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重慶大厦 + CIA Interrogation

发表于 7-2-2011 12:23:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

(1) Paul Carl Lukacs, Commerce in the Rough; The 17-story Chungking Mansions in Hong Kong is a hive of small-bore arbitrage and 'Nokla' phone sales. Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2011
(book review on Gordon Mathews, Ghetto at the Center of the World: Chungking Mansion, Hong Kong. University of Chicago Press, 2011)

(a) This is publisher's page for the book.
(b) Chungking Mansion 重慶大厦

(i) Click "Map" in the left column, and you will see the mansion is situated at Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀
at southern Koloon, facing Hong Kong island across Victoria Harbor.
(ii)You can click, say, "A Block" in the left column and, inthe new wweb page, click any hotel to take a look at a room and price range.

* outer appearance of the mansion:
(c) flophouse (n): "a cheap rooming house or hotel"
(d) The "work-a-day" in "work-a-day  commerce."

workaday (adj):
"1: of, relating to, or suited for working days <workaday clothes>
2: ORDINARY, PROSAIC <workaday activities> <a workaday life>"

(e) caravansary (n; Persian kārvānsarāī, from kārvān caravan + sarāī palace, inn):
"1: an inn surrounding a court in eastern countries where caravans rest at night

All definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(f) mordant (adj; Middle French, present participle of mordre to bite, from Latin mordēre):
"biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : INCISIVE <a mordant wit>"
(g) Tianxiu Building in Guangzhou 天秀大厦

(2) Ali Soufan, Fifth Degree, second Thoughts. Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2011
(book review on Glenn L Carle, The interrogator: An Education. Nation Books, 2011)

Quote: "In "The Interrogator: An Education," Glenn Carle, a 23-year CIA veteran who retired in 2007, confirms what I knew from my own experience as an FBI agent at the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba and at so-called black sites: It would be a struggle to find a CIA operative who endorses the use of enhanced-interrogation techniques. The agency's supporters of such measures were predominately political appointees and desk officials, not professional field operatives. Anyone with actual interrogation experience knows that rapport-building techniques, which use knowledge to outwit detainees and gain cooperation, produce better intelligence than enhanced interrogation.

※ 来源:.一路BBS http://yilubbs.com [FROM:]

※ 修改:.choi 于 Jul  3 10:17:55 修改本文.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 7-3-2011 06:17:33 | 只看该作者

Re: 重慶大厦 + CIA Interrogation


Re: Note:
(a) This is publisher's page for the book.
(b) Chungking Mansion 重慶大厦

I forgot to provide the URL for (1), which is

That web page is not informative. But you might wonder what was going on.

I also corrected the original posting by adding the URL there.

【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: (1) Paul Carl Lukacs, Commerce in the Rough; The 17-story Chungking Mansions in Hong Kong is a hive of small-bore arbitrage and 'Nokla' phone sales. Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2011
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703858404576214503815102440.html
: (book review on Gordon Mathews, Ghetto at the Cent
: (以下引言省略...)

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