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发表于 8-13-2011 10:44:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Aug 13, 2011.

My comment:
(a) Chinese are dumb. Read this:
Ukrainian Experts Say Kyiv Correct In Selling Carrier To China. Radio Free Europe, Aug 11, 2011
("Another Ukrainian military expert, retired Navy captain Myroslav Mamchak, suggests Ukraine could have earned even more money with the ship if it had cooperated more closely with China. 'There was a chance to sell 'Varyah' not as [a shell] but as a [nearly finished] vessel,' he said.")
(b) On the other hand, likely Ukraine's military technology may be as good as, if not worse than (as Russia is), that before Soviet collapse. For instance, Russia and India have moved on to Mig-29 from Su-33, as carrier-borne fighters.

(1) 世界媒体看中国:里里外外看航母. VOA Chinese, Aug 12, 2011.

Note: The report cites
(a)  Craig Guthrie, Pride and prejudice over China's carrier. Asia Times Online, Aug 12, 2011
("The Ukrainian DN-80 gas turbine engines supplied to China")

, which in turn cites
David Axe, Relax: China’s First Aircraft Carrier Is a Piece of Junk. Wired, June 1, 2011
("For Shi Lang, China reportedly purchased turbines from Ukraine. Though surely superior to any ship engines China could have produced on its own, the Ukrainian models might still be unreliable by Western standards. Russia’s Kuznetsov, also fitted with Ukrainian turbines, has long suffered propulsion problems that have forced her to spend most of her 30-year career tied to a pier for maintenance. When she does sail, a large tugboat usually tags along, just in case the carrier breaks down")

I introduced this wired report at the time.
(b) Austin Ramzy, Troubled Waters: Why China's Navy Makes Asia Nervous. Time, Aug 10, 2011.

Except the quotations in VOA Chinese and above (by me), there is no need ot read the rest of either report--(a) or (b).

(2) 美助理国务卿:中美可和平共处. VOA Chinese, Aug 13, 2011
(Kurt Campbell)

(3) 壳牌石油设法阻止北海漏油恶化. BBC Chinese, Aug 13, 2011

(4) Lo Tien-pin, Air Show Keeps PRC Tourists Out; NO CHINESE ALLOWED:The rule to enforce ID checks on visitors to an air base came after Chinese tourists entered another air base and snapped photos of military hardware. Taipei Times, Aug 14, 2011 (available now)

Note: Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team  雷虎--besides 神龍--特技小組

(5) Military Dismisses Allegations of Faulty Armor. China Post, Aug 13, 2011

Note: CM21A1 armoured infantry fighting vehicle (AIFV) 裝甲步兵戰鬪車 is designed by and produced in Taiwan.
Jason LAI, 國造CM21A1裝甲步兵戰鬪車  AFVDC AIFV of ROC CM21A1. Mar 2, 2011 (photos).

(6) U.S. Seeking to Deprive Syria of Russian Weapons. RIA Novosti, Aug 13, 2011

(7) 余雪蘭, 許世賢中國人? 碑文遭口香糖遮住. Liberty Timies, Aug 13, 2011.

Note: 許世賢
(1899-1983; 無黨籍 [so is her daughter 張博雅])

(8) 赫尔曼, 日本海”名称起争议 韩国欲称“朝鲜海." VOA Chinese, Aug 12, 2011.

, which is translated from  

Steve Herman, Waterway Stirs Passion in S. Korea. VOA, Aug 12, 2011.

(a) For Seodo, see Liancourt Rocks
(The Liancourt Rocks consist of two main islets and numerous surrounding rocks. The two main islets, called Seodo 西島 and Dongdo 東島 in Korean, and Otokojima 男島 [and] Onnajima in Japanese, are 151 metres apart)
(b) United States Board on Geographic Names
(BGN; a United States federal body whose purpose is to establish and maintain uniform usage of geographic names throughout the US government)

Take notice of "US government." BGN's jurisdiction does not extend to states or the public.

