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Military Medicine

发表于 7-18-2022 15:06:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The paragraph that begins with "For me" is followed by the paragraph that begins with "Small world."

Samuel Sweeney, Binding up the Wounds of War; In 2004, at the age of 57, former medical officer Edward Horvath rejoined the military as a combat physician and saw three tours of duty. Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2022, at page A17
https://www.wsj.com/articles/goo ... -of-war-11658096562
https://internationalaffairs.co/ ... -the-wounds-of-war/
(book review on Edward P Horvath, Good Medicine, Hard Times; Memoir of a combat physician in Iraq. Trillium/Ohio State, July  

(a) "Trillium/Ohio State" is the publisher in WSJ for this review. Trillium is an imprint within Ohio University Press.

("The Trillium imprint publishes books about Ohio and the Midwest in an effort to help the citizens of the state learn more about the unique history, the diverse culture, and the natural environment of the state of Ohio")
(i) trillium
(genus name; "native to temperate regions of North America and Asia, with the greatest diversity of species found in the southern Appalachian Mountains [implying this is where the genus originated] in the southeastern United States. * * * flower with three green or reddish sepals ][花托] and three petals in shades of red, purple, pink, white, yellow, or green")
(ii) Latin-English dictionary:
* trillium (noun neuter; etymology: "Said to be altered from Swedish [noun] trilling triplet")
(iii) Since 2013, there is Trillium Brewing Company in Boston, whose logo is the flower. But until today I did not know what trillium means.

(b) Edward P Horvath, MD, is an internist who received his medical degree from Ohio State University College of Medicine. He is actually Edward P Horvath. Jr and his late father Edward P Horvath, Sr. But he the son usually does not add Jr behind his name.
(c) "a Delta ticket agent mentioned that her son had suffered a ruptured spleen in Iraq. 'No one knew the extent of his injuries,' she said, 'until an older doctor examined him and sent him for emergency surgery.' "

Tamer Akoury; and David R Whetstone, Spleen Rupture. StatPearls, last updated on May 1, 2022.


"Trauma is also the most common cause of a ruptured spleen.

"traumatic rupture can present immediately after an injury or may present in a delayed fashion[, depending on how quick and how much the blood loss is].

"Evaluation for splenic injury is therefore warranted if left lower rib fractures are identified. Up to 20% of adults with left lower rib fractures may have a subsequent splenic injury. The chest wall plasticity in children makes severe underlying injury to the spleen a possibility in the absence of rib fracture.

"Ultrasound can be very helpful and highly accurate in the diagnosis of significant splenic injury but is limited in detecting active bleeding * * * CT has become the mainstay of stable patient evaluation since it can provide splenic injury severity and assessment of other abdominal organs.

* If left undiagnosed, a patient of ruptured spleen might bleed (internally) to death.
(d) "His book is valuable for its on-the-ground details about the Iraq conflict, its granular evocation of day-to-day life during wartime"

granular (adj): "finely detailed   <granular reports>"


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