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Michelle Leung 梁琨如

发表于 7-8-2021 11:55:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 7-8-2021 12:00 编辑

(1) Jing Yang and Quentin Webb, 辣酱香过科技股:专访星泰投资创始人梁琨如,独特选股哲学何以回报超群; 尽管梁琨如掌管的基金一直表现出色,但一些潜在客户还是会问她谁才是真正的负责人。  华尔街日报, June 22, 2021.
茉莉花新闻网: https://molihua.org/辣酱香过科技股:专访星泰投资创始人梁琨如,独/

My comment:
(a) I had no idea who she was, before reading this article.
(i) Michelle Leung  梁琨如
(ii) Xingtai Capital Management Ltd (based in Hong Kong) 星泰投资管理有限公司

Compare 山东省泰安市新泰市 Xintai (without g)
(iii) Michelle Leung, Derek Sulger. New York Times, Dec 14, 2003 (in Weddings/Celebrations category of SundayStyles section)
https://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/ ... g-derek-sulger.html

complete text:

"Michelle Anne Quan Yue Leung, the daughter of Cosette Leung and Dr Kam Tim Leung of Angé, Loir-et-Cher, France, was married yesterday to Derek Nelsen Sulger, a son of Helga Sulger and Francis X Sulger of Greenwich, Conn. The Rev Desmond Cox performed the ceremony at St John's Anglican Cathedral in Hong Kong.

"Mrs Sulger, 33, was until May the chief operating officer [營運總監, whose CEO was called 行政總裁] of Tom.com Ltd, a holding company [backed by 李嘉誠] in Hong Kong for Internet media investments. She graduated from the London School of Economics and received an M.B.A. from Harvard. Her father retired as a professor of mathematics at the University of Hong Kong, where her mother, also retired, was a lecturer in comparative literature.

"Mr Sulger, 31, is a founder and a managing director of the Lunar Group [云月投资管理(上海)有限公司 (2010- )], a Shanghai company that invests in mobile telecommunications, media and entertainment businesses. He graduated cum laude from Harvard. His mother is an antiques dealer and interior designer in Greenwich. His father is a partner in Thacher Proffitt & Wood, the law firm in New York.

• 如 in Cantonese pronunciation is almost identical to 魚 in Mandarin. That is "Yue" in her name.
• The above NYT announcement was wrong in saying "was until May the chief operating officer of Tom.com Ltd, a holding company in Hong Kong." She was CFO of Tom.com Ltd, which en.wikipedia.org indicates today that its current name is TOM Online, a subsidiary of TOM Group, Ltd TOM集團有限公司. Only the latter is a holding company.
• St John's Cathedral (Hong Kong)
(table: Dedication  St John the Evangelist [whose supposedly wrote Gospel of John and is different from John the Baptist], Consecrated 1852)
Is 聖約翰座堂 in Chinese, where 座堂 is short from 主教座堂 cathedral.

("is a church that contains the cathedra (Latin [noun feminine; from Ancient Greek] for 'seat') of a bishop")
(iv) Patrick Tuen Wai Ng (吳端偉; Head 系主任, Department of Mathematics), In Memory of Dr Kam-Tim Leung. Department of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, June 25, 2019
("A Celebration of Life will be held for Dr Kam-Tim LEUNG, former Dean of Science [1974-1976] and important figure of the Department of Mathematics, who passed away peacefully on 23 June 2019, at the age of 87. Below please find the details of the celebration:

Date: 25 August 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 11am
Venue: Loke Yew Hall

Dr Leung joined The University of Hong Kong as a Senior Lecturer in 1960, and retired in 1995 after his long services at the Faculty of Science for 35 years")

• "Celebration of Life" is another way to say "memorial service."
• For Kam-Tim Leung, see 梁鑑添

