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发表于 3-16-2024 12:13:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-18-2024 11:50 编辑

陈筠, 中共歼-35漂亮参数曝光 实战能力受质疑. VOSA Chinese, Mar 16, 2024
https://www.voachinese.com/a/pla ... 240315/7529139.html

, which is based on

宋偉, 遼寧艦測試殲-35 航母戰力料倍增. 文匯網 , Feb 19, 2024.
https://www.wenweipo.com/a/20240 ... b06013908c7fef.html

(a) "公開資料顯示,美軍目前現役F-35C第五代隱形艦載機最大飛行速度為1.5馬赫 [which is correct],遜於殲-35的2.2馬赫。此外,裝備兩台推力14噸WS-19渦扇發動機的殲-35,還採用全向矢量噴管技術,相比美軍的F-35C,顯著提高了戰機機動性和垂直、短距起飛等技戰術性能。而在最為關鍵的隱身指標上,F-35C面對對方戰鬥機雷達時,正面最小雷達反射截面積為0.5㎡,殲-35則僅為0.01㎡。輔之大孔徑有源相控陣雷達,解放軍殲-35可在最遠相距120km時即發現F-35C,在超視距 [beyond-visual-range] 空戰中佔盡上風。由於甲板空間及船體結構限制,此次改造升級後的遼寧艦仍依靠滑躍起飛,因此無法搭載固定翼空警-600 [KJ-600] 預警機"
(i) 馬赫
(A) English dictionary:
* Mach (First Known Use 1947)
(B) Mach number
(a dimensionless quantity; section 1 Etymology: Ernst Mach (1838 – 1916) )

Mr Mach is Austrian, his name is German, and Americans always pronounce ch in German as k (eg, former New York mayor Edward Koch).
(ii) "推力14噸"
(A) 推力  thrust
("Force, and thus thrust, is measured using the International System of Units (SI) in newtons (symbol: N), and represents the amount needed to accelerate 1 kilogram of mass at the rate of 1 meter per second per second")
(B) Marshall Brain, How Gas Turbine Engines Work. howstuffworks, undated
https://science.howstuffworks.co ... modern/turbine7.htm
("Thrust is generally measured in pounds in the United States (the metric system u­ses Newtons, where 4.45 Newtons equals 1 pound of thrust). A "pound of thrust" is equal to a force able to accelerate 1 pound of material 32 feet per second per second (32 feet per second per second happens to be equivalent to the acceleration provided by gravity). Therefore, if you have a jet engine capable of producing 1 pound of thrust, it could hold 1 pound of material suspended in the air if the jet were pointed straight down. Likewise, a jet engine producing 5,000 pounds of thrust could hold 5,000 pounds of material suspended in the air. And if a rocket engine produced 5,000 pounds of thrust applied to a 5,000-pound object floating in space, the 5,000-pound object would accelerate at a rate of 32 feet per second per second")
• Why does an acceleration unit include "per second per second"?

Newton's laws of motion
(section 1 Prerequisites: v=ds/dt + a=dv/dt (which explains why the unit of acceleration includes "per second second"/ section 2 Laws, section 2.2 Second law: F=ma)

newton (unit)
(1 kg⋅m/second squared )
• Why 32?  

Intuitively, one guesses that the number is needed to have a pound of object suspended in the air.

pound (force)
(symbol: lbf, where lb is pound and f force)
is pound thrust. See section 4 Pound of thrust.

