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Sewage Treatment

发表于 6-25-2011 09:16:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) I recommend a comprehensive cover story.
泡汤城市: 地下不通,地上则痛。大雨浸泡的不仅是人民和车子,也报括城市的规划理念。南都周刊, May 31, 2011
, which is made up of four articles
(a) 都市水患 致命的约会: 李淑芬从清远赶来广州和男友相会,庆祝她的20岁生日。然而,繁华都市的一场暴雨却夺去了她的生命。
(b) 广州“水战”: 一周三场罕见暴雨之后,所有广州人都在问同一个问题:在持续多年耗费巨资的排水系统改造后,这座治水模本城市为什么还会一次次在暴雨面前沦陷?
(c) 青岛古力, 一百年前的远见: 战败的德国人给日本人,留下了一座号称“东方瑞士”的现代化城市。其中,极具现代意识的城市下水管网,让100年后的青岛人依旧受益。
(d) 程晓陶:以法治理城市水患: 日本的《下水道法》对下水道的排水能力和各项指标都有严格规定,巴黎的排水法律体系也相当完善,围绕城市内涝预防、规划以及政府责任,进行全方位的立法。

(2) It is true that Chinese have a thing for Germans (Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek army was modeled after Germany).

See also
Windward, Tsingtao. Axis History Forum, Aug 15, 2003.
(a photo caption: "German-made sewer tubes [made of concrete covered with tiles in lower half] dig out on Aug 2, slick, solid, almost new after 100 years. From Qing Dao Ri Bao (Tsingtao News)")

(3) When we were kids in Taiwan--back in 1960s--many Taiwanese did worship the ground Germans, Japanese and Americans walked on, for punctuality, precision and yes, regimentation 军事化管理 for Germans and Japanese. Taiwanese have outgrown that.

(4) A brief introduction to German, London and New York City sewer systems.

(a) H. Seeger, The History of German Waste Water Treatment. European Water Management, 51-56 (1999).
("Although a sewer system had been constructed as early as 1842 in Hamburg, the general introduction of sewers in the German cities started with the construction of a system in Frankfurt/ Main in 1867, just after the biggest wave of cholera epidemics")

(i) The author is German.
(ii) The sewer system did not treat waste water before discharge. The report stated at p 52 that Danzig and Berlin started treatment in 1871 and 1873 respectively, by running waste water through sewage fields. "The first such [waste water] plant in Germany was constructed in Frankfurt/ Main in 1887. * * * The knowledge of these technologies [for mechanical, as opposed to biological, treatment such as screens, grit removal, strainers, and settling tanks] was adopted from England, as in the case of sewer constructions."

(b) London built sewer after the 1858 Great Stink, which emptied into Thames estuary (away from urban centers) untreated.
(c) New York City.

Michael Markowitz, The Sewer System. Gotham Magazine, Oct 23, 2003.


"The city's first underground sewer of any kind goes back even further, to Dutch Colonial times, when a channel was dug down the middle of Broad Street and decked over. * * * In 1849, after years of haphazard planning and a series of deadly cholera outbreaks, the city started systematically building sewers.

"Whenever you flush or turn on a faucet, the wastewater flows through pipes that lead to sewer pipes, called mains, in the street. Sewer mains are typically three to five feet in diameter. Runoff from rainstorms (and all the stuff that collects in the gutter) joins it in combined mains.

"For decades, the waste simply went from the pipes out into the waterways surrounding the city. Most treatment plants in the city were not built until after World War II, and the last of these, the North River plant in West Harlem and the Red Hook plant in Brooklyn, were not completed until the late 1980s. As recently as 1986, all the sewage from the Upper West Side of Manhattan flowed untreated into the Hudson River.

(5) Sewage (or wastewater) treatment has become a science.

Though curious, I do not know much, except to point out my postings
Water Purification to Drink. Yilubbs.com, May 22, 2011.
, where I discussed about water shortage and a few jurisdictions where people drank treated sewage (in Orange county, California and Singapore which sells bottled NEWater in addition).

Chinese reports on Qingdao/Tsingtao sewer system have lavished praise on the separate channels for sanitary waste (ie, human waste of urine and stool) and rain water in the German neighborhood but not in the Chinese quarters of the city during colonial time.

