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发表于 9-11-2010 10:10:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Andrew W. Krepinevich, China's 'Finlandization' Strategy in the Pacific;
Beijing is moving aggressively to counter the U.S. ability to project power in Asia. Its goal: bring our allies under its sway. Wall Street Journal, Sept. 11, 2010.

My comment:
(a) Taiwan is mentioned once, and only fleetingly.
(b) A recent article that talked about Finlandization is:

Bruce Gilley, Not So Dire Straits; How the Finlandization of Taiwan Benefits U.S. Security. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2010.

(2) 莫雷尔:不希望只是为了对话而对话. VOA Chinese, Sept. 11, 2010.

Quote: "在星期四的国防部新闻简报会上,有记者问到,既然北韩方面已经表示可以考虑重新回到六方会谈的轨道上来,美国是否仍然会派遣乔治·华盛顿号航空母舰到黄海参加军事演习。莫雷尔的回答是肯定的。他说,如同我们之前所讲的,乔治·华盛顿号航空母舰会再次现身黄海,但是,目前还没有确定具体的时间。

My comment:
(a) Some minor newspapers in China (e.g., 河北新闻, 重庆晚报: both repeat the same) but not Xinhua asserts,

"8月20日,美韩联合司令部表示,所属美国第7舰队的'乔治·华盛顿'号航母不会参加9月初在黄海进行的反潜演习。然而,20天不到的时间,美国就出尔反尔。美国国防部9月9日证实:'乔治·华盛顿'号航空母舰将会参加美韩在黄海的军事演习。美韩原计划9月在黄海举行'防御性质'的反潜联合军演,以提高两国反潜战术和作战能力。 美国国防部发言人莫莱尔9日通过例行新闻发布会表示:'虽然尚未确定演习时间表,"华盛顿"号航母将会如我们事先交代过的,如期参加黄海军演。'
(b) The above is simply false. See

DOD News Briefing with Geoff Morrell from the Pentagon. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), U.S. Department of Defense, Sept. 9, 2010 (transcript).

"Q     And so now that North Korea is willing to come back to the six-party talks, will the USS George Washington still go to Yellow Sea to join the naval exercise?  

"MR. MORRELL:  The USS George Washington will indeed exercise in the Yellow Sea again.  We have suggested that will take place.  We have said that will take place.  I don't think we have determined a date yet, but rest assured, the George Washington will operate in the Yellow Sea, as it does in other international waters.  

"It's not an affront to the Chinese.  It's not meant to send a message to the Chinese.  It's meant to send a message to the North Koreans about their behavior.   

"But clearly we believe that we have the right to operate in any and all international waters, respecting, of course, territorial boundaries.  But that is our intent, for the George Washington to return to the Yellow Sea, just as it’s operated there in the past.  But I'll -- we'll get back to you at a later date with precisely when that will next take place.  

"Q     Do you have any (new schedule ?) to the U.S. (conducted ?) military exercise on these -- (inaudible)?  

"MR. MORRELL:  I don't have -- we don't -- you know, obviously there was this tropical storm which delayed the most recent round of exercises.  I don't think we've announced a date to resume those exercises yet, but I'm sure we will let you know as soon as we've nailed one down.  

(3) 美中台军事关系年底逐渐回温? VOA Chinese, Sept. 11, 2010.




My comment:
(a) Regarding the first quotation. See

* 呂昭隆、仇佩芬, 我退役老將頻訪陸 美緊盯. 中國時報, Aug. 30, 2010.

(b) Regarding the second quotation. 台湾智库 is pro-DPP. However, what is said about US not being in the loop is generally to be the case--in both Chen and Ma administrations.


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