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促统必须同时和岛内 '两股' 势力作斗争: 人民政协报

发表于 2-17-2022 10:37:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In chronological order.

(1) 高杨, 促统必须同时和岛内 '两股' 势力作斗争. 人民政协报, 2022年02月12日第 05 版.
http://dzb.rmzxb.com/rmzxbPaper/ ... /content_19255.html

(a) "在蓝营里照样有一批像林为洲、陈以信这样的公开勾结国际反华势力,暗地里与民进党合流,继承李登辉 '两国论' 路线的国民党人存在"
(i) 林为洲
(1961- ; "国中毕业后考到竹东高中后,性格更加叛逆,除了穿AB裤、书包短背外,还经常迟到早退加上跟教官呛声因此遭到校方退学"/ section 3 选举经历)
(A) AB褲為什麼叫「AB」褲?  亭儀的學習歷程檔案 (in WePortfolio), undated
當你把A跟B靠近時注意看A的 \ 跟B的 | 就變成了 \ |
越接近褲腳的地方越窄 * * *
* * * AB褲比較強調的是較緊的褲腳")
(B) For 书包短背, see
[心得] 年輕時火車上發生的糗事. In 看板 StupidClown of 批踢踢實業坊, July 12, 2021

I never did this, and therefore did not know what it meant -- until today.
(C) section 3 选举经历 displays a table.
• The table's right-most column is topped by 当选标记 (that shows he has won every elections he participated in. But what is the red mark? You see, in Massachusetts a ballots shows lists of candidates in various elections  (governor, lieutenant governor etc) where a voter uses a pencil to fill the blank circle or oval (I can not vote, so I do not know) in front of a candidate of his choice. But In Taiwan, a voter is given a circular chop, stamps the chop on an ink pad (with red ink), and then stamps the chop in a circumscribed space in front of a candidate's number AND name, producing a mark that looks exactly the same as those in that column.
• A row in the table shows that in
2004年  第六届立法委员选举, he received 20.84% of valid votes and was elected. That was due to

first-past-the-post voting
("FPTP is a plurality voting method, and is primarily used in systems that use single-member electoral divisions [where a voter casts ONE vote]. * * * The multiple-member version of plurality voting is when each voter casts (up to) the same number of votes as there are positions to be filled, and those elected are the highest-placed candidates; this system is called the multiple non-transferable vote (MNTV) and is also known as block voting.")

Up to and including the 2004年  第六届立法委员选举, Taiwan had MNTV. Starting in 2008年  第七届立法委员选举 and on to now, Taiwan switched to FPTP. The "post" in FPTP is from horse-race analogy.

(ii) 陈以信  Charles I-Hsin Chen
(1972- ; 英国伦敦大学亚非学院经济学博士, 2015年2月 [15 months prior top Ma Ying-jeou stepped down from presidency] 同高华柱等人入府时同一并接任总统府发言人
, whose official (English) resume in Legislative Yuan of Taiwan says about his education:
"Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge, UK
PhD, Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK
MSc, Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK
BA, Department of Politics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan."

(b) "全国台湾研究会会长、全国台联原会长汪毅夫"

(1950- ; 祖籍台湾台南,生于福建厦门)
is different from 林毅夫.

(2) 夏小华, 中国政协批国民党 '暗独' 蓝学者称中共统战部该废. Radio Free Asia, Feb 17, 2022
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 02172022081940.html

My comment:
(a) It is 1:30 pm EST, Feb 17, and yet the link still works.
(b) The problem for KMT is China has not mentioned content (一个中国,各自表述) of 九二共识, as opposed to , as opposed to the four-character chant of 九二共识 itself (because China does not recognize Republic of China) since  a couple of years into Xi Jinping's presidency.

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