VOA Chinese, Feb 26, 2011.
My comment:
(a) The report cites
胡厚昆, 华为致美国政府公开信全文. Huawei, Feb 25, 2011.
I select this website, because I can not find the open letter in Huawei's own Chinese or English website.
(b) No way. See
(i) Charlie Savage, U.S. Gathered Personal Data on Times Reporter in Case Against Ex-C.I.A. Agent; Scrutinizing James Risen, who wrote a book about George W Bushand the CIA. New York Times, Feb 26, 2011.
("Mr. Risen’s 2006 book, “State of War: The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration.” One of the book’s chapters details a C.I.A. program in 2000 that aimed to disrupt Iran’s nuclear research by giving it blueprints for a nuclear device containing a hidden design flaw")
(ii) Michael Sheridan, China's hi-tech military disaster. The Times (London), June 11, 2006.
(CIA's Trojian horse allegedly caused crash of China's early warning airplane during the test)
I do not supply a link due to fee requirement for archive.
(1) 中国借壳投资 成为日企神秘股东. VOA Chinese, Feb 25, 2011.
Note: The report cites
Atsuko FUKASE. China's Stealth Investments in Japan. Wall Street Journal, Feb 25, 2011.
Note: Japanese surname Fukase: 深瀬.
(2) 又一批外国零售巨头进军中国市场. VOA Chinese, Feb 25, 2011.
("在美国零售商百思买(Best Buy)和家得宝(Home Depot)宣布撤出中国市场之后两天,德国和法国的零售商高调宣布进军中国市场; 2月25日,德国电器零售商Media Markt公司, 法国时装公司寇依(Chloe)当天也做出了同样的决定)