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Sense of Powerlessness in China

发表于 11-22-2011 12:27:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Michael Wines and Ian Johnson, After a Horrific Crash, a Stark Depiction of Injustice in China; With regular reminders, the anguish of the powerless never heals. New York Times, Nov 19, 2011
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/1 ... %20china&st=cse


(a) "But some things are not easily reduced to statistics. There is an argument, buttressed by the Gansu tragedy, that what truly eats at people here is not so much the rich-poor gap as the canyon that separates the powerful from the powerless.

“'Most Chinese aren’t angry about rising inequality,' said Martin K. Whyte, a Harvard sociologist who specializes in research on Chinese social trends. 'It’s not rich versus poor. It’s the system of power and procedural injustices that they’re upset about.'

(b) "For years, China’s roads have been among the world’s most dangerous. Statistics for 2009, the most recent available, show that 67,759 people died on the road in China, a 7.8 percent decline over the previous year. That capped a decade of steadily declining road fatalities.

"But another study, by the World Health Organization, cast serious doubt on the official Chinese figures. Comparing policy data with hospital records, the study concluded that the real death rate from traffic accidents was roughly twice the official figure. That would make China’s roads the most dangerous among middle-income countries.

(a) The report was translated into Chinese:
Kevin·Ren, 甘肃校车事故引发舆论风暴. 东西, Nov 21, 2011.
(b) 21st Century Business Herald  广东二十一世纪环球经济报
(c) Qian'an  河北省唐山市 迁安市
(d) YU Jianrong  于 建嵘 (1962- )
(e) Qingyang  甘肃省 庆阳 市
(f) hoot (vi, vt):
"1: to shout or laugh usually derisively
2: to make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry"
(g) microvan
(A microvan is a van that fits into Japanese kei car [short for keijidosha 軽自動車; in Japanese] classification or similar)
(h) Kuaile de Jingling Laodie  快乐的精灵老爹

(2) 武汉800名军转干部上访要求提高待遇. VOA Chinese, Nov 22, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... iers-134329318.html

(3) 《环球时报》 一日发三箭连批艾未未. VOA Chinese, Nov 22, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... imes-134320583.html


称他们是“五毛领军人物,” "艾未未11月20日在推特上公布了《环球时报》总编胡锡进、报纸主笔王文、作家司马南和中国政法大学副教授吴法天的手机号码。几天来,这四人的手机几乎被艾未未的支持者打爆。

"这四人的手机号码被公布两天后,《环球时报》连发三篇针对艾未未的文章。其中一篇题为《莫让粗暴对立主导中国互联网》的文章 * * * 《环球时报》22日发表的另一篇署名'旅居德国的艺术评论人朱苓 '的评论文章

(4) 国际关注中国异议人士是帮倒忙? VOA Chinese, Nov 22, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... news-134314803.html
("中国知名'公共知识分子'笑蜀 * * * 11月15日以其本名陈敏在纽约时报言论版发表文章,题目是《为何中国不肯倾听(Why China Won't Listen)》,引起了一些关注中国人权状况的人士的批评")

(5) 中国微博逾三亿的喜与忧. VOA Chinese, Nov 22, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... hina-134311403.html

(6) 韩旭, 专家谈动车事故调查结果引发猜测. BBC Chinese, Nov 22, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... 2_china_train.shtml

Mote: The report cites
温州动车事故排除故障论调  组织管理不善系主因. 京华时报, Nov 21, 2011.

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