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发表于 11-18-2021 11:19:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
方德豪, 【美中角力】美國軍方二號人物:中國可能發動先發制人核攻擊. Radio Free Asia, Nov 18, 2021,

(i) "海滕又一次提到了上個月英國《金融時報》披露的「中國高超音速武器」試驗 * * * 的話題。"

Financial Times did make the report, so did many other news outlet -- all on Oct 27, 2021 online (Financial Times reported it first, followed by others -- all on the same day, Oct 27). However, they ALL based their reporting on
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and army general Mark Milley's interview with Bloomberg Television's "The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations" (the interview was recorded Oct 20 at the National Archives in Washington and released on Bloomberg Television on Oct 28).
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/v ... l-mark-milley-video
, for which there is no transcript, either by Bloomberg or in Joint Chiefs of Staff's website (www.jcs.mil).
(ii) David Rubenstein
(1949- (age 72); co-founded Carlyle Group in 1987; "According to Forbes, Rubenstein has a net worth of US$4.3 billion as of October 2021")
(iii) What Milley was saying in the interview was: "What we saw was a very significant event of a test of a hypersonic weapon system. And it is very concerning. I don't know if it's quite a Sputnik moment, but I think it's very close to that. It has all of our attention." No details of Chinese test, which would come out. See next.

(i) "當地時間周二(16日),美國哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)播放了海滕的專訪。 * * * 海滕在訪問之中透露了更多「中國高超音速武器」試驗的詳情。他說:「他們(中共)發射了一枚遠程導彈,它環繞地球一周並釋放出高超音速滑翔器,一路滑翔飛回中國,並擊中了境內的一處目標。」   當被主持人問到這枚「導彈」是否準確命中預訂目標時,海滕回答說,「足夠接近了。」"

David Martin, Exclusive: No 2 in US Military Reveals New Details About China's Hypersonic Weapons Test. CBS News, Nov 16, 2021.
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chi ... ed-states-military/
("They look like a first-use weapon")

China has repeatedly stated its policy on nuclear weapons: "No first use." When Hyten said, "They look like a first-use weapon," he meant hypersonic weapons, which are "they."
(ii) Transcript of Hyten's interview does not appeal in CBS or www.jcs.mil.

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