VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... TIES-134171413.html
My comment:
(a) The report states, "彭博新闻社说,这次美中高层会晤是应温家宝总理的请求举行的。* * * 彭博新闻社说,奥巴马对付中国的方法已经走上了'新的道路,' 策略之一就是联合中国周边邻国,共同向中国施压,要求中国'遵守贸易规则。' 报道援引ING集团亚洲研究中心负责人康顿的话说,美国对中国的施压'正在加剧,' '中国不能忽视美国的态度。'"
The pertinent portion in
Margaret Talev, Obama’s Asia Pivot Puts U.S. Approach to China on New Path. Bloomberg News, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.businessweek.com/news ... na-on-new-path.html
is as follows:
"President Barack Obama’s pivot toward Asia is shifting the U.S. approach to China by teaming up with its neighbors to press the world’s second-largest economy to 'play by the rules.'
“'U.S. pressure on China has intensified,' said Tim Condon, Singapore-based head of Asian research at ING Groep NV, saying the shift has 'startled' the Chinese. 'China can’t ignore the U.S. stance. The only question is how they interpret it.'
"Today’s meeting between Obama and Wen came at Wen’s request and they spoke about currency and business practices, White House National Security Adviser Tom Donilon told reporters in Bali. Donilon said the discussions 'briefly' touched on the South China Sea
(2) 温家宝东盟峰会短暂会晤奥巴马. BBC Chinese, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... eet_wenjiabao.shtml
(白宫表示,美国国务卿希拉里及国家安全顾问唐尼伦也在场。* * * 白宫发言人表示,双方会面后不会发表声明")
My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report.
(3) 温家宝在东亚峰会重申南海立场. BBC Chinese, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... bao_east_asia.shtml
(4) 达赖喇嘛对藏族僧尼自焚深表担忧. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... f-immolations.shtml
, which is translated from
Dalai Lama questions wisdom of self-immolations. BBC, Nov 18, 2011.
(BBC reporter Andrew North)
My comment: In the translation, this is said, "他 [达赖喇嘛] 说,'确实有很多人受苦。可自焚有什么用呢?汉人只会以更严厉的方式回应。' The corresponding quotation in the English-language original is: "'But a lot of people suffer. But how much effect? The Chinese respond harder.' Foreigners have no idea what 汉人 is, and it is extremely that foreigners will say or write "Han Chinese."
(5) 中国为浙江坠机海军飞行员举行葬礼
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... lane_accident.shtml
(明健; 中国大陆此前报道一架飞机在11月7日6时坠毁,地点位于浙江丽水市缙云县的独山农场,两名飞行员罹难; 另一位殉职的飞行员是解放军“海航六师"师长叶斌; 这次发生事故的战机型号与10月28日在陕西航空展失事的“飞豹战机”属于同一类型)
(a) 山东省滨州市邹平县
(b) 浙江省丽水市
(c) 飞豹 Flying Leopard is 歼轰-7 (Xian JH-7; NATO reporting name Flounder; Introduction 1992; Status Operational) Wikipedia
(6) 罗宾逊, 奥巴马宣布扩大与缅甸接触的新政策. VOA Chinese, Nov 18, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... mmit-134140948.html
, which is translated from
Dan Robinson, Obama Announces Major New Diplomatic Initiative on Burma. VOA, Nov 18, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/english/n ... urma-134100878.html
(7) 世界媒体看中国:东亚峰会与威胁. VOA Chinese, Nov 19, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... hina-134146138.html
My comment: there is no need to read this report.
(8) John T Bennett, US to Deliver Two Dozen F-16s to Indonesia. The Hill, Nov 18, 2011 (blog)
http://thehill.com/blogs/defcon- ... -f-16s-to-indonesia
(24 used F-16C/D; plus Brunei to buy 12 Blackhawk S-70i helicopters)