This, together with the fact that Cosette speaks German at home, indicates that Cosette is German by nationality.
• KT Leung's thesis advisor at University of Zurich was BL van der Waerden. See Bartel Leendert van der Waerden
("In 1951, he moved to the University of Zurich, where he spent the rest of his career, supervising more than 40 PhD students")
• 香港大學陸佑堂 Loke Yew Hall, HKU. Young Friends, Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港藝術節 青少年之友, undated
https://www.yfs.artsfestival.org ... ore/venue/tc/60.pdf
("陸佑堂位於香港大學本部大樓 [a hall in the building]。本部大樓是香港大學的首座建築物,可算是大學萌芽的土壤。1910 年大樓舉行奠基儀式,1912 年 3 月
11 日正式啟用。自建成後,一直屹立至今,成為香港大學的標誌。 * * * 1956 年 1 月,大禮堂易名 '陸佑堂,' 陸佑是馬來西亞華僑,是 1912 年大學創建時的主要贊助人。陸佑堂經常舉行大學的重要活動,例如頒授榮譽學位。本部大
樓現供文學院辦事處和各系使用。1984 年 6 月 15 日,本部大樓列為香港法定古蹟")
• 香港大學本部大樓
(section 3 陸佑堂)
(v) The third item, whose top had a old photo of the young Dr Leung and Cosette, in (iv) was

蕭文強 [Man Keung Siu, professor of Mathematics, HKU], A Tribute to Dr KT Leung.
("於1995年夏天梁氏伉儷離港移居法國,購入位於Loire谷Angé小鎮的一所宅第。漂亮的小屋為花園所環抱,延伸至後面的樹林,與七個洞穴毗鄰。他們把該地方命名為逿園[Les Tilleuls],我則不失恭敬戲稱梁博士為「七穴智叟」。  梁氏伉儷居於Angé的十五多年期間,我與內子鳳潔有幸四度暢訪。第一次為1997年八月,梁博士知我對數學史的鍾愛,刻意帶我們到鄰近的Descartes鎮(原名La Haye en Touraine),那兒是笛卡兒 [René Descartes] 的出生地,設有笛卡兒博物館") (brackets original).
• Loire
(table: Length 1,006 km (625 mi); section 1 Etymology; section 11 Loire Valley)
• French-English dictionary:
* tilleul (noun masculine): "linden, lime (tree)"  (菩提樹 in Chinese language)
• Descartes, Indre-et-Loire
, whose former name was La Haye en Touraine.
• Middle French-English dictionary:
* haye (noun feminine): "hedge"
• Touraine
(section 2 History: "Touraine takes its name from a Celtic tribe called the Turones, who inhabited the region about two thousand years ago")
• Cosette
("As the orphaned child of an unmarried mother deserted by her father, Hugo never gives her a surname. * * * Euphrasie [her official birth name], nicknamed Cosette by her mother")

The s in the name is pronounced z in English.
• Italian-English dictionary:
* cosetta (noun feminine; plural  cosette): "trifle (little thing)"


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 楼主| 发表于 7-8-2021 11:56:23 | 只看该作者
, which is partially locked behind paywall and was translated from

(2) Jing Yang and Quentin Webb, China Stock Picker Searches off the Radar. Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2021, at page B12.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/mar ... er-tech-11623922201
https://postintrend.com/markets/ ... cy-sauce-over-tech/

(i) The English-language online title and subtitle is: Market-Beating China Fund Manager Favors Scooters and Spicy Sauce Over Tech; Despite years of outperformance, Michelle Leung of Xingtai Capital says she’s still asked about who is in charge. This explains the Chinese title.
(ii) The print report contained a window, which said, "33.9%   Xingtai China Fun's return in the past five years"

It has got to be "the past five years," in that the report said. "The fund started in 2014 * * * Not long after Xingtai raised $30 million of seed capital, China's domestic A-share market for stocks trading in Shanghai and Shenzhen crashed. The meltdown extended into a two-year rout"

(b) Yadea Group Holdings Ltd   雅迪集团控股有限公司
Yihai International Holding Ltd  颐海国际控股
(c) The print report does not have "Despite more investment firms adopting the same approach," which shows up, in the online version, at the beginning of the third paragraph from the bottom.  
(d) "Ms Leung said that Xingtai isn't contrarian but that it does want to be early in identifying good companies. * * * The [Xingtai] fund started in 2014, when a lot of hedge-fund managers were using what are known as long-short strategies in an attempt to make money by picking Chinese stocks no matter what happened to the wider market. Xingtai's fund is long only, meaning it doesn't go short, or bet that stocks will fall in value."
(i) contrarian investing
("is an investment strategy that is characterized by purchasing and selling in contrast to the prevailing sentiment of the time")
(ii) long/short equity
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