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女权无疆界组织总裁瑞洁谈 陈光诚

发表于 12-7-2011 13:14:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) 时事大家谈:盲人律师陈光诚的近况与中国人权. VOA Chinese, Dec 7, 2011 (video)
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... heng-135165178.html
("在今天节目里,我们请到'女权无疆界'组织总裁瑞洁(Reggie Littlejohn),和我们共同关注陈光诚的现况,以及围绕陈光诚案的中国人权问题")
(b) 美国会听证会:传陈光诚软禁境况略有改善. VOA Chinese, Dec 6, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... heng-135111458.html

(2) 国际人权日前夕看中国人权现状. VOA Chinese, Dec 7, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... uman-135174248.html

(3) 陈光诚支持者再被旅游 网友被拘临沂仍无消息. VOA Chinese, Dec 7, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... VIST-135172353.html

(4) 国际特赦抗议中国即将举行的死刑. VOA Chinese, Dec 6, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... tion-135125858.html

(a) 澳籍华人吴植辉广州判囚13年. BBC Chinese, Dec 6, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... a_businessman.shtml
("吴植辉的其中一名辩护律师陈勇 [说],法院传召辩护律师星期二到庭,原本只是要对检察院呈交的新笔录进行质证,但是法院结果突然作出宣判。陈勇对BBC中文网说:'开完质证程序之后,法院突然出来说今天要宣判。我们几个律师都比较惊讶,出乎我们的意料'”)
(b) John Garnaut, Shock Verdict: China jails Aussie for 13 years. The Age (Melbourne), Dec 6, 2011
http://www.theage.com.au/nationa ... 20111206-1ogiv.html


"The chairman of Mr [吴 植辉 Matthew] Ng’s company et-China, Zheng Hong, was sentenced to 16 years jail and chief financial officer Kitty Yang was given 3.5 years, all on related embezzlement and corporate charges")

"Speaking from Guangzhou yesterday Mr Ng’s wife, Ms [Niki] Chow, said she had been shocked when the judge started reading an hour-long verdict without warning, moments after calling for a recess in proceedings. * * * The verdict was handed down without notice in the absence of Mr Ng’s star lead lawyer Chen Youxi.  The Australian Consul General and Australian journalists were also absent, as [Chinese] authorities had told lawyers and the Australian Government that yesterday’s hearing were merely procedural.

My comment: The report states, "Ms Zheng's wife said her husband may have well as been sentenced to death."

Of course, there are typos here. The sentence should be "MR [Hong] Zheng's wife said her husband may AS WELL have been sentenced to death."

"May as well"--because Mr Zheng is old and may die in prison, or something like that.


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