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发表于 11-22-2011 09:10:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese. Nov 21, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... licy-134270828.html
("防务新闻周刊发自台北的报导,援引前民进党政府国家安全官员的话说,如果蔡英文当选,她可能会考虑在国防政策上作出一些调整,包括同意台湾自行生产射程超过1000公里的雄风3型(Hsiung Feng 2E Block 3)地对地导弹。报导说,台湾自2010年开始生产射程600公里的雄风2E Block 2导弹,但是雄3导弹的生产计划,在2008年时即在美国的压力下而推迟")

My comment;
(a) I can not find the Defense News report, which sometimes blocks non-subscribers from searching for it in its web site--not just from reading it.
(b) 华盛顿智库2049计划研究所资深研究员 萧良其  LC Russell Hsiao, Project 2049 Institute

(2) 普京被喝倒彩 一个时代的终结? VOA Chinese. Nov 22, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ered-134312698.html

(3) China Reinvents The P-3C. Strategy Page, Nov 22, 2011
("China recently revealed the Y-8GX6, its answer to the American P-3C maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. * * * Until the Y-8GX6 can be seen in action, it's difficult to say how close the two aircraft are in capability")

My comment:
(a) Wikipedia does not talk about Y-8GX6 but does a page for Shaanxi Y-8 运-8, which cited Chinese media (Beijing was silent) as source of the June 3, 2006 crash of a Chinese KJ-2000 in Anhui, killing all 40 persons onboard, whose platform was Y-8.
(b) I can not find a Chinese-language news report, but do know of photos of Y-8GX6 appearing in Chinese web sites this month.

(4) 欧盟禁猎鲨取翅 半岛酒店将禁鱼翅. BBC Chinese. Nov 21, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... /111121_shark.shtml

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