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发表于 10-3-2011 11:53:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BBC Chinese, Oct 3, 2011
("温州危机的背景是民企长期过度借贷及热衷炒卖。许多老板大肆举债并非投资实业,而是将资金调往外地参与投机炒卖 * * * 香港温州中小企业协会会长周德文认为,危机的直接成因并非银行抽资,而是当地民企长期依赖的民间融资出现资金断裂,民企老板往日以新债盖旧债的惯伎无法施展")

My comment: The report says, "温州政府对此极为关注,已于上周末将一份民企老板名单发至温州各机场、港口、车站和关卡,限制这些人离开温州." I wonder how this can work. Assuming Wenzhou or China checks identification cards of all drivers and passengers of cars, buses and ferries, does PRC law forbid its citizens to travel domestically?

(1) 英媒:中国飞速成为“城市国家.” BBC Chinese, Oct 3, 2011.

Note: The report is a summary of
Tania Branigan, China Becomes an Urban Nation at Breakneck Speed. Guardian, Oct 2, 2011


"Tao [Ran, Renmin University professor] says that there is already overcapacity in manufacturing, yet around 50% of new urban areas become industrial parks, while only 20% or 30% are residential, compared with 50% to 70% residential in other countries. * * * 'You will see this model continue until it collapses … there is no real reform to make these grand objectives happen.'

"Last Tuesday * * * Chinese media reported that a 8bn yuan (£800m) highway in Gansu had closed for repairs less than 80 days after opening.

Edward Leman, whose Chreod consultancy has advised numerous Chinese cities on development, says, "It's the nature of urban management in China that you go into a city and there are eight-lane roads that end in a field."

(a) Tangbaguan 贵阳 汤巴关 (公交线,公交站点)
(b) carriageway
(north American English: roadway)
(c) Xinzaipo

(2) The same reporter today publishes another report.

Tania Branigan, China's Rural Poor Left Stranded as Urbanites Race Ahead.
Guardian, Oct 3, 2011
("Last year, Shanghai took the top spot in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s international rankings for reading, maths and science in state schools. Meanwhile, at Zhao's primary [in rural Guizhou], the big educational challenge is 'no food', says headteacher Xu Zuhua. Malnutrition stunts her pupils' growth and hampers their concentration.")

Note: The female given name Tania is a variant of Tanya.


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