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Zhai Tiantian--and his Misadventure in Love

发表于 7-16-2010 12:05:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Both reports are today's.

(1) 学生翟田田为何被美拘留?美中报道迥异. VOA Chinese, July 16, 2010.

Note: The VOA report may be mistaken in mentioning 纽约日报 in paragraphs 3 and 12. The rest of the VOA report cites 纽约时报 seven times.And New York Daily News does not have any report about Mr. Zhai.

(2) 傅家槿, 留美博士被控"恐怖威胁"案首开庭 递解程序已启动. 中国新闻网, July 16, 2010.
(其代表律师"海明指出,今年3月10日翟田田所追求的白人女子Aly Rose向警方报案,女子直指翟田田对她有'骚扰'情事")

Note: This report actually originates from World Journal, verbatim (but for the opening words: "据美国《世界日报》报道")! China's news media plagiarizes.
傅家槿, 翟田田案首度开庭. 世界新闻网, July 15, 2010.http://gb.worldjournal.com/gate/gb/ny.worldjournal.com/view/full_nynews/8777740/article--ifbase4-base96-JUU3JUJGJTlGJUU3JTk0JUIwJUU3JTk0JUIwJUU2JUExJTg4JUU5JUE2JTk2JUU1JUJBJUE2JUU5JTk2JThCJUU1JUJBJUFE?instance=nyinstant

My comment:
(a) The VOA report cites
(i) Kirk Semple, After Call, Student Faces Deportation to China. New York Times, July 3, 2010.

(ii) Matt Neuteboom, Grad student's arrest makes international news. The Stute (campus press), May 28, 2010.

(b) The VOA report states, "斯迪文斯学院另外一位校方负责人斯塔利(Joseph Stahley)说,翟田田被学校停学,同他在纽约市的案子没有一点关系,而只是他在学校的问题积累的结果."

World Journal reports, "法官要求翟田田在两周内交出两个刑事法庭的结案证书 * * * 对此海明14日联系曼哈顿检方,希望早日审理此案以尽早结案,或女子主动撤诉."

It appears to me that World Journal is inaccurate. The federal case is a deportation proceeding, not criminal case.

Presumably the woman lives in Manhattan or Mr. Zhai harasssed the woman at Manhattan. That is how Manhattan supreme court got one criminal case.

And Mr. Zhai made the phone threat in New Jersey, so New Jersey Superior Court has a second criminal case.

(c) The "terroristic threat" is in the book of state of New Jersey, rather than a federal statute.

New Jersey Statute Annotated (NJSA) 2C:12-3 Terroristic threats:

"a. A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he threatens to commit any crime of violence with the purpose to terrorize another or to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, or otherwise to cause serious public inconvenience, or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. A violation of this subsection is a crime of the second degree if it occurs during a declared period of national, State or county emergency. The actor shall be strictly liable upon proof that the crime occurred, in fact, during a declared period of national, State or county emergency. It shall not be a defense that the actor did not know that there was a declared period of emergency at the time the crime occurred.

"b. A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree if he threatens to kill another with the purpose to put him in imminent fear of death under circumstances reasonably causing the victim to believe the immediacy of the threat and the likelihood that it will be carried out.


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