But see
(a) combined sewer
("Many cities that installed sewage collection systems in the early 20th century, or earlier, used single-pipe systems that collect both sewage and urban runoff from streets and roofs. This type of collection system is referred to as a combined sewer system or a CSS [for combined swer system]. The cities' rationale when these systems were built was that it would be cheaper to build just a single system. Most cities at that time did not have sewage treatment plants, so there was no perceived public health advantage in constructing a separate storm sewer system.  Combined sewer systems are found throughout the United States, but are most heavily concentrated in the Northeast and Great Lakes regions. State and local authorities have generally not allowed the construction of new CSSs since the first half of the 20th century.")
(b) sanitary sewer
("Many older cities still use combined sewers while adjacent suburbs were built with separate sanitary sewers")

Indeed there was a debate as to which system (combined or separate) was better.  
Burian SJ, Nix SJ, Durrans SR, Pitt RE, Fan C-Y and Field, R, The Historial Developemtn of Wet-Weather Flow Management.
(at pages 8-9: A major problem with sanitary line is repeated blockage and backup; "by the end of the [nineteenth] century * * * combined sewer systems were recommended for most urban areas [in US]. This philosophy did not waver until more wastewater treatment was required and costs correspondingly increased. This resulted in the transfer from recommending combined sewers to separate sewers as the system of choice for urban areas in 1930s and 1940s")

(6) A problem with combine sewer system (CSS) is that when it rain storm often overwhelms it, so that the overflow is discharged without treatment first.

I live in Boston, Massachusetts. It just happens that a state agency, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), made an announcement.

MWRA Completes Overflow Tunnel in South Boston; Beaches will be among the cleanest In the country. MWRA, June 23, 2011.
("Until today, combined sewer overflows discharged about 20 times a year at six outfalls along the South Boston beaches. From now on, CSO and stormwater flows will be stored in the [17-foot diameter, 2.1-mile-long, underground] tunnel until the storm subsides. The tunnel will then be pumped out and the flows sent to Deer Island for treatment and discharge. * * * The South Boston CSO Storage Tunnel is the single largest project in MWRA’s $850 million program to control combined sewer overflows. The project also received $9.09 million in federal stimulus funding.")

(a) South Boston is a neighborhood of City of Boston.
(b) outfall (n): "the outlet of a body of water (as a river or lake); especially : the mouth of a drain or sewer"

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 楼主| 发表于 6-26-2011 08:45:56 | 只看该作者

Re: Sewage Treatment


More about sewer system: (1) is about Europe's, as sightseeing attractions, and (2), New York City.

(1) Daniel Michaels, It's Flush Times for the Darkest Stop on the Grand Tour—Europe's Sewers;  
If it's Tuesday, it must be Vienna or Paris; Love Among the effluent in Brighton. all Street Journal, May 28, 2011.


"And the wellspring of sewer tourism, Paris's Musée des Égouts, plans a makeover to handle rising traffic, which surpasses 100,000 visitors a year. * * * Tours of the city's sewers, already famous from Victor Hugo's 'Les Misérables,' began in 1867 * * * 'It was very chic,' says museum spokeswoman Marie-Christine Amable. 'We had beautiful sewers.'

"Sewer museum officials around Europe say they're flush with visitors now thanks in part to environmental concerns. People are increasingly curious about how their waste is handled.

(a) The "gutter" in "in the gutter"
(n): "the lowest or most vulgar level or condition of human life"
(b) The Third Man
(Many critics rank it as a masterpiece)
(c) Brighton

* History of Brighton
(section 1 Etymology)
(c) Duke of York's Picture House, Brighton
(an art house cinema; the oldest continuously operating purpose built cinema in Britain that has retained both its original name and remains largely unaltered; opened in 1910)
(d) redolent (adj; Latin redolent-, present participle of redolēre to emit a scent, from re-, red- + olēre to smell):
"1: exuding fragrance : AROMATIC
2a : full of a specified fragrance : SCENTED <air redolent of seaweed>"
(e) sluice
(f) égout (masculine; n): "sewer, drain; main, cloaca, ditch"
(g) Les Misérables
(an 1862 French novel; widely considered one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century)


"Valjean escapes through the sewers, carrying Marius' body on his shoulders. He manages to evade a police patrol. He eventually finds a gate to exit the sewers, but to his disappointment, the gate is locked. Valjean suddenly hears a voice behind him, and he turns and sees Thénardier. Valjean recognizes him but his composure is calm, for he perceives that Thénardier does not recognize him due to his dirty appearance. Thinking Valjean to be a simple murderer, Thénardier offers to open the gate for money. He then proceeds to search Valjean and Marius' pockets. While doing this, he secretly tears off a piece of Marius’ coat so he can later find out his identity. Finding only thirty francs, Thénardier reluctantly takes the money and opens the gate, letting Valjean out.

