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发表于 11-16-2023 09:29:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-16-2023 09:30 编辑

(i) On the sidelines of APEC held at San Francisco this year, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met on Nov 15, 2023 at Filoli Estate. See Filoli
("located in [Town of] Woodside, California, about 25 miles (40 km) south of San Francisco, at the southern end of Crystal Springs Reservoir, on the eastern slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains [peak height or elevation: 1,154 m], * * * The name of the estate is an acronym formed by combining the first two letters from the key words of William Bourn's credo: 'Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life' ")
(ii) Spanish-English dictionary:
* cruz (noun feminine; from Latin [noun feminine] crux [cross]): "cross"
   ^ English noun cross also descended from Latin crux.
(b) readout (n):
"1: a visual record or display of the output from a computer or scientific instrument  <a digital readout of latitude and longitude>
2: US   an official statement summarizing the points discussed during a meeting or phone call between diplomats or political figures."
Oxford Languages, undated.

You may obtain this definition by entering readout (without quotation mark) and hit "return" key. This is a collaboration between Google and Oxford Languages, the latter of which stopped provinding online dictionary a couple of years ago.

For definition, a visual example is provided in en.wikipedia.org for "digital read out" -- or you may search images.google.com with readout. Same results will appear in either.

(1) 杨安, 拜习会后 美中声明差异:台湾议题各唱各的调,中国避提乌克兰、以色列战事. VOA Chinese, Nov 16, 2023.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/com ... 231116/7357417.html

The first sic paragraphs:

"台北 — 美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和中国国家主席习近平周三(11月15日)结束旧金山峰会后,未发表联合声明,两国政府仅透过各自发布的书面声明,表述立场,双方声明的差异可归纳在四大面向。

"台湾议题 美中各唱各的调 [(which is section 1 heading):]

"第一,针对台湾议题,两国声明的表述截然不同。其中,中方声明特别提及拜登总统于去年巴厘岛会晤所承诺的不支持 '台湾独立,' 但白宫的声明并未出现此立场。

"中方声明称,习近平于会中重申台湾问题的原则,并指出“台湾问题始终是中美关系中最重要、最敏感的问题。中方重视美方在巴厘岛会晤中作出的有关积极表态。”因此,习近平要求美方体现对台独的不支持,'停止武装台湾,支持中国和平统一。' 他还强调,'中国终将统一,也必然统一。'


"拜登强调,美国政府几十年来都维持一致的一个中国政策,没有改变。声明引述拜登称:'美国反对任何一方单方面改变现状,我们期待,海峡两岸的分歧通过和平手段解决,台湾海峡的和平稳定关乎世界利益。' 拜登还呼吁,中国克制其在台海周边的军事行动。

(i) official announcement:
习近平同美国总统拜登举行中美元首会晤. 中华人民共和国外交部, Nov 16, 2023, "12:20" (Beijing date and time).
https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/gxh ... 31116_11181125.html



"拜登表示,我始终认为,美中关系是世界上最重要的双边关系,美中冲突并非不可避免,一个稳定和发展的中国符合美国和世界的利益,中国经济增长有利于美国,也有利于世界。美中关系保持稳定,防止冲突,管控分歧,并在符合双方利益的领域开展合作,有助于两国更好应对各自和共同面临的问题。我愿重申在巴厘岛会晤中作出的五点承诺,即:美国不寻求新冷战,不寻求改变中国体制,不寻求通过强化同盟关系反对中国,不支持 '台湾独立,' 无意同中国发生冲突。美中经济相互依赖,美国乐见中国发展富裕,不寻求打压遏制中国发展,不寻求同中国脱钩。美方恪守一个中国政策,欢迎双方各部门各层级开展对话,愿继续同中方保持开放坦诚的沟通,增进了解,避免误解,管控分歧。美方愿同中方持续发展经贸关系,在气候变化、禁毒、人工智能等重要领域加强合作,乐见两国增加直航航班,扩大教育科技交流和人员往来。

(ii) 中华人民共和国外交部, Nov 16, 2023 (Beijing date and time).
(i) Readout of President Joe Biden’s Meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China. White House, Nov 15, 2023.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/brief ... epublic-of-china-2/


"The two leaders made progress on a number of key issues. They welcomed the resumption of bilateral cooperation to combat global illicit drug manufacturing and trafficking, including synthetic drugs like fentanyl, and establishment of a working group for ongoing communication and law enforcement coordination on counternarcotics issues. President Biden stressed that this new step will advance the U.S. whole-of-government effort to counter the evolving threat of illicit synthetic drugs and to reduce the diversion of precursor chemicals and pill presses to drug cartels.

"President Biden underscored the universality of human rights and the responsibility of all nations to respect their international human rights commitments. He raised concerns regarding PRC human rights abuses, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong.  On Taiwan, President Biden emphasized that our one China policy has not changed and has been consistent across decades and administrations.  He reiterated that the United States opposes any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side, that we expect cross-strait differences to be resolved by peaceful means, and that the world has an interest in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.  He called for restraint in the PRC’s use of military activity in and around the Taiwan Strait. * * *

(ii) Which is translated into Chinese (not officially, though):

白宫有关拜习峰会的声明(全文翻译). VOA Chinese, Nov 16, 2023.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/rea ... 231115/7357313.html


请看bitly.net/hvvvvh(网址) 专家说:未来十年,中国癌症将现井喷。33%的家庭,将因此耗尽所有积蓄。1/4中国人喝不上合格水;全球空气污染最严重的城市,一半以上在中国。生命可贵!看这个.. bitly.net/55xxxx (网   发表于 4-24-2024 23:43

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