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发表于 10-26-2011 08:20:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 10-26-2011 08:40 编辑

VOA Chinese, Oct 26, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... eaty-132607653.html

(1) 与时俱进 俄共支持率上升.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ists-132610618.html


"俄国共产党人士表示,俄共 [尊重私有产权] 主张宗教信仰和新闻媒体自由,并赞同政治竞争。全俄罗斯民意调查中心最近发表的报告说,在12月4日俄罗斯议会大选前夕,有将近30%的民众对俄罗斯共产党拥有好感。



(2) 布洛德海德, 中国可能不久将失去稀土垄断地位. VOA Chinese, Oct 26, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... rths-132609653.html



英国地质调查局的布拉德沃斯 [Andrew Bloodworth] 说,“跟工业用金属相比,稀土的用量绝对是微乎其微的。去年世界上仅铜矿的开采量是一千七百多万吨,而稀土矿的开采量仅十三、四万吨。只要新开发两个新的稀土矿,整个局面就会完全两样。”

, which is translated from
Ivan Broadband, China's Rare Earth Minerals Supply Manipulation Could Backfire. VOA Chinese. Oct 26, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/english/n ... fire-132605798.html

(3) 中国称日本高频率侦查损害中国安全利益. VOA Chinese, Oct 26, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ance-132607378.html
("日本防卫省的统计报道说,今年4月到9月间日本航空自卫队共紧急出动飞机83次,这是为了应对可能侵犯日本领空的中国军机,同比增加了2.5倍。[中国国防部发言人] 杨宇军对此予以否认。他表示,中国军机的活动完全符合有关国际法规。日方也承认,中国军机从未进入到日本领空")

(4) 格林纳达:台湾逼债威胁国家经济. BBC Chinese, Oct 26, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... renada_taiwan.shtml



格拉纳达财政部长伯克 [Nazim Burke] 说 "[为台湾作代理的美国] 律师行已经通知了全球所有和格林纳达旅游业相关的航空与邮轮公司,他们支付给格林纳达的资金将被拿走还债。

(5) Argentina Plays The China Card. Strategy Page, Oct 26, 2011

Note: Changhe Z-11 is made by 昌河飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司 Changhe Aircraft Industries Group Co., Ltd
("Despite a Western arms embargo, China is able to buy Honeywell LTS101-700D-2 engines for its Z-11 light helicopter. Normally, American military grade equipment cannot be sold to China, but the Z-11 is considered a civilian helicopter. This despite the fact that there is a military version, which is armed with four anti-tank missiles, two 12.7mm machine-guns or four rocket launchers.")
, whose tag 产品信息 in the top horizontal bar includes 直11型直升机.

(6) Chico Harlan, South Korea’s Young People Are Wary of Unification. Washington Post, Oct
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... QA3ujmqL_story.html
("Younger South Koreans are increasingly second-guessing a national goal. They don’t think an eventual unification with North Korea will restore order and salve old wounds; they think it will turn a prosperous country into a chaotic one. More than half of those in their teens and 20s don’t even think unification is necessary — though they’re taught to believe as much starting in fifth grade.")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.

(7) Peter Finn, US Modules Used to Trigger IEDs in Iraq, Officials Say. Washington Post, Oct 25, 2011
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... QAiBJXGM_story.html
(US Department of Justice indicted four Singaporeans, now detained in Singapore, for falsely imported RF modules from US, then sold then  to Iran)

Note: Many firms make radio frequency modules. E.g.
RF Modules. Panasonic, undated.
http://www.panasonic.com/industr ... -modules/index.aspx

(8) Ben Blanchard, Looming China Fosters Taiwan Identity in Independence Heartland. Reuters, Oct 25, 2011
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE79O0QO20111025
("Even among Nationalist Party supporters, there is little willingness to accept that they are Chinese, apart from culturally or historically. The Nationalists, who once tried suppressing Taiwan's own cultural identity, are also now trying to portray themselves as Taiwanese, hoping to win the voters' hearts.")

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