dictionary:
* データ  data
* seisoku 生息(P); 栖息; 棲息 【せいそく】 (n,v) "inhabiting; living  <シーラカンスは深海に生息する。 The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea.>"
* マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー - McKinsey & Company  (アンド -- pronounce: ando -- is "and.")
* ヤフー  Yahoo
* Chief Strategy Officer: EITHER 最高戦略責任者 OR チーフストラテジーオフィサー (the latter is just katakana of English sounds of "Chief Strategy Officer.")
* akumade あくまで 《飽くまで; 飽く迄》 (adv): "(1) * * * consistently; to the utmost [thoroughly]; (2) * * * it must be remembered"
*tori-ireru 取り入れる(P); 採り入れる 【とりいれる】 (v1,vt) (1) to harvest; to reap; (v1,vt) (2) to take in; to gather in; (v1,vt) (3) to adopt (e.g. idea); to accept (e.g. advice); to introduce; to borro(C) 環境情報学部  environmental informatics
("環境と情報の学問の研究・教授を目的とする大学の学部である。 * * * 主に自然環境学または社会環境学に、情報技術の思考を取り入れるような、一般的な情報技術に他の思考を取り入れる事によって、幅広い知識(情報技術、バイオテクノロジー、政策学)を持った学生を輩出しようと指向されている。")

my translation for "主に自然環境学または社会環境学に、情報技術の思考を取り入れるような":
Mainly applying / co-opting information technology to 社会環境学

(D) One of his book: イシューからはじめよ; 知的生産の「シンプルな本質」 . Tokyo: Eiji Press Inc 英治出版, 2010.
The 2010 book was written in Japanese, whose cover include Japanese title, subtitle AND English words (ISSUE DRIVEN; all upper case)

シンプル in subtitle was katakana for "simple."
(E) Another book of his: シン・ニホン; AI×データ時代における日本の再生と人材育成. NewsPicks ニューズピックス, Feb 20, 2020 (no English translation).

The title シン・ニホン means "New Japan."  
(ii) A, taka, kazu and to (for 安, 宅, 和 and 人 respectively) are neither Japanese nor Chinese pronunciations; rather these pairs all appear in names only (of persona, place etc).

(c) "crackingly told narratives of existential threat have occasionally captivated broad Japanese audiences"
(i) cracking (adj): "[attributive] British informal  excellent" (brackets original)
(ii) The verb of this sentence is "have * * * captivated.'


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