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发表于 11-28-2011 12:36:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Nov 28, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... -man-134584393.html

(2) Shih Hsiu-chuan, Taiwan to welcome high-ranking Obama official on Thursday. Taipei Times, Nov 29, 2011 (available now).
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/ ... 11/11/29/2003519495
("US Agency for International Development (USAID) administrator Rajiv Shah will visit Taipei on Thursday and Friday, the highest---ranking US government official from US President Barack Obama’s administration to visit Taiwan, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) said yesterday. Shah is visiting Taiwan at the AIT’s invitation as part of his trip through Asia")

(3)  Hao Hsueh-chin and Kendra Lin, Leading Japanese glass maker to build new factory in Taiwan. CNA, Nov 28, 2011
http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/W ... amp;ID=201111280021
(Ohara Optical Co., a major optical glass maker in Japan, to invest $13.2 million for a new factory in central Taiwan "since 40 percent of the world's digital cameras are made by Taiwan-based manufacturers")

Note: Ohara Optical Co  株式会社オハラ

Founded in 1935 by 小原 甚八 Jimpachi OHARA and headquartered in City of Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture 神奈川県 相模原市.

Sagami Province 相模 国 was where the prefecture is: 7世紀に成立; 国名の語源は不明. Japanese Wiki

(4) Lee Hsin-Yin, Missing Taiwanese Student Found in Custody in China. CNA, Nov 27, 2011
http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/W ... amp;ID=201111270023

My comment:
(a) the syudent/son: CHEN Shih-huai 陳 仕懷
his father: CHEN Chien-shun 陳 建順
(b) His family had not received any information from or about him since the Nov 13 phone call from him. They were anxious and contected Taiwan to locate him.
(c) China is a signatory to (United Nations) Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 and by this treaty must notify Taiwan consulate in China and provides consular access to the detainee.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vie ... _Consular_Relations   

(5) 李文 and 威克, 马英九:北京没支持我参加总统大选. BBC Chinese, Nov 25, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... iew_mayingjiu.shtml

Two consecutive paragraphs:

"对于ECFA取得的成果,马英九则说,ECFA 为台湾的石化、成衣等传统产业带来了利益。马 英九还列举了台湾的石斑鱼、秋刀鱼以及火龙果等农渔产品销往中国大陆的数量增加。

"但他也指出,虽然两岸经贸的数量增加,但是台湾对中国大陆的出口占整体比例仍然维持在40%左右,原因是 台湾对欧洲和美国的贸易数量也有所增加,因此并不是如有人批评的是国民党把台湾对外贸易完全放在中国大陆一个篮子里。

My comment: Pres Ma's comment is reflected in the new ad offensives.
(a) Taiwan’s Grouper Exports to Mainland China Up 192 Percent. Taiwan Today, Nov 28, 2011.
(b) Yang Su-min and Deborah Kuo, Taiwan agricultural exports to China up: COA. CNA, Nov 27, 2011.
http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/W ... 70011&Type=aECO


"The overall value of Taiwan's agricultural exports to China in the first 10 months of the year totaled US$536 million, up 26 percent year-on-year, thanks to" ECFA.

"These programs helped Taiwan reduce its agricultural trade deficit with China from $280 million in 2007 to $130 in 2010

(6) 李文 and 林楠森, 宋楚瑜:再次参选的确违背原有承诺. BBC Chinese, Nov 25, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ong_interview.shtml


"宋楚瑜还明确表示,他支持两岸最终实现统一。他说,这是因为他遵守'中华民国宪法,' 而统一是宪法明文定立的原则。他还批评马英九 '不统、不独、不武' 或蔡英文走向分裂都是违宪的行为。

"相对于定义美国为朋友关系,宋楚瑜则称大陆为'一家亲,' 他说两岸已经超越了朋友的关系,而是一家人。

(7) 蔡英文两岸政策令台湾工商团体忧心. VOA Chinese, Nov 24, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... TIES-134449783.html

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