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富春山居圖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

发表于 10-25-2022 14:46:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(English is from 國立故宮博物院)

(a) 富春山居圖
, whose section 4.2 子明卷 states in full: "乾隆皇帝在1745年讀到大臣沈德潛的文集,文中對「富春山居圖」大為稱讚,同年得到「子明卷」,「子明卷」名稱是因為題跋指是畫給「子明隱君」,但尚未考證出實際人員。直到國民政府點收北京故宮文物,故宮博物院發現黃公望曾在曹知白的畫作《群峰雪霽》上題字,藉由該落款進行比對之後輾轉證實「無用師卷」才是真跡,但由於子明卷是富春山居圖被燒前所仿摹,故成為了解富春山居圖原作之重要參考。"

"子明卷是富春山居圖被燒前所仿摹." This is a complete falsehood. The fact of the matter is 子明卷 is a forgery, not a copy -- by a fool who did not even see the original. See (4).
(b) "富春山是一座在浙江省杭州市富阳区和桐庐县境内的山。"  百度百科.
(c) 故宮專家為藏品解碼. 大公網, Apr 26, 2017


(i) "江省富春江一帶為黃公望晚年落腳之地,時年已人到暮年的畫家,完全放下功名,臨富春江賞兩岸勝景,寄情山水,興之所至,將人生態度融於山水之間,不刻意照搬兩岸景致,刪其繁就其簡,以淡墨平鋪,再以墨筆勾線描山繪樹 * * *

(ii) " * * * 早在《富春山居圖無用師卷》「進宮」前一年,乾隆皇帝得到一幅題有「子明隱居將歸錢塘,需畫山居景,圖此贈別,大痴道人公望,至元戊寅秋」、落有黃公望款的山居圖(後人稱其為《富春山居圖》子明卷),開心莫名,並根據有關《富春山居圖》的文字記載,將其視作真跡。李湜說:「其實記載與這幅山居圖題跋有不少出入,無奈乾隆帝求畫心切,故武斷將這幅贋品判為真跡,更不論南巡,抑或北上避暑,皆帶在身邊,共題跋作詩五十四首,直至無處下筆為止,還將其收於書畫着錄專書《石渠寶笈》中。」喜愛程度毫不亞於吳洪裕。


"一九三三年,日軍侵佔山海關,為躲避戰火,故宮博物院決定將館中文物南遷,無用師卷及子明卷輾轉至上海、四川等地,也就在這時,故宮博物院專家徐邦達在庫房中看到了這兩卷畫品,經仔細考證,遂發現最多乾隆皇帝御筆的那幅才是贋品,而基本無甚題跋的那卷則為黃公望真跡。李湜詳述當年考證依據:「黃公望的印是刻在銅上,然偽作的印章則為石刻,石印乃明中後期才有,元人怎會使用?況且偽作上的董其昌題跋為節錄,並不完全。」自此,才將這段真假《富春山居圖》的誤判公案了結。 * * *

(2) 曹知白  "《群峰雪霽》軸,藏於台灣台北國立故宮博物院."  zh.wikipedia.org for 曹知白.
(a) Bird's-eye view of 群峰雪霽:

元曹知白群峰雪霽軸 - 故宮典藏資料檢索, undated.
https://digitalarchive.npm.gov.t ... ?pid=683&Dept=P

The thumbnails underneath the scroll 軸 is local enlargement. But it is not enlarged enough for my purpose: "黃公望曾在曹知白的畫作《群峰雪霽》上題字,藉由該落款進行比對之後輾轉證實「無用師卷」才是真跡."
(b) focuses of 群峰雪霽:

元 曹知白  群峰雪霽. 國立故宮博物院 (Taiwan)
雲翁為西瑛作此。時年七十有九(1351)。而目力瞭然。筆意古淡。有摩詰之遺韻。僕之點染不敢企也。至正庚寅(1350)五月十一日。 大癡學人識。鈐印二:大癡。黃氏子久。")
(i) When the URL opens, the main focuses on the top of the scroll (if not, clock the left-most thumbnail underneath the main). You see both the writings and seals. The left (upper) block belonged to 黃公望. You may place your cursor to any part of the scroll to get an enlarged image.
(A) 大汗的世紀; 蒙元時代的書畫藝術  Age of the Great Khan; Painting and calligraphy of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
is a 2007 book published by 國立故宮博物院 (Taiwan).
(B) The same title is also

(a) 元 西元1279-1368   黃公望   富春山居圖(無用師). 國立故宮博物院 (Taiwan), undated.

This URL provides five snapshots (or focuses)  of 無用師卷. See the thumbnails beneath the main, none of which (the five) is 黃公望's writing or seal.
(b) So I will return to

Starting from the right margin of the scroll, about 60 % into the scroll -- that is, slightly to the left of the median -- is 黃公望's writing or seal, which is situated to the left of the end of painting and to the right of a busybody's writing (that was shown in (3)(a) ). You can see the writing and seal here are the same as those in (2)(b).

(a) 元黃公望富春山居圖 卷. 國立故宮博物院 (Taiwan), undated.
https://theme.npm.edu.tw/opendat ... s.aspx?sNo=04010824
(the full text: "說明文:
黃公望(西元一二六八至一三五四),浙江富陽人,字子久,號一峰,又號大癡道人,晚號井西道人。山水以董源為宗,為元四大家之冠。   本幅為墨畫,描繪富春江之景色。依款識「子明隱居,將歸錢塘,需畫山居景,圖此贈別」,因命題為富春山居(子明)卷,以別於布局極似之無用師卷。惟卷前較無用卷多一段,而後面則短很多。")

But the image here does not include 黃公望's writing or seal. In fact the image here is the very beginning of 子明卷.
(b) There is no image of 子明卷 anywhere in the Web (by 故宮博物院 Taiwan or China or any others), EXCEPT
, whose section 4.2 子明卷 contains the image

Here, also about 60 % from the right margin, you see two (very) red seals one on top of the other. Click this spot. You see the focus. To the left of these two very red seals are a paragraph that ends with two light red, smaller seals (again one atop the other). Further to the left, you see the supposed 黃公望's writing AND, more importantly, his seal.
(c) 余辉, 子明卷考 ——兼探王翚的十件《富春山居图》摹本. 故宮博物院 (Beijing): 故宮博物院院刊, 2019年第5期 66-87
talks about seals only.

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