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Bike Tour in Autumn in Kyushu

发表于 10-20-2024 12:03:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-21-2024 12:45 编辑

My Oct 3, 2024 posting titled "Alzheimer's Drug Comes Full Circle" talked about Mr Andrew Miller. He received $50 million. That was very generous of his employer. Ge was CEP of the pharmaceutical 2016-2018. When he had the thinking that now is worth billions, he was a mere scientist/ employee. The inventor of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) received about $5 million at the time his employer Cetus Corp (1971-1991) was sold for billions, but he alone received Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993.

When you work as a employee, you have to sign a contract to conger all title of discovery to the company. That happens in software, too. But in biology, one's great thinking may not go anywhere, because side effect is unpredictable -- you just do not know whethere there are other sites your baby will act on in the body. Software is easy; still it may have bugs. So software guys often found their companies to market their ideas. Google founders are an example.

Rosecrans Baldwin, Wheels on Fire; With its blazing fall colors and picturesque villages, the Japanese island of Kyushu was made for cycling. Travel + Leisure, November, 2024, at page 42.

(a) "I always associated bike tours with scenic rides through Loire Valley"
(i) Loire
("The Loire is the longest river in France * * * With a length of 1,006 kilometres (625 mi), it drains 117,054 km2 (45,195 sq mi), more than a fifth of France's land"/ section 1 Etymology)
(A) The second longest river in France is Seine: 777-kilometre-long (483 mi), north of the Loire.
(B) In this Wiki page, pay attention to Orleans and Nantes.
• American English -- I do not know about British English -- pronounce differently

New Orleans
• Orléans
(section 1 History, section 1.1 Prehistory and Roman Empire: name)
• Nantes
(section 1 Etymology)
(ii) Loire Valley
("is a valley located in the middle stretch of the Loire river")

View the top map, which corresponds to Orléans (Sully-sur-Loire is 40-km air distance at 4 o'clock to Orléans) to Nantes.

(b) Will Liew, the guide, :designed his routes around the Japanese concept of komorebi. When I asked him, while driving, to paraphrase this term, he thought about it for a second. 'The scattered light that shines through the leaves,
Liew said, then pointed out the window at a forest by the road, where the sunlight was broken up by the branches. 'Like that!' "
Japanese-English dictionary:
* komorebi 木漏れ日; 木洩れ日; 木漏れ陽 【こもれび】 (n): "sunlight filtering through trees"
   ^ Kanji 木 has two Chinese pronunciation (boku and moku) and two Japanese pronunciations (ki and ko; the former is more common).
   ^ more 漏れ, 洩れ 【もれ】 (n): "leak; leakage"  (The corresponding intransitive verb is koreru.)
   ^ hi 日 【ひ】 (n): "sun; sunshine; sunlight" (This is Japanese pronunciation. Chinese pronunciation: nichi)

(c) "Kyushu is mountainous and lushly forested, and is home to Mount Unzen, one of Japan's most active volcanic groups * * * The next day began on a more spiritual note. Liew and I rode half an hour up a country road outside the city of Imari, past small houses and outbuildings, to a shrine called Dake. Liew explained that it was dedicated to two powerful gods, a brother and sister. According to Shinto mythology, they were among the deities who created Japan. The shrine, old and wooden, was built on top of a mountain. * * * From there we made a fast descent into Okawachiyama, known as the 'village of secret kilns [秘窯の里].' The remoteness of the town helped the Nabeshima family [鍋島氏 (肥前国佐賀藩藩主家)], which ruled over this part of the island in the 17th century, conceal its pottery techniques from other clans."
(i) 雲仙岳 (highest elevation 1,486 m or 4,875 ft; 仙's Chinese pronunciation is sen, which is softened to zen when it is not situated at the first of a compound term)

Mount Fuji 富士山 (peak 3,776 m) is also active. Nit the last recorded eruption occurred in 1707.
(ii) Imari, Saga  佐賀県 伊万里市

One of photos that accompanies this article shows a tiled bridge; in the background is two vertical signs 伊万里焼き (earthen ware). To the right in the same photo is a horizontal sign in the background of yellow wall: 岳山窯 (reading from left to right).
(iii) The Dake shrine is 岳 神社. Kanji 岳 (meaning mountain as in Chinese) has Chinese pronunciation gaku and Japanese pronunciation take (a variant is dake).
You may search images.google.com for 伊万里市 岳神社 (there is another 岳神社 in City of Fukuoka)..
(A) About 伊万里市 岳神社: "標高は約280mで、祭神は伊弉諾命(いざなぎのみこと)と伊弉冉命(いざなみのみこと)です": from the Web.

The みこと (pronunciation: mikoto) has two definitions:
• 御言; 命 (n): "(hon[orific]) the spoken words of the emperor or a noble" or
• 尊; 命 (n-suf[fix], n): "(after the name of a god or a noble) Lord; Highness"
(B) Japanese Creation Myth  天地開闢
(the last pair of gods in this Wiki page: "Izanagi (伊邪那岐神) and his younger sister (and wife) Izanami (伊邪那美神)")
Actually in both terms, there is NO 神. In other words, the 神 does not appear in the proper names above.

is katakana (pronounced Izanagi). 古事記 and 日本書紀 were two ancient books.
(iv) O-kawa-chi-yama  大川内山 (name of a village which is within 佐賀県伊万里市大川内町)

(d) "Calali, a coffee shop in the small coastal city of Karatsu. * * * Writer and photographer Prairie Stuart-Wolff [a woman] moved to Karatsu, her wife's hometown, in 2007. In 2023, Stuart-Wolff opened Mirukashi Salon to host culinary experiences * * * her wife, Hanako Nakazato, a member of a storied ceramics family."
(i) Karatsu, Saga  佐賀県 唐津市
, where 唐 (Tang Dynasty and, by extension, China) and 津 (harbor) are both Japanese pronunciations.
(ii) You may google (Calali 唐津市). Calali has the Japanese name カラリwhich means nothing (and a few other things used that name also). This cafe opened in 2019, according to its web site.
(iii) Mirukashi Salon
has no Japanese name.

Mirukashi is a neighborhood in City of Karatsu, which is Japanese is 佐賀県 唐津市 見借 (The miru (to see) is 見る).
(iv) 中里花子|Hanako Nakazato. The Things 物社, undated
("陶藝家 中里花子,1972 年出生於日本唐津,16 歲時移居美國。曾在丹麥哥本哈根皇家藝術學院和美國安德森牧場藝術中心接受培訓。從史密斯學院獲得美術學士學位後,她跟隨父親 中里隆 [Takashi NAKAZATO] 學習陶藝。2000年,中里花子又繼續在佛蒙特州馬爾科姆-賴特(Malcolm Wright)門下學習陶藝五年")
Kanji 花 jas Chinese pronunciations (ka or ke) and Japanese pronunciation hana.

(e) photo captions:
(i) "A shrine on Futamigaura Beach, on Kyushu's northern coast."
(A) Sakurai Shrine Futamigaura
櫻井神社 二見ヶ浦 (夫婦岩, which has a long history and is 国指定重要文化財)
, where the ura 浦 (meaning inlet or bay) is called 二見 Futa-mi; ヶ (here pronounced ga) means exactly the same as の no, genitive but is an ancient use that is now obsolete.
(B) 桜井神社 (糸島市)
(ii) "Genjyu, a restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton, Fukuoka."

Genjyu Japanese Restaurant  幻珠

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