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Hong Kong's Fate Spurs Japan to Speak Up About Defending Taiwan

发表于 8-3-2021 15:17:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Isabel Reynolds and Emi Nobuhiro, Hong Kong's Fate Spurs Japan to Speak Up About Defending Taiwan. Bloomberg, Aug 2, 2021.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... ut-defending-taiwan

(a) Emi NOBUHIRO  延広 絵美  (Nobuhiro almost invariably is a male given name. It is unusual that it is a surname. The e and mi are Chinese pronunciation of kanji 絵 and 美, respectively.))

(b) "The former premier [Shinzō ABE] was among a group of Japanese lawmakers who gathered in a large wood-paneled room in Tokyo last week for a video conference with counterparts from Taiwan and the US to discuss shared concerns. Abe, who retains leadership of a key ruling party faction, said Japan couldn't allow what happened in Hong Kong to befall Taiwan, according to broadcaster TBS [Tokyo Broadcasting Co]."
(i) "Abe, who retains leadership of a key ruling party faction"

The ja.wikipedia.org for 安倍晋三 says in the table: "現職  衆議院議員; 所属政党  自由民主党(細田派)"

Also in ja.wikipedia.org: 細田派 is officially 清和政策研究会 (whose name first appeared in 1979: 出典は、東晋の元帝が詔で諸葛恢の統治を「政清 (廉) 人和」と称賛した故事 the emperor praised 会稽太守 諸葛恢; 会稽郡 territory changed with times, in 晋 dynasties corresponding to present-day Shaoxing and Ningbo). 細田派 (細田博之会長) started officially in 1970 as 福田派 (福田赳夫 会長) -- through 安倍派 (安倍 晋太郎), 三塚派 (三塚 博), 森派 (森喜朗) and  町村派 (町村信孝).  
(ii) 日米台戦略対話 (日米台国会議員による戦略対話: 戦略対話 among 国会議員; ウェブ [Web] 会議形式 for American and Taiwanese participants; initiated by 衆議院議員 / 日華議員懇談会長 古屋 圭司; this year's is the first forum; English title of the forum unclear; Abe in person gave a talk on July 29, 2021; one day only)

(c) "Akihisa Nagashima, a former vice defense minister and lawmaker with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party."

Akihisa NAGASHIMA  長島 昭久 (1962- ; 衆議院議員 2003- ; Political Party  Independent (currently) )  He belonged to Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ 民主党 (1998-2016) ) and was Vice-Minister of Defense and then Minister of Defense (2005-2006) both in SHADOW cabinet when DPJ was in opposition.
(d) "Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi — Abe's brother"
(i) 安倍晋三's maternal grandfather was Nobusuke KISHI 岸 信介 (co-founded 自由民主党 in 1955 and served as prime minister 1957-1960), and his father 安倍 晋太郎 (foreign minister (1982-1986 under PM 中曽根 康弘).
(ii) 安倍 晋太郎 had three biological children (all sons, from oldest to youngest): 安倍寬信 (三菱商事パッケージング [packing] 社長), 安倍晋三, and Nobuo KISHI 岸 信夫.
(section 1 Early Life)
(iii) As one can see (at least as I can see, as I am observant), 安倍晋三 is the second son of 安倍 晋太郎. When growing up, likely 安倍晋三 did not know he had a younger brother. How come his given name has 三, rather than two?  I asked Japanese numerous times in various occasions, and they did not know.

("こんにちは [Good day]、安倍晋三です [this is 安倍晋三]。
 総理大臣に就任して1カ月 [One month into my (first) stint as prime minister]。 * * *
 さて [Well]、明日10月27日は、私の郷里が生んだ偉人、尊敬する吉田松陰先生の命日 [anniversary of a person's death]です。刑死される前日、安政6年(1859年)の今日、26日、松陰先生は、徹夜で遺書といえる留魂録(りゅうこんろく)を書き上げました [wrote down (Japanese is 'up') 留魂録 that can be said as will]。
 「身はたとひ 武蔵の野辺に 朽ちぬとも 留め置かまし 大和魂」
 松陰先生は、松下村塾で 若者たちに [he taught youngsters at 松下村塾, of his home town]、志を持たせる教育を行いました。ここから [from this place] 巣立った [left nest (立つ but more commonly 発つ means to depart)] 塾生たちが明治維新の原動力となったことは、みなさんもよくご存知だと思います。
 その一人高杉晋作 [one of them was 高杉晋作] は、身分を問わずに組織した奇兵 [irregular soldier or commando (in Japanese history during the struggle between shogunate and loyalists who wanted to return political power to emperor); as opposed to 正兵] 隊を立ち上げ、新しい日本への改革の動きを加速させました。士農工商の身分がはっきり分けられていた150年も前の日本にあって、出自を問わず、誰もが改革に参加できる機会を与えたことは画期的だったと思います。
 ちなみに [By the way]、私の名前「晋三」は、高杉晋作に由来しています [My name 晋三 came from 高杉晋作 (given name is pronounced as 'Shinsaku')]")

(A) Kantei is (首相)官邸 Prime Minister's Office of Japan, which is equivalent to presidential office in Taiwan and White House in US.
(B) The above Web page is part of 安倍内閣メルマガ3号 ([20]06/10/26). Pronounced "merume,"メルマ is the first two syllables of "mail magazine" which in Japan means "email newsletter."
(C) YOSHIDA Shōin  吉田 松陰
(1830 – 1859; born in born in 長州萩城 松本村(現・山口県萩市); a samurai /intellectual; section 3 Attempt to escape and imprisonment, section 4 Death)

安倍晋三 was born in 東京都, but has been elected as 衆議院議員 from 山口県 since 1993 (having inherited the territory from his father who died suddenly and who had been elected from the same territory)

So I still do not know why 安倍晋三 has 三.


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