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Recycle in Taiwan

发表于 6-25-2011 12:03:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) US has plenty of land for landfill. Not Taiwan or Japan.

Not surprisingly both have led the way in trash disposal and recycling. Americans are impressed.
Julia Ross, What I Picked Up About Trash in Taipei. Washington Post, Dec 2, 2007.

(2) US.

I know personally that Boston residents are not good at recycling, for lack of incentives and/or penalty. Households pay property tax to the city, which includes garbage disposal. When people do not pay for garbage disposal, they mix everything in a trash bag and throw it away.

In US, I have been to commercial (read private) centers for paper, bottle/can or scrap metal recycle. They are reasonably clean and have no odor.

(2) Kwangyin Liu, Greener Future for Taiwan's Waste Disposal Facilities. CleanBiz Asia, Mar 25, 2011
(Taiwan's EPA contemplates converting burnt waste from Taiwan's 26 incineration plants into biocharcoal and used for power generation)

(3) 政院環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會 Recycling Fund Management Board, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Taiwan.

(a) Click 我要資料 in the right column, for 統計資料.
(i) 回收量

* What are recycled in Taiwan are: 鐵容器,鋁容器,玻璃容器,鋁箔包,紙容器(紙盒包,紙餐具),農藥容器,塑膠容器 (PET, PVC, PP/PE, PS [styroform] (未發泡 or 發泡)),乾電池,汽車,機車,鉛蓄電池,電子電器物品(電視機,洗衣機,電冰箱,冷暖氣機, 電風扇),資訊(筆記型電腦,主機,監視器,印表機,鍵盤),照明光源.
* For more recycle categories in Taiwan, see (b)(ii) below.
(ii) Click two buttons at the top horizontal bar for:
* 回收率統計
* 環境資料庫

(b) At the top horizontal bar, click 認識回收.

(i) 回收觀念─認識回收標誌.




(ii) On the same web page, click 垃圾分類  in the left co,umn. You will learn that 舊衣回收; 光碟片及行動電話; 沙發、彈簧床等大型垃圾; 廚餘 (有害垃圾: 水銀溫度計等物品,因內含水銀物質,可能對清潔隊員造成傷害,應與一般垃圾分開處理,直接交給清潔隊員).


"目前全國大部分的地區都已經實施垃圾不落地,一定得在指定的時間、地點「迎接」 垃圾車的到來,在其他少數仍採用垃圾點的地區,也不代表二十四小時都 可以丟垃圾哦!有些鄉鎮市會規定,居民要在晚上幾點以後,才能 把垃圾拿出來,因此,若是在鄉鎮市公所規定時間之前,就把垃圾包丟出來,即使是丟在合法的垃圾子車內,也會被罰一千二百元至六千元。

"清潔隊員可以用照相方式,舉發當場被逮到沒有在指定時間丟垃圾的民眾,也可以在事後把垃圾包打開,以其中的信封、電費單、水費單 等單據來舉發違規的民眾。

Also recycled in Taiwan is the used motor oil.

(4) China lags behind.

China's environment  | A Great Wall of Waste; China is slowly starting to tackle its huge pollution problems. Economist, Aug 19, 2004.
("Taihe landfill plant. Built for 540m yuan by Onyx, a waste-management company that is part of Veolia, a French utility, it has handled all of Guangzhou city's solid waste for the past two years.")

(a) Taihe 广东省广州市白云区太和镇
(b) Onyx  惠民(广州)环境技术有限公司
(c) Veolia Environmental Services 威立雅环境服务公司

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