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发表于 12-15-2021 11:01:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
南希, 台國防部稱解放軍攻台有三大弱點 提出新防衛順序. HK01, Dec 13, 2021.

(a) In the Web, I fail to find a copy of the report titled 因應2025年中共全面犯台國軍強化戰力作法.
(b) "台灣國防部分析稱,解放軍攻台有三大弱點。首先是正規登陸輸具不足,無法一次將所有部隊送上台灣,須區分多梯隊登陸"

The corresponding paragraphs in two news reports:
(i) 洪哲政, 國防部指出共軍攻台三大弱點 聯合截擊讓共軍缺乏補給. 聯合報. Dec 12, 2021 (time: 12:10; "台北即時報導" -- ie, online but not in print)
(ii) Ben Blanchard, Taiwan Says Confident Chinese Invasion Would Be Very Hard. Reuters, Dec 13, 2021
https://www.reuters.com/business ... ry-hard-2021-12-13/
("In a report to lawmakers, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said China's transport capacity was at present limited, it would not be able to land all its forces in one go, and would have to rely on 'non-standard' roll-on, roll-off ships that would need to use port facilities and transport aircraft that would need airports")
• There is no need to read the rest of these two reports.
• 行政下卸?  I did not see this term while back in Taiwan. Googling it shows Chinese in PRC do not use this term. Further research reveals this term is translated from English: administrative offloading. There is no definition in the Web of this term, which, though uncommon, is not limited to military use but in commerce also. One example is:
Dennis J Blasko, The Chinese Army Today; Tradition and transformation for the 21st century. Routledge, 2006 (in "Asian Security Studies" series; this is the 1st edition -- the same author, publisher and title had 2nd edition in 2011), at page 187
https://silo.pub/the-chinese-arm ... rity-studies-s.html
("Techniques to increase sea transport capabilities include rapid turn-around of the existing fleet and the use of large civilian vessels if port or dock facilities have been secured, allowing for the administrative offloading of heavy equipment")
(iii) 詹仁吉(少校), 淺談中共滾裝式貨輪發展與軍事運用. (台)海軍司令部, 2019 (under the heading 作戰研究), at page 113

(c) "台軍以海峽天塹優勢及發揮聯合截擊作戰效益,將導致解放軍補給中斷"

The Reuters report (above) had two consecutive paragraphs:

"China's logistics face challenges too, as any landing forces would need to be resupplied with weapons, food and medicines across the Taiwan Strait that separates the two, it added.

" 'The nation's military has the advantage of the Taiwan Strait being a natural moat and can use joint intercept operations, cutting off the Communist military's supplies, severely reducing the combat effectiveness and endurance of the landing forces.'


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