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发表于 3-23-2010 18:28:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Mar. 23, 2010.

My comment:
(a) The report cites

Doug Palmer and Paul Eckert, U.S. senators vow speedy push on China currency bill. Reuters, Mar. 23, 2010 (four hours ago).
("They would put forth the controversial legislation regardless of whether President Barack Obama's administration decides to formally label China a currency manipulator in a Treasury Department report due on April 15, said Schumer.")
(b) Well, we are approaching the end game.

(1) John Pomfret, China's commerce minister: U.S. has the most to lose in a trade war. Washington Post, Mar. 22, 2010.
(US refused to sell China Black Hawks engines in 2008)

(2) Steven Mufson, As economy booms, China faces major water shortage. Washington Post, Mar. 16, 2010.


"The source of the water predicament is China's own economic success. A bigger economy means more factories and power plants * * * the Beijing area has 100 golf courses and a dozen ski resorts with man-made snow.

"The [western route] project would cross five earthquake faults in western Sichuan

"And the U.N. Development Program estimates that Chinese industry uses four to 10 times as much water as counterparts in industrialized countries.

"Underground aquifers now provide three-quarters of Beijing's water supply, but the water table is falling.

"But water use per person in China is one-ninth the U.S. level; if northern China were a country, its water availability would rank below Morocco's, the U.N. Development Program says.

Note: Juma River 拒马河

(3) 外商忧虑增加,温家宝出面安抚. VOA Chinese, Mar. 23, 2010.

Note: The report references

Frederik Balfour, Google Exit Reminds Companies Asia Strategy Is Not Just China. Bloomberg, Mar. 23, 2010.

(4) 中印崛起难以取代西方主导世界格局. VOA Chinese, Mar. 23, 2010.

Two recent books by  Prem Shankar Jha:
(a) Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger: Can China and India Dominate the West?  Soft Skull Press, Dec. 15, 2009.

(b) Managed Chaos: The Fragility of the Chinese Miracle. Sage Pubns Pvt Ltd (india), July 30, 2009. ("Pubns" stands for "Publications.")


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