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Asahi Shimbun

发表于 12-28-2010 12:10:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Yoichi Kato, U.S. commander says China aims to be a 'global military' power. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.
("Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as 'aircraft carrier killer,' has achieved initial operational capability (IOC), even though 'it will continue to undergo testing for several more years'")

(2) Yoichi Kato, China ratcheting up pressure in the air. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.

My comment:
(a) Shaanxi Y-8
(first flight 1974; status in service; a medium size medium range transport aircraft produced by Shaanxi Aircraft Company in China, based on the Soviet Antonov An-12)

Antonov An-12
(first flight 1957; produced 1957-1973; no longer in use in Russia Air Force but remains workhorce in PLA Air Force)

Japan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ):
(a) SUN Bin, Japanese Air-Defence Identification Zone (Map). May 4, 2006.

Click the secopnd map to enlarge--which will allow to appreciate the difference of Japan ADIZ and "Japan-China median line" (mentioned in the report).

(b) The Japan ADIZ in the preceding link is not up-to-date. Japan has unilaterally shifted the ADIZ from directly OVER its Yonaguni island westward to AROUND the island. See the map in

Shih Hsiu-chuan, Japan extends ADIZ into Taiwan space. Taipei Times, June 26, 2010.

(1) I have no access to computer during the winter recess for local universities. The best I can get is yet another library, which can not read Chinese correctly, though traditional Chinese fares a bit better.

台國防部民調指近八成民眾願上戰場. BBC Chinese, Dec. 27, 2010.

(2) David Axe, China Matches U.S. Space Launches for First Time. Wired, Dec. 23, 2010.


"It [the Dec. 17, 2010 blast-off] set a record for successful Chinese launches in one year: 15. The launch represented another important milestone. For the first time since the chilliest days of the Cold War, another country has matched the United States in sheer number of rocket launches. * * * But Beijing started so far behind other world powers, that even big leaps can leave it a distant runner-up.
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 楼主| 发表于 12-30-2010 11:50:11 | 只看该作者

Re: Asahi Shimbun


Because I forgot to include the following, I just added

David Axe, China Matches U.S. Space Launches for First Time. Wired, Dec. 23, 2010.


"It [the Dec. 17, 2010 blast-off] set a record for successful Chinese launches in one year: 15. The launch represented another important milestone. For the first time since the chilliest days of the Cold War, another country has matched the United States in sheer number of rocket launches. * * * But Beijing started so far behind other world powers, that even big leaps can leave it a distant runner-up.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Yoichi Kato, U.S. commander says China aims to be a 'global military' power. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.
: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201012270241.html
: ("Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as 'ai
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 12-30-2010 11:50:11 | 只看该作者

Re: Asahi Shimbun


Because I forgot to include the following, I just added

David Axe, China Matches U.S. Space Launches for First Time. Wired, Dec. 23, 2010.


"It [the Dec. 17, 2010 blast-off] set a record for successful Chinese launches in one year: 15. The launch represented another important milestone. For the first time since the chilliest days of the Cold War, another country has matched the United States in sheer number of rocket launches. * * * But Beijing started so far behind other world powers, that even big leaps can leave it a distant runner-up.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Yoichi Kato, U.S. commander says China aims to be a 'global military' power. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.
: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201012270241.html
: ("Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as 'ai
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 12-30-2010 11:50:11 | 只看该作者

Re: Asahi Shimbun


Because I forgot to include the following, I just added

David Axe, China Matches U.S. Space Launches for First Time. Wired, Dec. 23, 2010.


"It [the Dec. 17, 2010 blast-off] set a record for successful Chinese launches in one year: 15. The launch represented another important milestone. For the first time since the chilliest days of the Cold War, another country has matched the United States in sheer number of rocket launches. * * * But Beijing started so far behind other world powers, that even big leaps can leave it a distant runner-up.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Yoichi Kato, U.S. commander says China aims to be a 'global military' power. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.
: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201012270241.html
: ("Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as 'ai
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 12-30-2010 11:50:11 | 只看该作者

Re: Asahi Shimbun


Because I forgot to include the following, I just added

David Axe, China Matches U.S. Space Launches for First Time. Wired, Dec. 23, 2010.


"It [the Dec. 17, 2010 blast-off] set a record for successful Chinese launches in one year: 15. The launch represented another important milestone. For the first time since the chilliest days of the Cold War, another country has matched the United States in sheer number of rocket launches. * * * But Beijing started so far behind other world powers, that even big leaps can leave it a distant runner-up.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Yoichi Kato, U.S. commander says China aims to be a 'global military' power. Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 28, 2010.
: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201012270241.html
: ("Willard also said he believes that China's anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system, known as 'ai
: (以下引言省略...)

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