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发表于 12-8-2011 11:22:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Dec 8, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... a_karmapalama.shtml

(2) 日本热议偷袭珍珠港七十年历史
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... harbour_70yrs.shtml

My comment:
(a) US aid in the earthquake/tsunami helps.
(b) The last two paragraphs of the report state:


"书法是狱中的14名甲级战犯送给负责他们饮食的高桥父亲的。研究二战史的半藤一利对共同社展示的前外相重光葵写的'仁者爱山、' 前陆军大臣畑俊六写的山本五十六的座右铭'百战百胜不如一忍 万言万当不如一默'等分析说,14名战犯一起送给个人的书法非常罕见,笔迹也可看出战犯面对死刑的安宁心境。

I am speechless. Neither was executed.

(i) 重光 葵 Mamoru SHIGEMITSU
(1887-1957; signed the instrument of surrender on Sept 2, 1945 onboard USS Missouri; Despite Shigemitsu’s well-known opposition to the war, at the insistence of the Soviet Union, he was taken into custody for war crime; convicted and incarcerated for 7 years)
(ii) 畑 俊六  Shunroku HATA
(1879-1962; convicted for war crime, sentenced to life imprisonment, paroled in 1955)

(iii) The BBC report is correct to the extent that fourteen (14) detainees gave calligraphy to the father (named 猛男) of 高橋 昭男. However, the report is mistaken inasfar as calligraphy written shortly before execution ("执行死刑前的书法"), 14 executed, and 重光葵 and 畑俊六 executed.

(A) A級戦犯
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/A%E ... B.E5.88.91.EF.BC.89
(section 6.1 絞首刑(死刑): 板垣 征四郎, 木村 兵太郎, 土肥原 賢二, 東條 英機; 武藤 章, 松井 石根, 広田 弘毅)

The seven were hanged on Dec 23, 1948.

(B) Indeed, the above seven were NOT those who wrote the calligraphy.
* The calligraphy was written in the summer of 1950 (昭和25年). All together fourteen detainees gave calligraphy to Takahashi's father, including, besides 重光葵 and 畑俊六, 平沼 騏一郎, 小磯 国昭, 木戸 幸一, 荒木 貞夫 and 島田 繁太郎 (all class A war criminals).
* These 14 were incarcerated in Sugamo Prison 巣鴨 拘置所 (at Tokyo), where the seven condemned had been hanged also.

(3) Latest first.
(a) 美重申其亚太政策并非针对中国
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... a_us_military.shtml
(b) 何宗安, 美对台军售后美中防务磋商如期举行
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... ense-135159528.html


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