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台大選決戰, 或成國民黨滑鐵盧

发表于 12-13-2011 14:06:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Latest first.
(a) 民进党指责官员文件造假影响选情. BBC Chinese, Dec 13, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... dpp_criticize.shtml


"经建会主委刘忆如会同国民党立委在周一 [Dec 12] 召开的记者会上 * * * 说法呼应了国民党近期在选举中对蔡英文发动的攻势,其一系列指控包括称宇昌公司'疑点重重,' 并指控蔡英文以权谋私。

"民进党在周一的记者会后即表示刘忆如以变造文件配合国民党抹黑,若不道歉将控告其触法,意图用不法方式使蔡英文不当选。刘忆如周二 [Dec 13] 在民进党要求道歉的期限前承认说法错误

(b) 李欣芳、曾韋禎、陳永吉, TaiMed募資說明書 劉憶如拿2007年8月的充當3月的// 綠批文件造假 要揪藏鏡人. Liberty Times, Dec 14, 2011 (available now).

(c) 台经建会解密蔡英文任职公司机密文件
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... iotec_byjames.shtml

The report said "台湾经建会公布了一份政府投资的宇昌生技公司机密文件" on Monday, Dec 12, whose date is now said to be added on to make DPP's Tsai look bad.

My comment: I am totally at loss about the import of this thing, which however seems extremely critical as both KMT and DPP places all bets on the outcome of the KMT attacks along this line. Even in Taiwan--more so in US--bureaucracy is supposed to be neutral in any political fights. So it is puzzling why the head of the cabinet-level agency will hold a press conference with a KMT legislator. I have no idea why DPP or Tsai kept a copy of the document original. In any event, KMT/Ma appear waylaid. Worse, they came out looking like Richard Nixon (nicknamed "Dirty Dick" in 1950 and notorious for dirty tricks).

(2) Jonathan Standing and James Pomfret, Taiwan president's economic boasts come back to haunt. Reuters, Dec 13, 2011.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE7BC0DS20111213

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