(1) Jom Wolf, US Says Mulling Further Taiwan Arms Sales. Reuters, Oct 4, 2011 (1 hour ago).
Note: Gerald Connolly (D-Virginia)
(2) Kurt Campbell, Why Taiwan Matters, Part II. US Department of State, Oct 4, 2011
(Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee)
My comment:
(a) I google for Part I and the only item returned is:
"Why Taiwan Matters, Part I: (transcript, video)
http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/ hearing_notice.asp?id=1310"
, which is not working.
(b) Most likely, the previous hearing on "Why Taiwan Matters" on June 16, 2011
is now renamed "Why Taiwan Matters, Part I),
(1) Paul Mozur, Reporter’s Notebook: Talking with Taiwanese Soldiers. China Real Time, Oct 4, 2011 (blog)
(a) chug is abbreviated from
chugalug (vt, vi; imitative): "to drink a container of (as beer) without pause; also : GUZZLE"
(b) whinge (vi): "British: to complain fretfully : WHINE"
Both definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(2) 美议员:中国网络间谍活动已“难以忍受.” BBC Chinese, Oct 4, 2011.
(3) China Slips Away From Failure. Strategy Page, Oct 4, 2011
(Without any publicity at all, China is beginning to retire its J-8 jet fighters)
(4) 图图:南非不给达赖喇嘛签证比种族隔离时期更糟. VOA Chinese, Oct 4, 2011.
(5) Peter Finn, A future for drones: Automated killing. Washington Post, Sept 19, 2011.
My comment:
(a) Please read only the first three paragraphs.
(b) So far, prior approval from an American lawyer (stationed somewhere in the world) is imperative before each killing by a drone,
(6) Taiwan Presidential Candidate Vows to Handle Senkaku Dispute Peacefully. Kyodo News, Oct 3, 2011
(DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen "said Ma's approach is aligned with China's, but hers is based on three principles. One is that the Senkaku Islands belong to Taiwan.")
My comment: I remain convinced Senkakus are not Taiwan's.
(5) Richard Goldstein, Lee Davenport, 95, Developed Battlefront Radar. New York Times, Oct 1, 2011
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/science/01davenport.html?_r=1&sq=radar davenport&st=cse&adxnnl=1&scp=1&adxnnlx=1317758004-nD22+euDMQ8+6uE7Gl7EuQ
(SCR-584 (for Signal Corps Radio))
(a) Anzio
(section 1.3 World War II)
(b) V-1 flying bomb
(V-1 (German: Vergeltungswaffe 1, "retaliation weapon 1"); also known as Buzz Bomb; In service 1944–1945); section 6 Countermeasures, 6.1 Anti-aircraft guns (last 2 paragraphs))