(1) Jenna Wortham, So Far Rivals Can't Beat IPad's Price. New York Times, Mar 7, 2011.
(lowest prices: iPad & iPad 2, $499; Samsung Galaxy $549; Motorola Xoom $800)
(2) Yenting Chen and Steve Shen, Taiwan suppliers to ship 10-12 million iPads in 2Q11. DigiTimes (Taipei), Mar 4, 2011.
(1) Clyde Prestowitz, Why isn't the iPhone made in America? Foreign Policy, Mar 8, 2011 (blog).
("The battery chargers, camera lenses, and timing crystals all come from Taiwan. The screen is from Japan, the video processing chip from South Korea, and many of the other chips Taiwan's Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. * * * The other Asian countries -- particularly Japan, but also Korea and Taiwan -- do not have low labor costs")
, which cites
'This Week' Transcript: Sen. John McCain; Plus, Made in Amerca and Women of the Revolution
This Week With Christaine Amanpour, ABC News, Mar 6, 2011.
(McCain: "But I would also point out that, if you'd emptied that house, if you'd left a computer there or an iPad or an iPhone, those are built in the United States of America. And as the president said, continuously, and I agree with him, innovation is the key to us being able to restore our economy.")
(2) Patricia Hurtado, Insider Trading Suspect Jiau Loses Bail Over Risk She Might Flee. Bloomberg, Mar 3, 2011.