David Brooks, Leading With Two Minds. New York Times, May 7, 2010.
(new counterinsurgency strategy: In Iraq, "only a few knew how to respond.
Those who did tended to have dual personalities. That is, they had been
steeped in Army culture but also in some other, often academic, culture")
(i) Irving Kristol Award
(the highest honor conferred by the American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research; since 2003)
(ii) Irving Kristol
(1920-2009; an American columnist; was dubbed the "godfather of
(b) autodidact (n, Greek didaktos taught): "a self-taught person"
(c) Fort Leavenworth
(the oldest active U.S. Army post west of the Mississippi River; Colonel
Henry Leavenworth established Fort Leavenworth in 1827 to be a forward base
protecting the Santa Fe Trail)
(d) Partisan Review
(e) muck up (vt): "to make a mess of"
(f) blinker (vt): "to put blinders on"
blinker (n): BLINDER
All English definitions are from www.m-w.com.
Tony Perry, Study finds boredom puts troops at risk of anti-social behavior
later; Navy researchers in San Diego say that a war zone deployment marked
by monotony can be an even greater precursor of misconduct than the
psychological trauma of combat. Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2010.