Also in this Wiki page, section 1 Definitions, section 1.1 Product of avoirdupois pound and standard gravity: a formula explains the origin of "32")

The "avoirdupois pound" is the pound that is used in US (and before, in England, which mainly uses metric system) and equals 0.45 kg.
(iii) "全向矢量噴管 * * * 相比美軍的F-35C"
(A) 噴管  nozzle

Chinese language inside China has "矢量(型)发动机" or "矢量喷气式引擎." These are wrong, because thrust vectoring (see next) is controlled by NUZZLE(S).
(B) 矢量噴管  thrust vectoring  
("In rocketry and ballistic missiles that fly outside the atmosphere, aerodynamic control surfaces are ineffective"/ section 4 List of vectored thrust aircraft, section 5.2 For higher maneuverability, section 5.2.1 Vectoring in two dimensions + section 5.2.2 Vectoring in three dimensions [which is the same as multi-axis, as top anime shows; but this Wiki page also has "single axis" which means the nozzle can not change direction at all] )

Quote: "its F-35B variant [capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and obviously can change direction of nozzles] * * * [But] It is not conceived for enhanced maneuverability in combat, only for VTOL operation, and the F-35A and F-35C do not use thrust vectoring at all [because when designing decades ago, it was decided that thrust vectoring would bring more disadvantages than with advantages (albeit lack of details why].

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
(section 4 Variants)
(iv) 正面最小雷達反射截面積  radar cross section
(section 3 Measurement: RCS is "expressed in square meters. This does not equal geometric area. A perfectly conducting sphere of projected cross sectional area 1 m2 (ie a diameter of 1.13 m [radius 0.57 m, and area of a circle is about 1 m2) will have an RCS of 1 m2. For radar wavelengths much less than the diameter of the sphere" in order to detect the object)

There is no official or ascertainable RCS figure for F-35 (maybe it is a secret), but the preceding Wiki page asserts, "The RCS of the F-35 has been characterized as lower than a metal golf ball at certain frequencies and angles; in some conditions, the F-35 compares favorably to the F-22 in stealth."
(v) "大孔徑有源相控陣雷達"
(A) 相控陣  phased array
View the anime at the top.
(B) 有源 or 主动 相控陣(雷達) active phased array  vs  无源相控阵/ 被动相控阵

("Active radar transmits a signal that is reflected back to the receiver. Passive radar depends upon the object sending a signal to the receiver")
(C) 大孔徑  large aperture

The aperture 孔徑 is found in "synthetic-aperture radar" 合成孔径雷达, which is different from phased array radar. So one google "大孔徑有源相控陣雷達" or simplified Chinese, there is no such thing.
(vi) Airborne early warning and control

(b) 氮化鎵  gallium nitride (GaN)
專家:藉卓越隱身優勢 高速突防攻擊奪取制空權

歷時近一年施工,中國首艘航母遼寧艦在大連造船廠的升級維護已近尾聲。春節後,其飛行甲板上首次出現一架周身被防雨布包裹的殲-35(等比模型),連日來持續展開甲板調度試驗。這是繼福建艦後,中國首款第五代隱身艦載戰機再次現身航母。此舉意味着換裝國產WS-19「黃山」發動機的殲-35距離上艦服役已更進一步。未來,殲-35料將成為遼寧艦、山東艦、福建艦三艘航母主力艦載機型,中國海軍航母戰鬥群綜合戰力亦將實現倍增。 ◆文/圖:香港文匯報記者 宋偉 大連報道



















整理:香港文匯報記者 宋偉

2012年9月 遼寧艦入列服役
2012年11月 殲-15在遼寧艦上順利完成阻攔着艦和滑躍起飛
2013年11月 遼寧艦航母編隊首次通過台灣海峽
2014年4月 遼寧艦首次返廠維護保養
2015年7月 遼寧艦首次組織實彈射擊
2016年12月 遼寧艦航母編隊首次通過宮古海峽
2017年7月 遼寧艦航母編隊抵達香港
2017年11月 殲-15成功在遼寧艦上夜間起降
2018年4月 遼寧艦航母編隊亮相南海大閱兵
2018年5月 遼寧艦第二次返廠升級維護
2019年4月 遼寧艦參加海軍成立70周年海上閱兵
2021年12月 遼寧艦、山東艦雙航母編隊出動訓練
2023年2月 遼寧艦第三次返廠升級維護
2024年2月 殲-35(等比模型)首次亮相遼寧艦

整理:香港文匯報記者 宋偉


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