(h) noisome (adj; Middle English noysome, from noy annoyance, alteration of anoi, from Anglo-French anui, from anuier to harass, annoy):
"offensive to the senses and especially to the sense of smell <noisome garbage>"
(i) The Honeymooners was a situation comedy (1955-1956), whose character Ed Norton worked for the sewer department of New York City.

He was in the left of this photo:
(j) The report the talked about a proposal at Brighton's "cavernous red-brick storm drain" which the woman described as: "It's really quite beautiful and cathedral-like there. It does still smell."

Brighton sewer
(k) wing tip (n):
"1a : the edge or outer margin of a bird's wing
2: a toe cap having a point that extends back toward the throat of the shoe and curving sides that extend toward the shank
3: a shoe having a wing tip"

Definitions 2 and 3 fit the bill.

* This is a pair of shoes with wing tips.
(l) spelunker (n; Latin spelunca cave, from Greek spēlynx):
"one who makes a hobby of exploring and studying caves"

(2) Alan Feuer, The Wilderness Below Your Feet. New York Times, Jan 2, 2011
("a taxing, baffling, five-day journey into New York’s underground, the purpose of which, its planners said, was to expose the city’s skeleton, to render visible its invisible marvels")


"A raccoon! Huge, healthy and darting around a corner. No rats, though; a surprise.

(a) The report was about underground infrastructure of New York City, inclugin sewers and tubnnels (mostly for trains that were abandoned or fell into disuse).

To read the portions about sewers only, read
(i) page 1 to top of page 2,
(ii) page 4 (in four paragraphs: 5:22 pm (Queens sewer), "Friday, 12:13 am 543 Canal Street, Manhattan," 5:21 am (sewer under Greene Street) and "10:06 am Brookville Park, Queens" (storm drain))
(b) The "funk" in "a dull ammoniac funk"

(n; probably ultimately from French dialect (Picard) funquer to give off smoke):
"a strong offensive smell"
(c) archway (n): "a way or passage under an arch; also : an arch over a passage"
(d) d'oh (interjection; First Known Use 1993):
"—used to express sudden recognition of a foolish blunder or an ironic turn of events"
(e) Minos is a mythical king in Greek mythology.

His role in
Inferno (Dante)
(Beyond the first circle, all of those condemned for active, deliberately willed sin are judged by the serpentine Minos, who sentences each soul to one of the lower eight circles by wrapping his tail around himself a corresponding number of times)
(f) The "boom" in "sound boom"
(n; Dutch, tree, beam):
"a long more or less horizontal supporting arm or brace (as for holding a microphone)"

Mireya Navarro, $1.5 Billion Plan Would Cut Sewage Flow Into City Waters. New York Times,


"The plan is intended to block the overflow of untreated sewage and storm water into bodies of water * * * The problem of overflow from sewers is common around the country, and the city’s proposed solutions parallel approaches that are being tried in other cities.

"City officials said that the natural features like plantings would help reduce sewer overflows by 40 percent by 2030 and reduce the city’s sewer management costs by $2.4 billion over 20 years, helping to keep water bills down for ratepayers. Up to 30 billion gallons of overflows from the city’s sewer system, which carries both sanitary sewage and storm water from the streets, end up in the waterways each year. * * * The goal, Mr. [Cas] Holloway[, the city’s environmental protection commissioner] said, is for the city’s landscape to absorb about 12 billion gallons of untreated runoff and wastewater a year that now fouls up the waterways. 'You need to make the city more permeable,' he said.

"Environmental groups say that sewer overflows are the biggest water quality problem in the region, keeping many waterways from meeting federal standards for fishing, swimming and a healthy habitat for wildlife.

Note: There is no need to read the rest of the report.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) I recommend a comprehensive cover story.
: 泡汤城市: 地下不通,地上则痛。大雨浸泡的不仅是人民和车子,也报括城市的规划理念。南都周刊, May 31, 2011
: http://past.nbweekly.com/Print/776.shtml
: , which is made up of four articles
: (a) 都市水患 致命的约会: 李淑芬从清远赶来广州和男
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 6-29-2011 10:38:57 | 只看该作者

Re: Sewage Treatment


The Fugitive (a 1993 film) showcased the storm water system underneath Chicago. I lived in Chicago for four years in 1880s and heard nothing about it.

