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胡锦涛访美系列:美中博弈 亚太必争

发表于 1-12-2011 11:57:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Jan 12, 2011

My comment: Curiously Taiwan is NOT mentioned. The absence is conspicuous.

(1) 台朝野关切中国成功试飞隐形战机. VOA Chinese, Jan 12, 2011.

(a) 中国领导人对周二战斗机试飞感到惊讶. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011 (更新时间 2011年 1月 11日 星期二 11:26 PM 格林威治标准时间).

(b) 歼-20试飞 胡锦涛事先不知情? VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011 (更新时间 2011年 1月 12日 星期三02:39 AM 格林威治标准时间).




"那么,胡锦涛在和盖茨会谈期间,为什么要'王顾左右而言他、' 不公开大胆地说'对,我们的隐形飞机就是刚刚在成都试飞了!你看我们中国人多了不起!'?

"至于盖茨在记者会上为什么说相信胡锦涛“事先不知情”的说法,理查德.费舍尔说,盖茨真正怎么想,外界很难知道 * * * 费舍尔星期二(1月11号)在华盛顿接受美国之音采访时说:'胡锦涛下星期就要到华盛顿访问了。盖茨不会在这个时候在一大堆麦克风前说,"胡锦涛你是个骗子。"  那中美两国领导人,下面还怎么谈呢?!'

My comment: This sounds like a scenario in 春秋戰國.

(3) So far, VOA Chinese reports the first test-flight of J-20 in two ways.
(a) Pres. Hu Jintao confirmed the test flight to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, ONLY AFTER he checked out Gates' statement.
(b) 中国媒体报道隐形战斗机首次试飞. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011

My comment: The nuance of (3)(b) is that is what China media say, rather than independently verified by US sources (satellite or intelligence).  

(4) 对台军售:盖茨,梁光烈各唱各的调. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011.






My comment:
(a) I did not know this until I read this report. Otherwise there is no need to read this report.
(b) MGM-140 ATACMS
(The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS) is a surface-to-surface missile (SSM), range over 100 miles, with solid propellant, 13 feet height and 24 inches diameter, manufactured by Lockheed Martin; On 20 December 2010, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for $916 million for 226 ‘tactical missiles’ and 24 launcher modification kits for the UAE and Taiwan)

So these two nations are so far the only FOREIGN buyers.
(c) I had no idea what the missile was. When I read the report, I thought the Secretary was talking about 非地对地. Now that it is, I guess his emphasis must be 战术 (strategic; as opposed to tactical).

(5) 简讯:塔吉克斯坦割让一些有争议的土地给中国. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011

(6) 盖茨访问北京战略核导弹司令部. BBC Chinese, Jan 12, 2011.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest. For 美战略军司令部, see
United States Strategic Command
(USSTRATCOM; is one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Department of Defense (DoD); established in 1992; charged with United States nuclear arsenal, among other things;  headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base south of Omaha, Nebraska)


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 楼主| 发表于 1-12-2011 11:57:59 | 只看该作者

胡锦涛访美系列:美中博弈 亚太必争


VOA Chinese, Jan 12, 2011

My comment: Curiously Taiwan is NOT mentioned. The absence is conspicuous.

(1) 台朝野关切中国成功试飞隐形战机. VOA Chinese, Jan 12, 2011.

(a) 中国领导人对周二战斗机试飞感到惊讶. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011 (更新时间 2011年 1月 11日 星期二 11:26 PM 格林威治标准时间).

(b) 歼-20试飞 胡锦涛事先不知情? VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011 (更新时间 2011年 1月 12日 星期三02:39 AM 格林威治标准时间).




"那么,胡锦涛在和盖茨会谈期间,为什么要'王顾左右而言他、' 不公开大胆地说'对,我们的隐形飞机就是刚刚在成都试飞了!你看我们中国人多了不起!'?

"至于盖茨在记者会上为什么说相信胡锦涛“事先不知情”的说法,理查德.费舍尔说,盖茨真正怎么想,外界很难知道 * * * 费舍尔星期二(1月11号)在华盛顿接受美国之音采访时说:'胡锦涛下星期就要到华盛顿访问了。盖茨不会在这个时候在一大堆麦克风前说,"胡锦涛你是个骗子。"  那中美两国领导人,下面还怎么谈呢?!'

My comment: This sounds like a scenario in 春秋戰國.

(3) So far, VOA Chinese reports the first test-flight of J-20 in two ways.
(a) Pres. Hu Jintao confirmed the test flight to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, ONLY AFTER he checked out Gates' statement.
(b) 中国媒体报道隐形战斗机首次试飞. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011

My comment: The nuance of (3)(b) is that is what China media say, rather than independently verified by US sources (satellite or intelligence).  

(4) 对台军售:盖茨,梁光烈各唱各的调. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011.






My comment:
(a) I did not know this until I read this report. Otherwise there is no need to read this report.
(b) MGM-140 ATACMS
(The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS) is a surface-to-surface missile (SSM), range over 100 miles, with solid propellant, 13 feet height and 24 inches diameter, manufactured by Lockheed Martin; On 20 December 2010, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for $916 million for 226 ‘tactical missiles’ and 24 launcher modification kits for the UAE and Taiwan)

So these two nations are so far the only FOREIGN buyers.
(c) I had no idea what the missile was. When I read the report, I thought the Secretary was talking about 非地对地. Now that it is, I guess his emphasis must be 战术 (strategic; as opposed to tactical).

(5) 简讯:塔吉克斯坦割让一些有争议的土地给中国. VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2011

(6) 盖茨访问北京战略核导弹司令部. BBC Chinese, Jan 12, 2011.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest. For 美战略军司令部, see
United States Strategic Command
(USSTRATCOM; is one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Department of Defense (DoD); established in 1992; charged with United States nuclear arsenal, among other things;  headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base south of Omaha, Nebraska)

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