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蒙克, 分析:噶玛巴与流亡藏人的危机

发表于 2-2-2011 11:33:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Feb 1, 2011.

(1) 美国将同苏丹建立正常外交关系. VOA Chinese, Feb 2, 2011.

(2) 中国公司加强在美国的游说活动. VOA Chinese, Feb 1, 2011.

(3) 叶利钦塑像揭幕 反共不反华. VOA Chinese, Feb 2, 2011.

(4) 童倩博客:伤感告别BBC普通话广播. BBC Chinese, Feb 2, 2011.

(5) 腾龙说事:查查你的幸福指数. BBC Chinese, Feb 1, 2011.

My comment: The article mentions

Global Barometer of Hope and Despair for 2011. WIN-Gallop International, Dec 22, 2010.

For the summary, see the graphic at page 9 (the page number is in the middle of the bottom margin).

(6) 莫里斯, 记者来鸿:印度到底有多腐败?  BBC Chinese, Feb 2, 2011.

, which is translated from

Chris Morris, The good, bad and ugly of Indian life - all on one road. BBC, Jan 29, 2011.

My comment:
(i) Aruna Asaf Ali
(1909-1996; an Indian independence activist)
(ii) For Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, see Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
((The word Marg is Hindi for road))
(b) The journalish said, "This was the road on which I drove, or was driven, from home to work and back." "Was driven" refers to the fact that he has a driver.
(c) concertina
(d) masonry (n): "1b: the art, trade, or occupation of a mason
c : work done by a mason"

All definitions are from www.m-w.com.

(e) As I read on, I wondered if the Chinese title was a hyperbole, for I saw no 腐败--just wretched  infrastructure. After all, the English title is a shorthand of

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Italian: Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo) is a 1966 Italian/Spanish epic spaghetti western film directed by Sergio Leone, starring Clint Eastwood [as "The Good"], Lee Van Cleef [as "The Bad"], and Eli Wallach [as "The Ugly"] in the title roles)

(f) doyen (n; French): "the senior member of a body or group"

Both French noun "doyen" and English noun "dean" share the same root: Late Latin decanus chief of ten, from Greek dekanos, from deka ten.
(g) banana republic
(As a political science term banana republic is a descriptor first used by the American writer O. Henry in Cabbages and Kings (1904), a book of related short stories derived from his 1896–97 residence in Honduras, where he was hiding from the U.S. law for bank embezzlement in the U.S)
(h) "any official asks for their palm to greased." Obviously "be" is missing; it should be "palm to be greased."
(i) technicolor


"Technicolor is the trademark for a series of color film processes pioneered by Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation * * * Technicolor was the second major color film process, after Britain's Kinemacolor, and the most widely used color motion picture process in Hollywood from 1922 to 1952. Technicolor became known and celebrated for its saturated levels of color

"The Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation was founded in Boston in 1914 * * * by Herbert Kalmus, Daniel Frost Comstock, and W. Burton Wescott. The 'Tech' in the company's name was inspired by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where Kalmus received his undergraduate degree and was later an instructor


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