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普京北京阐述内政 但对华外交日显力不从心

发表于 10-12-2011 11:56:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

VOA Chinese, Oct 12, 2011

(1) 中国网民热议马英九双十节讲话. VOA Chinese, Oct 12, 2011.

(2) 台湾:两岸正进行互换被俘军情人员事宜. VOA Chinese, Oct 12, 2011
(国民党籍立委丁守中说,"目前大陆关押了20多名被控间谍罪的台湾人 * * * 另一方面,丁守中说,台湾也关押了两到三名因剌探台湾情报而被捕的香港人")

(3) 詹宁斯, 台湾很少人对大陆怀有中共期待的认知. VOA Chinese, Oct 11, 2011

, which is translated from
Ralph Jennings, As Taiwan’s Chinese Political Party Turns 100, Few Still Identify with China. VOA, Oct 11, 2011.


"Although many Taiwanese still follow traditional Chinese values dating back hundreds of years, many more are turning away from China. Taiwanese say they are embracing a unique local identity shaped in part by a blending of Taiwan’s generations and ethnic groups.

"Those who followed Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan from China are aging, while their juniors eagerly absorb the languages and cultural quirks of longstanding local populations including Taiwanese aborigine tribes.

Note: Mr Jennings is a reporter with Reuters. Somehow, he occasionally free-lances.

(5) 马英九再吁美出售F-16 C/D型战机. VOA Chinese, Oct 11, 2011
(会见美国前国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)时)

(5) 卢沛宁:排华法案道歉案更正历史不公, VOA Chinese, Oct 11, 2011.

(6) 美众院议长批评参院人民币法案. BBC Chinese, Oct 12, 2011
(敦促奥巴马总统对法案作出表态; 博纳面临不断增加的政治压力,即要求就此法案进行投票)

Note: The speaker of the House would not put the bill to a House vote.

(7) “台湾积极应对欧韩自贸协定冲击.” BBC Chinese, Oct 12, 2011

Note: The free trade agreement between European Union and S Koreawent into effect July 1, 2011. In the following three months, compared with the same quarter a year ago:
South Korea's Automobile Imports From EU surge 27 Per Cent. AFP, Oct 9, 2011.

(8) 台湾政府宣布在海外成立台湾书院. BBC Chinese, Oct 12, 2011.

(9) 台湾国防部称越南军力已威胁太平岛. BBC Chinese, Oct 12, 2011

(10) 萧霭君, 特写:中华民国留下了什么样的历史遗产? BBC Chinese, Oct 10, 2011

, which is translated from
Cindy Sui, Legacy Debate as Republic of China Marks 100 Years. BBC, Oct 10, 2011


"'The ROC is a Chinese government exiled in Taipei. It should be out of Taiwan,' said Tsay Ting-kuei, who is one of a group of people who believe that when Japan lost WWII, Taiwan technically should not have been handed over to the ROC because that was not specified in the treaties signed between Japan and the Western victors in the war.

"Yeh Tsai-chu, a business woman, said she and her family will not be celebrating the anniversary - also known as Double Ten National Day. 'The ROC's 100th anniversary has nothing to do with Taiwan. Besides, what is there to celebrate? The ROC is not even recognised as a country by the rest of the world,' Ms Yeh said. She is referring to the fact that the ROC lost its seat in the United Nations in 1971 to the People's Republic of China.

(11) 香港观察:双十百年的政热民冷. BBC Chinese, Oct 11, 2011

(12) 罗兰·伯克, 记者来鸿:东京人不爱住高楼了. BBC Chinese, Oct 12, 2011
(三月份关东发生强烈地震; "说起来也许很滑稽,其实,在关东大地震中,日本没有任何一座高楼倒塌,就连离震中最近的仙台都不例外。一些大楼的墙壁确实裂缝了,外面的人行道也坍了,大楼本身却仍然在耸立着。但是,即使在地震停止以后,高楼仍然在晃动")

, whcih is translated from
Roland Buerk, Japan Earthquake: Tokyo Loses Skyscraper Passion. BBC, Sept 24, 2011.

My comment:
(a) Emiko YAMAMOTO  山本 笑子
(b) The Chinese translation keeps mentioning the March 2011 earthquake as 关东地震. The words "关东" does not appear in the English-language original, because that was the name of a previous major  earthquake.
1923 Great Kantō earthquake
(Because the earthquake struck at lunchtime when many people were using fire to cook food, the damage and the number of fatalities were augmented due to fires which broke out in numerous locations. The fires spread rapidly due to high winds from a nearby typhoon)

(13) 林美芬, 遠見民調總監預測:明年大選 蔡贏馬4~6%. Liberty Times, Oct 13, 2011 (available now).

My comment: I do not take the prediction seriously.

(14) The High Road to China. Strategy Page, Oct 12, 2011.


"NATO has shifted its Afghanistan supply lines to the north, bringing freight in via rail, from Baltic Sea ports, through Russia and Central Asia, rather than through an increasing unstable Pakistan.

"The Chinese Wakhan Corridor border has been closed to traffic for over a century.

Note: Wakhjir Pass 瓦罕吉尔岭
(a mountain pass; at the eastern end of the Wakhan Corridor 瓦罕走廊, the only pass between Afghanistan and China; There is no road across the pass)


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