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Pres Hu Comes Calling

发表于 1-18-2011 12:00:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Editorial, Dealing with an Asserive China; If Beijing wants to be treated like an equal, it should act like one. Wall Street Journal, Jan 18, 2011.


"When Robert Gates met Hu Jintao in Beijing last week, the Defense Secretary raised the very public test of a new stealth fighter jet that coincided with his visit. The Chinese President expressed surprise at the news, asking his military colleagues whether it was true.

"China watchers interpret this in two ways, neither one reassuring. Either the Chinese military took the initiative to embarrass their American guest without the knowledge of the civilian leadership. Or Mr. Hu was complicit in the unprecedented and clearly deliberate leak of the new plane's maiden flight to send Washington a message: China has the muscle to start pushing the U.S. out of Asia.

"Whichever the case, the fighter test is consistent with an emerging pattern of aggressive Chinese behavior, and it sets a tone for Mr. Hu's state visit to Washington this week

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.

(2) 胡锦涛访美系列:胡不解军情 美担忧. VOA Chinese, Jan 17, 2011.


"福特总统和老布什总统时期的国家安全顾问斯考克罗夫特(Brent Scowcroft)日前对媒体表示,中国的政体正在经历前所未有的混乱。

" 近年来,美国政府一直敦促中国最高领导人胡锦涛重新评估人民币值、遏制北韩,同时放松钳制异议人士以及打击技术盗窃行为,美方同时也感到胡锦涛似乎同意采取措施解决问题。《纽约时报》说,在这些问题没有得到解决、反而'每况愈下'之后,美国政府一度怀疑胡锦涛是否言行不一甚至“花言巧语”。不过奥巴马顾问团队终于认识到,随着共产党权力分解,胡锦涛经常'大权旁落。' 政党内的军方领导、文职部长和大型公司享受到越来越广大的神通,同时受到的束缚则越来越小。


(a) Helene Cooper, For Chinese Leader’s Visit, a Bolder Tack; The White House rolls out ceremony and lays down challenges. New York Times, Jan 18, 2011.

My comment:
(i) lay down (vt):
"2b: to assert or command dogmatically <lay down the law>
* * *
4a : to direct toward a target <lay down a barrage>"
(ii) When I read this report this morning, I was struck by the word "rival" in paragraph 1: "President Hu Jintao of China is coming to town Tuesday, and American officials say President Obama will be taking a far more assertive stance as he greets his biggest global economic rival."

The word seems to be from the officials; then again, it could come from the reporter.

(b) Then I read this.

美国将在胡锦涛到访时持强硬立场. VOA Chinese, Jan 18, 2011.

What the Hong Konger says may or may not be correct. But it appears that US officials are indeed  sending signals.

(c) Debbi Wilgoren and John Pomfret, Hu Jintao arriving for state visit focused on economics, security, human rights. Washington Post, Jan 18, 2011.
("The White House insisted as a condition of the two-day state visit that both Obama and Hu appear before reporters at a news conference and take questions")

My comment: I do not read hardcopy of Washington Post (WP), because it does not arrive in Boston the day it is published. But just now, I was visiting its website, looking for a report there which says Taiwan's Acer discontinues netbooks in favor of tablets, hinting enf of an era of netbooks. Then I saw the banner headline in the website: "White House officials outline differences with China[;]  State visit to focus on security, economics and human rights." Click it and leand to the above report, which however does not mention it at all. Obviously, either WP reporters read NYT and inquires White House about it, or White House seeks out WP. The signals to Pres. Hu and China are loud and clear.

(4) 约瑟夫·奈, 分析:中国的妄自尊大几成中美关系主色. BBC Chinese, Jan 18, 2011.

, which is translated from

Joseph Nye, Viewpoint: China's hubris colours US relations. BBC, Jan 18, 2011.
("'People are now looking down on the West, from leadership circles, to academia, to everyday folks,' said Professor Kang Xiaoguang of Renmin University")

My comment: The reason why I select this sentence? Simple. I did not know what 俯视 is in the original, English article. I thought it was overlook, as if one looks from a cliff to the valley. It turns out that it is "look[] down on." Worse than the translation appears to be.

(5) 中国推出国家形象片为胡锦涛访美造势. BBC Chinese, Jan 18, 2011.
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 楼主| 发表于 1-18-2011 12:59:26 | 只看该作者

Re: Pres Hu Comes Calling


I just added (3)(c) to teh original.

(c) Debbi Wilgoren and John Pomfret, Hu Jintao arriving for state visit focused on economics, security, human rights. Washington Post, Jan 18, 2011.
("The White House insisted as a condition of the two-day state visit that both Obama and Hu appear before reporters at a news conference and take questions")

My comment: I do not read hardcopy of Washington Post (WP), because it does not arrive in Boston the day it is published. But just now, I was visiting its website, looking for a report there which says Taiwan's Acer discontinues netbooks in favor of tablets, hinting enf of an era of netbooks. Then I saw the banner headline in the website: "White House officials outline differences with China[;]  State visit to focus on security, economics and human rights." Click it and leand to the above report, which however does not mention it at all. Obviously, either WP reporters read NYT and inquires White House about it, or White House seeks out WP. The signals to Pres. Hu and China are loud and clear.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Editorial, Dealing with an Asserive China; If Beijing wants to be treated like an equal, it should act like one. Wall Street Journal, Jan 18, 2011.
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703791904576075350720583490.html
: Quote:
: (以下引言省略...)

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