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Pets Massage

发表于 4-21-2011 09:52:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Beth Teitel, Opulent digs arise in Hub strictly for the 4-legged set. Boston Globe, Apr 13, 2011

(i) Quote:

Bob Vetere, president of the American Pet Products Association "credits baby boomers for much of the increasing humanization of pets and everything that has followed: designer leashes, five-figure doghouses, dogs staying in human hotels, and pet hotels that serve Starbucks (to the pets’ owners).

Raymond Schneider, owner of Red Dog Pet Resort and Spa said, “Twenty to 25 years ago, the dog was in the garage. Fifteen years back, they started being invited in the house. Now they sleep with you.’’

(ii) Note:
* Reiki
(霊気; a spiritual practice[1] developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao USUI 臼井 甕男 (1865-1926)

* Ruffin’ It Resort:

rough it: "to live under harsh or primitive conditions"

gruff (adj; Dutch grof; akin to Old High German grob coarse):
"being deep and harsh : hoarse <a gruff voice>"

Both definitions are from www.m-w.com.

("McGruff the Crime Dog&reg;, Scruff&reg;, and "Take a Bite Out of Crime&reg;" are registered marks of the National Crime Prevention Council")

(iii) A couple of months ago I introduced a report about luxury dog hotels. But this report mentions more amenities: dog-owner Skype sessions, Reiki therapy; private walks, one-on-one playtime, a bedtime cuddle or take-home.


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