Laura Meckler, Obama Seeks New Pacific Influence: President says, ' We are here to stay' at Start of East Asia trip, but Beijing challenges US role as dominant power. Wall Street Journal, Nov 14, 2011. ... 36423985081272.html
Excerpt in window of print:
(2) 奥巴马说美国的经济未来维系于亚洲. VOA Chinese, Nov 14, 2011.
(3) APEC峰会结束,台湾与中国各有立场. VOA Chinese, Nov 14, 2011 ... hina-133794163.html
("此前中国与会官员曾表示,并没有受邀参加TPP成员国的谈判。对此,迈克·佛洛曼 [美国主管国际经济事务的总统国家安全事务副助理 Mike Froman] 表示,'TPP不是受邀才能加入,而是你自己要有意愿加入。对于中国或其他国家,必须由他们自己决定'”)
My comment: Regarding photo caption: "连战的夫人连方瑀和美国第一夫人米歇尔."
Ms Michelle Obama is very tall, even by American standard. See
Stephen M Silverman, Michelle Obama in a Tie for Tallest First Lady. People magazine, Apr 8, 2010,,20359218,00.html
("She towers over all of them, except one – Eleanor Roosevelt, who, just like Mrs. O, stood a fairly remarkable 5' 11".")
I can not find teh height of Ms 连方瑀 but assume she stood on a platform in this photo op.
(4) 中国说将认真研究跨太平洋伙伴关系. VOA Chinese, Nov 14, 2011 ... RADE-133795443.html
(中国外交部官员庞森星期日在檀香山举行的新闻发布会上说; “认真研究”; 庞森说,如果中国对制订规则有发言权,北京方面就会遵守。但是如果规则由一国或甚至只有几个国家决定,中国就没有遵守规则的义务)
(5) 日本首相野田佳彦“空手而归.” BBC Chinese, Nov 14, 2011. ... 4_japan_china.shtml
(6) Jackie Calmes, Costume Not Necessary, Obama Says. New York Times, Nov 14, 2011 ... is-unnecessary.html
("President Obama, as the host this year, packed away for good the two-decade tradition of having the group pose for a 'family photo' in some garb representative of the host country")
My comment: Hmm, I do not know. Maybe China may perceive slights in NY Times' cropping off its leader. Truth be told, the print edition does not have the photo.