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发表于 4-27-2011 09:58:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Three Aviation Week articles, in chronological order.

(1) Press release, COMAC selects Hamilton Sundstrand to provide C919 electric system. Hamilton Sundstrand, Apr 21, 2011.
("Commercial Aviation Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) has selected Hamilton Sundstrand to provide the electric power generation and distribution systems for its new C919 aircraft. Hamilton Sundstrand is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. The work is worth more than $1 billion in revenue over the life of the program.")

Note: Hamilton and Sundstrand are surnames of founders. There is no need to read the rest.

(2) Bradley Perrett, China’s Comac Ponders Materials For C919. Aviation Week, Apr 15, 2011
("One structural decision that has been made is the material for the tail and moveable surfaces: they will be of composite, as they routinely are on new commercial aircraft these days. But the material for the center wing box, outer wing boxes and fuselage is still under study"0

My comment: The quotation is the summary of teh article. But to me, the most important is the last two paragraphs.

"The low priority now accorded to the ARJ21 was evident at the Shanghai International Business Aviation Show, held here April 13-15 * * * The ARJ21 looks increasingly likely to be an unloved orphan until the C919 enters service—in 2016, according to the schedule. The C919 is a project of national priority for the government of President and Communist Party Chairman Hu Jintao. The ARJ21 is not.

(3) Michael Mecham and Joseph C. Anselmo, The China Market Is Attaining Critical Mass. Aviation Week, Apr 25, 2011


"The ARJ21 is no longer a priority" web page 1

"[Parker Aerospace’s Vice President Pui] Ho expects the new airplane not to be a mere clone. 'They want it to be advanced when it enters into service,' he says. The Parker hydraulics for the C919 are a new design, as are other elements of the new airplane. It uses a common core computing architecture that Smiths Industries, now GE Aviation Systems, developed for the 787. The C919’s powerplant is the Leap-X1C, the first edition of CFM International’s successor to the CFM56 series." web page 2

"The ARJ21 brought outside contracts for Alcoa on aluminum alloys" web page 3
"From his 31st-floor office in a glass-and-steel Shanghai high-rise, Parker Aerospace’s Ho looks down on a street filled with Audis, Buicks, Volkswagens and other well-known brands. All bear Chinese characters on the trunk identifying them as produced in-country, but that has not hurt their sales at home. 'I think it’s overblown, a little bit,' he says of concerns about IP protection. 'The question is, do they have enough programs to make them good enough [to compete]. Right now, they do not. Right now they are not thinking so far ahead. It’s a competitive world. We’re not going to stagnate just because of the Chinese.'" web page 3

My comment:
(a) CFM International
(b) There is no need to read the rest.

※ 修改:.choi 于 Apr 27 14:03:18 修改本文.[FROM:]

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