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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

发表于 7-29-2011 11:42:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Saurave Jha, Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China. World Politics Review, July 29, 2011

(You will have to google the title to read the article, rather than click the link.)


"In a move that had been in the offing for some time, India appears to have finally greenlighted long-term basing for it ships at Na Thrang * * * The offer on Na Thrang was reiterated by the Vietnamese Chief of Naval Staff Vice Adm. Nguyen Van Hien on his recent visit to India.

"India will continue to train Vietnamese naval personnel and help maintain any equipment that Vietnam sources from Russia. New Delhi has also agreed in principle to sell Vietnam the Brahmos supersonic anti-ship missile and possibly Prithvi surface-to-surface missiles.

My comment:
(a) Rather than "Na Thrang," most reports on this news spell "Nha Trang."
(capital of Khánh Hòa province; section 4 Origin of the name)

(i) The modern Cai Riverflows through Nha Trang, which is 芽莊 in traditional Chinese.
(ii) Cam Ranh Bay
if of the same province, just south of Nha Trang.
(b) The article states, "Even in 1979, Chinese naval action against Vietnam was only checked by the presence of Soviet ships."

Please read from top of page 63 to bottom of page 67 (plus a footnote at page 41) in
Kenneth G Weiss, Power Grows Out of teh Barrel of a Gunboat: The US in Sin0-Soviet Crises. Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), December 1982 (Professional Paper 376)

(i) Center for Naval Analyses
(ii) Please recall that at the time, Soviet Union was Vietnam's protector and that China and Soviet Union were at odd, with Americans playing the China card against Soviets.

(1) Paul Mozur, Aries Poon and Almar Latour, Taiwan Says Arms Deals Will Get Harder. Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2011.

My comment: Pres Ma does not say anything new.

(2) Nicholas Casey, The New Learjet...Now Mexican Made; Low labor costs attract Bombardier, which employs 1,600; Fuselages where cacti once stood. Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2011.

My comment: There is no need to rea it. The lesson is building airplane is not a glamorous job any more, and has nothing to do with national prestige. Maybe people may call me sour grape, because Taiwan tried in 1990s but failed to develop the industry.

(3) Bob Davis and Aaron Back, China Slams U.S. Over Debt; With Beijing's choices limited, US sees little change in its Treasury purchases. Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2011.
("While Chinese officials talk about diversifying the country's foreign-exchange reserve holdings of $3.2 trillion, market analysts say China's options are limited because there are few markets in the world outside the U.S. that are deep or liquid enough to handle China's massive foreign-exchange purchases.")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.

(4) Liz Alderman, A Daunting Path to Prosperity; Italy faces a long list of barriers in overcoming huge debt load. New York Times, July 29, 2011.


"The German economy, Europe’s growth leader, grew 3.5 percent in 2010 and grew by 1.5 percent in the first quarter compared with the same period a year ago.

"Italy is also plagued by an incorrigible black market that is estimated to make up 20 percent of the economy and that exists partly because of the market’s dysfunctions. The related tax evasion deprives the Treasury of an estimated 100 billion euros in revenue each year. Few believe the government can easily eliminate some of its biggest problems, namely the Mafia and the black-market economy.

(a) Regarding quotation 1. The GDP growth rate for US: 2.9% in 2010; 0.4% in 1Q11 and 1.3% in 2Q11 (both annualized rates; Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), US Department of Commerce just releases the latter today).
(b) Please see the graphic only, which shows Germany's lackluster "labor productivity" (since 2000) and decreasing "GDP per person (PPP)" (since 1995). Germans are "not ten feet tall," either.

(5) Laurie Goodstein, A Young Tibetan Lama Prepares for a Greater Role; After a lifetime of training, mostly in exile, the burden of leadership awaits. New York Times, July 29, 2011
("many Tibetans are looking to the Karmapa to assume the mantle of the Dalai Lama when the elder lama dies, to take on the role as shepherd of the Tibetan people and lead them home from exile. * * * the Karmapa said that the Dalai Lama had made it clear that his hopes for the future of Tibet rested with its young leaders.")

(a) Karmapa 噶玛巴
(b) Karma Kagyu 噶瑪 迦珠

(6) 美专家称中国短期内不必担心美国国债危机. New York Times, July 29, 2011

(7) Bob Cox, Lockheed Should Get Decision on Selling F-16s to Taiwan. Star-Telegram, July 27, 2011

Note: Fort Worth Star-Telegram
(Founded 1906 (as Fort Worth Star); owned by The McClatchy Company)

(8) Chen Hung-chin and Sofia Wu, Taiwan issue not internal affair of mainland China: MAC. Central News Agency, July 28, 2011.

(9) 伊朗要中国用军品交换石油. VOA Chinese, July 25, 2011.

Note: The report is based on
Najmeh Bozorgmehr, Anna Fifield and Leslie Hook, China EyesBarter to Avoid Iran Sancions; Beijing in talks to 'offset' debt of $20bn; US rules bar cash payments to Tehran. Financial Times, July 25, 2011
(paragraph 2: "The Us sanctions against Iran, which make it extremely difficult to conduct dollar-denominated business, mean that China might own the oil-rich nation as much as $30bn, according to people familiar with the problem. They said the unpaid oil bills had built up over the past two years and the governments, which are in early-stage talks, were looking at how to 'offset' the debt.")

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