(9) Trefor Moss, Decoding China’s Aircraft Carrier. The Diplomat, Aug 13, 2011.


"In truth, the PLA’s most successful modernisation programmes haven’t been conventional platforms like warships so much as asymmetric weapons – systems that aim to subvert the enemy’s strengths rather than counter them with like-for-like solutions.

"The first major milestone, after confirming that the ship itself functions, will be equipping the carrier with its air arm of naval J-15 fighters, which are themselves unproven and still in development. Dean Cheng, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, estimates that the PLAN could achieve this objective within a six to 18-month timeframe. But training pilots to fly off carriers will be a long and costly exercise, he says.

"Yet this [Taiwan's display of a model of the HF-3 missile] was only a PR exercise – Taipei knows that the PLA’s missiles, not its new ship, are the real threat. It’s ironic that while the original Shi Lang was a Qing commander who captured Taiwan, this Shi Lang [carrier] has little prospect of following meaningfully in his footsteps

"The possession of aircraft carriers undermines China’s argument that its defence strategy is purely defensive in nature. As a power-projection asset, an aircraft carrier has no defensive application

My comment:
(a) Web page 2 states, "They [China's aircraft carriers] could also be deployed to bolster China’s presence in the disputed territories of the South China Sea, especially as long as the PLA Air Force’s range is limited by its lack of air-to-air refuelling capability."  This is surprising to me, as I read People's Daily years ago (about five) that PLA developed the capability of air refueling.
(b) For Bastion missile, see Vietnam People's Navy
(Missiles: Coastal Defence: "Russia P-800 Oniks/SS-N-26 Yakhont (Bastion ground system) supersonic anti-ship cruise missile")

(10) Last by not least:

Stephen Glain, The Pentagon's New China War Plan; Despite budget woes, the military is preparing for a conflict with our biggest rival -- and we should be worried. Salon, Aug 13, 2011 (half an hour ago)


"According to the defense trade press, Pentagon officials are seeking ways to adapt a concept known as AirSea Battle specifically for China, debunking rote claims from Washington that it has no plans to thwart its emerging Asian rival. A recent article in Inside the Pentagon reported that a small group of U.S. Navy officers known as the China Integration Team 'is hard at work applying the lessons of [AirSea Battle] to a potential conflict with China.'

"It complements the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance, a government white paper that precluded the rise of any 'peer competitor' that might challenge U.S. dominance worldwide.

"In fact, the clash followed a dramatic rise in the frequency of U.S. overflights in the area during the twilight of the Clinton years, which triggered a demarche from Beijing that slipped through the cracks of the transition to the Bush administration. The Hainan incident, as affair is known, was the inevitable outcome of a highly intrusive American surveillance regime.

(a) faith (n): "fidelity to one's promises"

Thus, the "faith" in the sentence (" U.S. mobilization in Asia is well underway, in faith with a spring 2001 Pentagon study called 'Asia 2025,' which identified China as a 'persistent competitor of the United States,' bent on 'foreign military adventurism') probably means "fidelity."
(b) demarche (n): "a petition or protest presented through diplomatic channels"
(c) I did not know, because Western media did nto report, that three warships' port call to Vietnam "prompt[ed] a formal protest from the Chinese."
(d) mendicant (n; from Latin mendicant-, mendicans, present participle of mendicare to beg, from mendicus beggar): "BEGGAR"

All definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(e) Inside the Pentagon magazine is "an exclusive weekly report on Defense Department
programs, procurement and policymaking."  Its link can be found at the left column of
, which needs subscription to access.
(f) Yesterday there was this commentary:
James Taranto, The Left's Summer of Discontent. Wall Street Journal, Aug 12, 2011.

There is no need to read it. The left (the base of Democratic Party) is unhappy with President Obama, convinced that he is "conflict averse"--unwilling to do battles with Republicans. (But Democrats have to swallow hard, because if they abandon the president, they would hand White House over to Republilcans.) To hear this analysis, the Obama administration is almost bellowing war cry in the direction of China.


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