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发表于 4-2-2011 11:03:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Apr 2, 2011.
("据信,此前反叛武装曾发高射防空炮庆祝在同一地区的另一次针对卡扎菲部队的空袭 * * * 艾杰达比亚医院的医生对记者说,三名医科学生是这次空袭中的死者")

Note: 北约调查空袭打死利比亚平民的报告. VOA Chinese, Apr 2, 2011.

(1) 阿富汗抗议“焚经事件”范围扩大. BBCChinese, Apr 2, 2011.

My comment: Well, I did not know. And it was not reported in US.

(2) 彭顯鈞, 蔣介石日記 冒出養女爭繼承. Liberty Times, Apr 2, 2011.

(3) 美国国务院、五角大楼重要人事调整. VOA Chinese, Apr 2, 2011.
("台湾的主要英文报刊台北时报(Taipei Times)在报导斯坦伯格离任消息时,称他是一位亲中(pro-China)派人士,对台湾鲜有同情。台北时报说,美国政府内部的这一高级人事变动,可能不会马上看出对亚太地区具体的影响,因为美国目前最为关心的是阿拉伯世界的变动。但是,台北时报说,斯坦伯格任上,其'亲中'的立场至少在一定程度上导致了美方搁置对台湾出售F-16战机一案")

Note: The report cites
William Lowther, Steinberg resigns as US deputy secretary of state. Taipei Times, Apr 2, 2011.


"US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, a pro-China diplomat with little sympathy for Taiwan, has resigned and will return to academia." p. 1

"'US-Taiwan relations right now are going nowhere. Steinberg was a well-known advocate for closer relations with China and I think that tendency was undermining movement in US-Taiwan relations,' [Heritage's Walter] Lohman said.

"Gerrit van der Wees, editor of the Washington-based Taiwan Communique, said Steinberg was 'too soft on China.' 'On Taiwan, Steinberg regrettably clung too much to old "one China" policy mantras and was not able to engage the US in more creative thinking and action in support of Taiwan’s democracy and international space. He also was overly cautious on US arms sales to Taiwan,' he said.

My comment:
(a) 麦克斯维尔公共事务学院 Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse Univ
(b) Liberty Times, the sister publication of Taipei Times, reported about a half year ago that a DPP elder seemed fond of Steinberg, calling the latter scholarly.

※ 修改:.choi 于 Apr  2 16:12:15 修改本文.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 4-2-2011 12:13:03 | 只看该作者

Re: 北约调查利比亚反叛武装遇袭事件


I just added

(3) 美国国务院、五角大楼重要人事调整. VOA Chinese, Apr 2, 2011.
("台湾的主要英文报刊台北时报(Taipei Times)在报导斯坦伯格离任消息时,称他是一位亲中(pro-China)派人士,对台湾鲜有同情。台北时报说,美国政府内部的这一高级人事变动,可能不会马上看出对亚太地区具体的影响,因为美国目前最为关心的是阿拉伯世界的变动。但是,台北时报说,斯坦伯格任上,其'亲中'的立场至少在一定程度上导致了美方搁置对台湾出售F-16战机一案")

Note: The report cites
William Lowther, Steinberg resigns as US deputy secretary of state. Taipei Times, Apr 2, 2011.


"US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, a pro-China diplomat with little sympathy for Taiwan, has resigned and will return to academia." p. 1

"'US-Taiwan relations right now are going nowhere. Steinberg was a well-known advocate for closer relations with China and I think that tendency was undermining movement in US-Taiwan relations,' [Heritage's Walter] Lohman said.

"Gerrit van der Wees, editor of the Washington-based Taiwan Communique, said Steinberg was 'too soft on China.' 'On Taiwan, Steinberg regrettably clung too much to old "one China" policy mantras and was not able to engage the US in more creative thinking and action in support of Taiwan’s democracy and international space. He also was overly cautious on US arms sales to Taiwan,' he said.

My comment:
(a) 麦克斯维尔公共事务学院 Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse Univ
(b) Liberty Times, the sister publication of Taipei Times, reported about a half year ago that a DPP elder seemed fond of Steinberg, calling the latter scholarly.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: BBC Chinese, Apr 2, 2011.
: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/world/2011/04/110402_libya_rebels_nato.shtml
: ("据信,此前反叛武装曾发高射防空炮庆祝在同一地区的另一次针对卡扎菲部队的空袭 * * * 艾杰达比亚医院的医生对记者说,三名医科学生是这次空袭中的死者")
: Note: 北约调查空袭打死利比亚平民的报告. VOA Chines
: (以下引言省略...)

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