(1) Suzanne Malec, Storm Water Management in the City of Chicago. Department of Environment, City of Chicago.
("In 1972, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (formerly Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago) started construction of a large scale, multi-purpose Tunnel and Reservoir Program (TARP), comprised of deep rock tunnels and surface reservoirs that capture, convey, and store combined sewage during storms until it can be transferred to existing treatment plants when capacity becomes available. * * * In 1984, the first TARP tunnel projects came online")

Read only the first one and a half pages.

(2) Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD)
(a) Mission & Services.

Quote from the section "Facilities":

"The District is located primarily within the boundaries of Cook County , Illinois .

"The District’s Tunnel and Reservoir Project (TARP) is one of the country’s largest public works projects for pollution and flood control. Four tunnel systems total 109 miles of tunnels, 9 to 33 feet in diameter and 150 to 300 feet underground. One reservoir is in operation and construction is in progress on the two remaining reservoirs.

"The District owns and operates one of the world’s largest water reclamation plants, in addition to six other plants and 23 pumping stations. The District treats an average of 1.4 billion gallons of wastewater each day. The District’s total wastewater treatment capacity is over 2.0 billion gallons per day.

(b) Tunnel and Reservoir Plan
("The separate tunnel systems and their service areas are shown on Figure 1. After a storm event, pumping stations dewater the tunnel systems as Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) capacity becomes available, making the tunnel and reservoir capacity available for the next storm event. All captured combined sewer flow pumped to the WRP receives full secondary treatment prior to being discharged to the waterway")

(a) Chicago River

Check the two maps in the left column with the headings: "BEFORE CONVERSION"
and "AFTER CONVERSION--Circa 1900."

(b) Des Plaines River
(section 2 Etymology)

(c) Illinoios River
(empties into Mississippi River)

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) I recommend a comprehensive cover story.
: 泡汤城市: 地下不通,地上则痛。大雨浸泡的不仅是人民和车子,也报括城市的规划理念。南都周刊, May 31, 2011
: http://past.nbweekly.com/Print/776.shtml
: , which is made up of four articles
: (a) 都市水患 致命的约会: 李淑芬从清远赶来广州和男
: (以下引言省略...)

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 楼主| 发表于 6-29-2011 10:38:57 | 只看该作者

Re: Sewage Treatment


The Fugitive (a 1993 film) showcased the storm water system underneath Chicago. I lived in Chicago for four years in 1880s and heard nothing about it.

(1) Suzanne Malec, Storm Water Management in the City of Chicago. Department of Environment, City of Chicago.
("In 1972, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (formerly Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago) started construction of a large scale, multi-purpose Tunnel and Reservoir Program (TARP), comprised of deep rock tunnels and surface reservoirs that capture, convey, and store combined sewage during storms until it can be transferred to existing treatment plants when capacity becomes available. * * * In 1984, the first TARP tunnel projects came online")

Read only the first one and a half pages.

(2) Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD)
(a) Mission & Services.

Quote from the section "Facilities":

"The District is located primarily within the boundaries of Cook County , Illinois .

"The District’s Tunnel and Reservoir Project (TARP) is one of the country’s largest public works projects for pollution and flood control. Four tunnel systems total 109 miles of tunnels, 9 to 33 feet in diameter and 150 to 300 feet underground. One reservoir is in operation and construction is in progress on the two remaining reservoirs.

"The District owns and operates one of the world’s largest water reclamation plants, in addition to six other plants and 23 pumping stations. The District treats an average of 1.4 billion gallons of wastewater each day. The District’s total wastewater treatment capacity is over 2.0 billion gallons per day.

(b) Tunnel and Reservoir Plan
("The separate tunnel systems and their service areas are shown on Figure 1. After a storm event, pumping stations dewater the tunnel systems as Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) capacity becomes available, making the tunnel and reservoir capacity available for the next storm event. All captured combined sewer flow pumped to the WRP receives full secondary treatment prior to being discharged to the waterway")

(a) Chicago River

Check the two maps in the left column with the headings: "BEFORE CONVERSION"
and "AFTER CONVERSION--Circa 1900."

(b) Des Plaines River
(section 2 Etymology)

(c) Illinoios River
(empties into Mississippi River)

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) I recommend a comprehensive cover story.
: 泡汤城市: 地下不通,地上则痛。大雨浸泡的不仅是人民和车子,也报括城市的规划理念。南都周刊, May 31, 2011
: http://past.nbweekly.com/Print/776.shtml
: , which is made up of four articles
: (a) 都市水患 致命的约会: 李淑芬从清远赶来广州和男
: (以下引言省略...)

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