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Vibrators on a Shelf Near You

发表于 4-21-2011 10:00:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Hilary Howard, Vibrators Carry the Conversation; They are in movies, online and moving into neighborhood drugstores; Women are taking ownership of their sexuality. New York Times, Apr 21, 2011.


"The newest model on the shelves is the Tri-Phoria ($39.99), created by the condom company Trojan after a study the company conducted in 2008 in partnership with the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University revealed that over half of American women had used vibrators, and of that group, nearly 80 percent had shared them with their partners. James Daniels, vice president for marketing at Trojan, said: 'The idea really came from consumers. They kept telling us vibrators, vibrators. And we just laughed. And then we realized they were serious.'

"'"Sex and the City" did as much for women’s sexual comfort as really anything has done in the past couple of decades,' said Dr. Laura Berman of 'In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman,' on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.

(a) pinot gris
(Thought to be a mutant clone of the Pinot noir grape, it normally has a grayish-blue fruit, accounting for its name (gris meaning "grey" in French); The word pinot, which means "pine cone" in French, could have been given to it because the grapes grow in small pine cone-shaped clusters./The clone of Pinot gris grown in Italy is known as Pinot grigio)

grigio (n; adj): grey
Italian to English dictionary
(b) Bengay

Bengal patch's active ingredient is "menthol 5%." according to Bengay.com.
(c) Tri-Phoria. Trojian.
("Triple Your Pleasure with the all New Vibrating Tri*Phoria")

"Change the tips, the speeds and the pulse patterns to create up to 24 unique, toe-curling, pleasurable sensations. Vibrating Tri•Phoria™ is truly one of the most versatile vibrators around.

* Why 24?  Because "8 settings" (5 speeds and 3 pulse patterns), multiplied by "3 interchangeable tips."
* euphoria (n; Greek, from euphoros healthy, from eu- + pherein to bear; First Known Use: circa 1751):
"a feeling of well-being or elation"

All English definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(d) Vibrating Devices. LifeStyles.
(Vibrating Rings; A:Muse Personal Pleasure Massager)
(e) Play Massagers. Durex.
(Play Massagers includes Play Allue; Play Vibrations; Play Vibrations Focus; Play Vibrations Connect)

* "Play" seems to be part of trademark.
(f) The report quotes a female sex-toy store owner as saying vibrators are becoming "unburdened of its freight of shame, sexual defect and sluttiness.”

Freight (n):
"2a : goods to be shipped : cargo

It is the definition 2b that counts in this context.
(g) ORGASM Inc. - Liz Canner

Read SYNOPSIS in the left column and see "WATCH THE TRAILER" in the top.
(h) Rabbit Pearl. Vibratex.
(22 years ago when the company was formed, the clitoris had been forgotten [in US]. At that time, the only vibrators available [in America] for women were the plastic missile-style vibes and the realistic-looking latex vibes. Vibratex brought in the first dual-action vibrators from Japan for distribution in the United States.)

Go to images.yahoo.com and you will see a rabbit perched on the vibrator--hence the name.
(i) The report says, "Of course, a plastic battery-powered device is not needed for self-stimulation, but there is no market potential in that idea."

It hints about a woman using a finger or (reportedly) squeezing the thighs on herself--or by her partner.
(j) Why did Lou (short for Louis), found to have prostate cancer, use "a make-your-own vibrator kit to make a mold of himself for his wife before having surgery."

There are nerves surrounding the prostate gland, which are often inadvertently severed during the operation, cauing impotence as a complication of the surgery.
(k) erotica (n; Latin from Greek; noun plural but singular or plural in construction):
"literary or artistic works having an erotic theme or quality"
(l) OhMiBod.com

Well, I can not fancy the function of the apps, despite my intelligence.

Thankfully, there is a Q&A section in the website:
("Simply plug OhMiBod into your iPod® or any music player and it automatically vibrates to the rhythm and intensity of the music. Let your body feel the vibrations as you get down with your favorite tunes. The combination of listening and feeling your music quickly transports you to a place where music, mind and body come together to create an unbeatable sexual experience.")

(m) prurient (adj; Latin prurire to itch):
"marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire; especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire"
(n) Inez, by Leno
("crafted in stainless steel or 18K gold-plate")

* Go to the right column of this web page for more information.
* The report gives a quote of $13,500 but Amazon,com sells for $7,004.00.
* ABOUT US: "LELO is a Swedish designer brand that prides itself in offering only the most stylish and luxurious intimate lifestyle accessories."
(o) The report discusses attempts to treat hysteria as raison d'être (French for "reason or justification for existence").

vibrator (sex toy)
cites as reference 1:
Rachel P. Maines (1999). The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator, and Women's Sexual Satisfaction. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore. ISBN 978-0-8018-6646-3

* Please take notice: American Psychiatric Association in 1980 no longer considered hysteria a diagnosis. No such disorder, in other words.

(p) I have no comment; after all I do not know women's body. But even a pet enjoys a scratch--or better yet, massage. See my posting today titled Pets Massage.


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