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中芯国际二零二二年第二季度 财务季报

发表于 8-12-2022 10:49:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
黄春梅 (台北报道), 中芯国际第二季度净利减2成5 前台湾高管承认加入中芯是个错误. RFA, Aug 12, 2022
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 08122022084449.html
("中芯国际11日公布第二季财报,毛利年减25% * * * 中国最大晶圆代工厂中芯国际11日发布第二季财报显示,营收比第一季成长3.3%,比去年同期成长41.6%。归属母公司净利为5.41亿美元,比上季增加15%,但是比去年同期衰退25.2%。  台媒《经济日报》关注到,中芯的财报删除了以往都提及各项制程的 '以技术节点分类' 项目。日前中芯突破封锁制造出7纳米的消息,引起全球市场关注。然而,7纳米对营收有多少贡献仍是个谜")

(a) The quotation above is all correct, except
(i) the first sentence "中芯国际11日公布第二季财报,毛利年减25%," where 毛利 gross profit should be 净利 net profit; and
(ii) "净利为5.41亿美元" where 5.41 should be 5.14.
(b) China's SMIC Posts Quarterly Revenue Surge But Warns of Some Panic in Chip Sector. Reuters, Aug 12, 2022
https://www.reuters.com/technolo ... -sector-2022-08-12/
("co-CEO Zhao Haijun told investors on an earnings call")

three consecutive paragraphs:

"SMIC's revenue for the April-June quarter came in at $1.9 billion, in line with a Refinitiv consensus estimate.

"Net profit slid by a quarter to $514.3 million as the company poured funds into capacity expansion, but still beat an average estimate from analysts of $475 million.

"Last year, at the height of the global chip shortage, the company committed to opening new fabs in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen. The new projects "are progressing as planned," Zhao said.

(c) 财务季报: 中芯国际二零二二年第二季度业绩说明会. Aug 12, 2022
("中芯国际截至 2022年 6月 30日止三个月未经 [accountant] 审核业绩公布

• page 1: "除非特别指明,所有货币以美元列账。"
• page 5: "2022 年第二季经营业绩概要
In the left column of the table is
"以下各方本期应占利润:                2022 年第二季度         2022 年第一季度        季度比较         2021年第二季度                年度比较
        本公司拥有人                          514,332                        447,227                        15.0%        687,803                         -25.2%
        非控制性权益                         * * *"

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 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2022 10:49:14 | 只看该作者
(2) SMIC CEO (in chronological order):
• Richard Chang 张汝京 (born in Nanjing in January 1948, "没满周岁就在襁褓中随父母去了台湾") 2000-2009
• David NK Wang 王宁国 (born in Nanjing in 1946 and grew up in Taiwan)  2009-2011
• Tzu-Yin "TY" Chiu  2011-2017
• 梁孟松(联合首席执行官 co-CEO)2017-
• 赵海军(联合首席执行官 2017-

(3) Oral History of Shang-Yi Chiang. Mountain View, Calif: Computer History Museum (CHM), interviewed by Douglas Fairbairn on Mar 15, 2022 (CHM Ref: 2022.0040)
https://archive.computerhistory. ... 92671-05-01-acc.pdf
("in 2016, late 2016, the CEO of SMIC happened to be my old colleague at TSMC. He was a fab manager at TSMC, and personally, we are pretty close because we come from the same hometown in China [蒋尚义(1946-; 籍贯浙江,生于重庆; '1997年返回台湾。进入台湾积体电路制造担任研发副总裁,2006年7月首度退休,2009年被张忠谋返聘后担任首席运营官,2013年再度退休。 * * * 2021年11月11日,蒋尚义辞去中芯国际公司副董事长、执行董事及董事会战略委员会成员职务'): zh.wikipediua.org]. And his father and my father were friends, so we were pretty close. And he asked me to help him out because they had some -- he was blamed for lag in R&D. His name is TY Chiu. He did very, very well. SMIC always lose money before he became CEO. * * * I joined the company. It was a mistake. Yeah. You did something right. You do
something foolish in your life. It was one of the foolish things I've done. * * * They [SMIC] cannot buy any equipment to do the technology for ten nanometer or below. * * * The sanction happened three days after I joined. * * * I joined on December 15th. The announcement was made on the 18th [in the Trump administration]. * * * they [probably SMIC, not Chinese government: judging from the context] didn't trust me. Because this guy's [Chiang] not only Taiwanese, he's also US citizen." pp 42-43 of 49)

(a) Obviously 首席运营官 in Taiwan is same as 首席执行官 in China -- both being CEO in English.
(b) At p 23 of the Oral History, Chiang said the title 研发副总裁 was VP of R&D, and "This was 1996, actually," not 1997.
(c) "we come from the same hometown in China"
邱慈观:把伦理纳入金融. Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) 上海交通大学 上海高级金融学院, Apr 27, 2016 (under the heading 教授风采)
("2015年 * * * 邱慈观正式全职加盟上海高级金融学院(以下简称 '高金'),这位美国宾夕法尼亚大学的金融学博士的研究领域独特,横跨金融学与伦理学两大学科 * * * 邱慈观祖籍浙江湖州,外高祖业盐,曾任江浙两省盐商公会理事长,业余有文人雅兴,能诗词,好收藏,纂金石古玺古器图书三十余种,其中一些迄今仍收藏在上海图书馆善本书室。她曾祖于清末移居上海,祖父及父亲都出生沪市,父亲还是交大老校友, 1949年才迁居台湾。因家中长辈都讲上海话,邱慈观对吴侬软语很熟悉 * * * 邱慈云,正是她家族中另一个出生台湾、扬名国际,其后重返祖籍地的例子")
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